Present: E. Larkin, D. Arden, J. Bacigalupi, J. Blumengarten, R. Halpern, C. Gasior, and W. Freeman.
Absent: R. Maney, and C. Bowmar-Perry.
Invited participant: Attorney Mike Curran, Consultant.
Audience: Bea Perkins-League of Women Voters; Bill Martiros; Jeff Arnold; Jim Morgan.
A quorum being present, Ed Larkin, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Public Comments
Bill Martiros…Voiced concern about practice of loading up committees with town employees. He feels committees can ask employees to attend meetings if their expertise needed, but having employees on committee there is tendency to bias the thought process. Response: This is a delicate topic and where committees are appointed the appointing authority should take this into consideration. Where committee is elected, however, that is up to the voters.
Mr. Maritiros then raised question about individuals serving on boards where there is conflict of interest…asking if this can be stopped.
Response: It was reiterated that you cannot stop anyone running for elected office, but if conflict of interest issue arises then the board member steps aside on that issue and the alternate takes over.
Jeff Arnold…Thanked the Charter Commission for the work they’re doing. He commented on the following:
Public Comments closed at 8:10 p.m.
Chuck read letter received from Mashpee Women’s Club, which is attached to printed set of these minutes. Ed added that there were 120 people in attendance at the September meeting, and it was a wonderful experience.
Ed informed the Commission that the Planning Board will come to the October 16 meeting of the Charter Commission.
Catherine Laurent’s September 19 memo submitting Department of Public Works comments on the Preliminary Draft Charter was discussed. A copy of the memo is attached to printed set of these minutes.
Consensus was reached that Town Manager can delegate authority to Director of DPW. Police/Fire under State Statutes.
Memo from Sewer Commission was reviewed. Consensus was appoint until it comes under the Water District. In the transitional provision it should be suggested that Sewer Commission should be incorporated into the Water District. A response to the memo to be sent that MGL law cited is superseded by the Charter.
Action Items Mike Curran to look into whole issue of municipal employees serving on appointed committees. Mike recommended taking out Article 2-7a.
Approval of Minutes
Juan Bacigalupi motioned to accept the minutes of September 18, 2003 as presented; this motion was seconded by Dean Arden and was unanimously approved, except Jerry Blumengarten abstained.
Next Meeting
Thursday, October 16, 2003, 7 p.m. at Town Hall.
Juan motioned to adjourn the meeting; Chuck seconded the motion; and it was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Giliberti, Recording Secretary