Present: D. Arden, E. Petti, C. Bowmar-Perry, E. Larkin, R. Halpern, R. Maney, J. Blumengarten, and J. Bacigalupi.
Absent: C. Gasior.
Speaker: Robert Whritenour, Town Administrator, Falmouth.
Audience: Bea Perkins, League of Women Voters; Ed Baker.
Dr. Petti, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Public Comment… None.
Approval of Minutes
Cathy Bowmar motioned to accept the minutes of June 5 as amended; this was seconded by Juan Bacigalupi; and unanimously carried.
Juan Bacigalupi motioned to accept the minutes of June 12 as presented; this was seconded by Ruth Maney; and unanimously carried.
Juan Bacigalupi motioned to approve the minutes of June 19; this was seconded by Ruth Maney; and unanimously carried.
Bob Whritenour Presentation
Bob began his presentation by giving a brief rundown of his background, which included 17 years of experience in municipal management. He stated that in going to Falmouth it was a situation of going to a town with a strong Home Rule Charter and coming from a town with no Charter. Two of the things he learned in this transition:
Elizabeth Petti asked does every department operate by State law? Bob responded that not every department, but many do.
Some of the highlights of Bob’s thorough presentation are:
Open Town Meeting…
Representative Town Meeting…
Bob emphasized that the Commission should strive to create a system that is less likely to be manipulated. Decisions should be made that are best for town overall.
Dean Arden … Could we recruit enough from each precinct? Also, he commented that Janice Walford mentioned that for Mashpee they very seldom get letter to Editor re town government; but for Falmouth they get more than they can print.
Ed Larkin … Not a perfect system either way, but his feeling right now is the town is a little small to go to RTM.
Ruth Maney … What can we do to get town to accept representative government?
Bob responded if you show and explain both types of government and hold a nonbinding ballot question, that may tell how people feel. As an example, he said that Falmouth held a nonbinding ballot recently and the vote was in favor of moving a football field. According to Bob, the Board of Selectmen select what questions go on ballot; you can do this at election time.
J uan Bacigalupi … In your previous position here, you objected vehemently to Selectmen representing precinct. Bob responded that he objected to the hastily thrown-together proposed changes, so he didn’t support.
Juan then asked if there is any specific legislation that outlines strong vs. weak Administrator. Bob said no statute that specifies all the duties. Bob suggested contacting International City Management Association, which is a strong resource.
Juan then asked when writing job description for Town Administrator, what things would be important to include? Bob said most charters say it has to be person qualified by education and experience. So you should probably address the current position issue.
Next Juan asked what other powers should Town Administrator have? Bob replied most importantly define individual roles and responsibilities of Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator. Bob said he feels it is absolutely critical the Town Administrator be identified as Chief Administrative Officer of the town to handle day-to-day supervision of the town affairs. Thus, Board of Selectmen set policies; Town Administrator runs day-to-day supervision of town affairs.
Cathy Bowmar … How would that impact Mashpee now? Bob answered that the town By-Laws prescribe that exact relationship right now. However, State laws do not. Bob stated Mashpee By-Laws are quite strong. He said without a Charter you risk it not being dependable system year-to-year; whereas spelling it out tells how it should work.
Richard Halpern … How does strong Administrator deal with unionized situations? Bob said sometimes people misunderstand collective bargaining. Bob said he is Chief Negotiator and Labor Relations is one of his specialties. He noted that in Massachusetts the union environment is extremely strong and that’s one of the reasons you need a strong professional administrator. He said in Anytown-USA, any department that wants to be on its own hides behind legislature; union; or policy maker.
Departments getting into run-away situations…Bob commented that departments tend to be strong and the Administrator should get them to work as one organization. He noted that even with a strong Charter, Town Administrator has to make sure administration supports the Town’s business.
Cathy asked how much autonomy do Chief of Police/Fire have? What possible changes could there be if we have a strong Town Administrator? Bob said Mashpee is very fortunate in that both Police/Fire Chiefs are best in the business. So, shouldn’t change. Cathy then asked would this take any authority away? Bob said no, it would not take any authority away. They’d still have the authority but Town Administrator would have to follow budget constraints.
Jerry Blumengarten liked delineating role of Town Administrator. Is Town Administrator still accountable to Board of Selectmen? Bob said absolutely. In addition he stated that Board of Selectmen should establish goals with administrator and do appraisals. Board of Selectmen establishes policy; they select administrator; and administrator runs day-to-day operation.
Elizabeth Petty noted that in reading various charters it appears Town Manager /Town Administrator are synonymous. Bob said yes…it’s the job description that dictates authority, not title.
Dean Arden … brought up topic of consolidation of departments. Bob said Town Administrator given authority to coordinate all departments. As an example he said in Falmouth he just created DPW to include Highway Division, Forest & Parks Division, and Utilities (Water, Sewer, Engineering). Direct report to him is Public Works Director.
Elected vs. Appointed
Bob noted this is one of the most critical decisions the Commission makes. Bob feels strongly and would avoid at all costs having full-time elected department-head positions. According to his feeling, administrators should be appointed.
Bob does not feel Moderator should do appointments.
Finance Committee…is an independent board; therefore they would qualify as a board that could be elected. Falmouth FinCom is elected.
Juan … What recommendation would you make so that no one can “stack” against the Charter for self-interest regarding elected vs. appointed position? Bob’s suggestion: communicate and make people feel they’re part of the process. Get information to the public.
Bob’s presentation concluded at 8:45 p.m. Everyone on the Commission thanked him for his most informative presentation. The Commission then returned to their agenda.
Subcommittee will contact Board of Selectmen to schedule date for week of July 23.
Juan motioned to accept the schedule as printed; Dean seconded the motion.
Discussion: Can we get some Thursday’s on the schedule?
Ed Larkin motioned that an amendment to the motion be made to add that if possible to change any of the Wednesdays to Thursday that this be done. Jerry seconded this motion. Juan accepted the amendment; and Dean accepted the amendment.
Vote: Unanimously carried as amended.
Publicity Subcommittee
New Business
Juan motioned that $250 be allocated to be paid to our excellent secretary. Ruth seconded the motion; and it was unanimously carried.
It was the consensus of the Commission that the Clerk, Chuck Gasior, is to keep track of all expenses. Dr. Petti will inform Chuck.
Public Comment
Ed Baker addressed the group as follows:
(1) Sooner or later sewers will be coming to Mashpee. Currently we have a Sewer Commission. Right now we're off on an expenditure of one-half million dollars. He suggests they combine Sewer Commission with Water District since Water District already has administration in place. If under this Commission’s purview, Ed Baker suggests they look at this.
(2) Spread out power structure more. Ed agrees with having Town Manager, but has a problem going back to group of 5 people. Ed Baker suggests to have one person having the authority to run the show, but report back to wide enough cross-section of town so that no one vested interest can control.
(3) Regarding appointed committees, Ed Baker mentioned that some are just a smoke screen; others have same group of people wielding power that goes on forever. He asked the Commission to think about (1) limiting number of committees allowed; and (2) have people serving on committees be elected for a term rather than appointed.
Wednesday, July 10, 2002, 7 p.m.-Town Hall.
Juan Bacigalupi motioned the meeting be adjourned; Ruth Maney seconded the motion; and it was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Giliberti
Recording Secretary