Present: E. Petti, R. Halpern, R. Maney, J. Blumengarten, E. Larkin, C. Bowmar-Perry, D. Arden, and J. Bacigalupi (arrived 7:25 p.m.).
Absent: C. Gasior.
Invited Participant: Attorney Michael P. Curran.
Dr. Petti, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Ruth Maney motioned to accept the minutes of September 25, 2002 as corrected; this was seconded by Ed Larkin; and all Commission Members present approved, except Dean Arden, who abstained.
Dr. Petti mentioned she would like to send a letter to Ed Baker for his support at Town Meeting.
Michael Curran
• Passed out copies of letter he wrote with proposed schedule to work with as a tool. • Discussed expanded level of service at $21,000. • Expenditures: Now to June 30 = $12,500. • Mr. Curran went through overview in detail stating what would be done at each meeting. He reiterated that now Commission deal in consensus, rather than locking into vote. April start to draft Charter. Get Public Hearing after Labor Day. Get into it and see what changes you need in current charter. Dr. Petti asked how long would his sessions be at each meeting. Mr. Curran responded that there is no limit on time per meeting.
Dr. Petti noted that she’s concerned about cost. Mr. Curran said you can reduce number of meetings to lower cost, but you’ll have to be pretty far along in May because summer months people don’t have interest to come out. He said it is important to spend time building background and issues before you begin to draft Charter.
Detailed, in-depth discussions regarding costs were had. Some of the comments made were:
Ed…Feels Mr. Curran’s presence at all meetings not necessary. He’d take report from us and then go from there.
Juan…At Spring Town Meeting feels there will probably be increase in school budget; taxes will be raised; so it may be difficult to get funds. Will this cost include review of Special Acts? Mr. Curran responded that’s what he’d do at expanded level. That’s built into $21,000 cost.
Jerry…Could we do overview and then get consensus?
Mr. Curran …Don’t lock yourself in until after you’ve gone through everything. Deal with the issues.
Dr. Petti…Hopes we can have mini-Town Meetings to keep everyone informed.
Dr. Petti asked if we could go faster than outlined. Cathy added she feels we can’t afford to go slower; she feels this is as slow as we can get.
Motion: Ed Larkin motioned that Mr. Curran should draft an initial contract for $12,500 and provide copy of that contract before next meeting. Dean seconded this motion and it passed unanimously.
Mr. Curran noted that this contract will contain cancellation clause to state if funding not approved, then contract terminated.
Dr. Petti gave Mr. Curran a sheet with some questions she’d like him to consider.
Mr. Curran exited the meeting at 8:25 p.m. The Commission members continued with their regular meeting.
Dr. Petti informed the group that she received a letter from Malcolm Clifton dated October 7. Copy of the letter was distributed to each Commission member. An acknowledgment letter to Mr. Clifton was read to the group and they approved sending the acknowledgment letter to Mr. Clifton.
Future Meetings
Cathy mentioned that the schedule we came out with before is now out the window now that Mr. Curran is in the picture.
The group decided to present to the Selectmen 2 dates—namely October 24 and November 7—for them to choose one date to meet with the Charter Commission at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall. Once the Selectmen choose a date, then the other date will be offered to the School Committee to meet with the Charter Commission at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.
Dr. Petti reminded everyone that Oktoberfest is this coming weekend.
New Business
Dean mentioned that he got a copy of Bourne’s Finance Committee Report. If anyone wants a copy he’ll provide one.
Ruth Maney motioned the meeting be adjourned; Cathy Bowmar seconded the motion; and it was unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Giliberti
Recording Secretary