July To December 1980
M 65 0704 27348 2 3825 10 21:14 0000 Reservation Rd,Single Span Wd Deck Railroad Bridge 113 21 25,000 Roache Finn
M 66 0705 27487 2 188 07 03:56 61 Hancock St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 11 10,000 Bolger Finn
W 60 27490 W 337 07 05:05 105-109 Harvard St 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores/Storage 110 00 40,000 Bolger Finn
W 61 0707 27811 W 211 05 12:38 1855 Washington St 8 Sty Brk Apt Dwl 110 21 10,000 Donovan Hamilton
W 62 27891 W 3338 07 22:40 24 Washington St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 11 5,000 Bolger Finn
M 67 0711 28286 2 2296 09 06:54 24-24a Westminster Av Lg 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 60,000 McElaney Harrison
W 63 0712 28437 W 3638 08 04:51 1228-1230 Blue Hill Av-7 Woolson St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 10,000 White Hamilton
M 68 0714 28714 2 1731 07 01:43 539-547 Dudley St 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores 110 21 100,000 Linso D13 Harrison
W 64 0715 28877 W 7161 06 07:42 400 E St 1 Sty Wd/Tin Clad Vac Warehse Quinn Freight 110 21 5,000 Christian Hq Stapleton
M 69 0718 29314 2 2231 05 06:02 2077-2087 Washington St 4 Sty Brk Part Vac Store/Dwl Over 110 21 6,000 Gazo Hq A/Hobin D7
M 70 0719 29440 2 1572 04 01:44 663-665 Boylston St 4/3 Sty Concrete Gallery/Apt Dwl 110 31 40,000 A/Mulrey E22 O'Mara
W 65 0720 29604 W 1862 07 01:32 1047-1051 Dorchester Av 1 Brk/Wd Vac Block of Stores 110 21 10,000 Lovett A/Sikora D10
M 71 0721 29863 5 1531 04 21:37 54 Park Sq-214 Boylston St 6 Sty Brk Vac Old Playboy Club 110 21 100,000 Doherty A/White D6
W 66 0724 30168 W 3639 08 04:36 1228-1230 Blue Hill Av-7 Woolson St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 00 15,000 Vahey A/Laing Hq
M 72 0727 30608 2 1877 07 05:14 57-59 Sumner St 3 Sty Wd Rooming House F110 21 50,000 Lang Harrison
M 73 0728 30868 6 4192 02 22:53 100 Terminal St Wood Pier Schiavone Scrap Metal Co 110 00 100,000 Ryan Hart
M 74 0729 30886 3 2122 05 02:39 2145-2147 Washington St 3 Sty Brk Vac Bldg 110 00 40,000 Davidson A/Laing Hq
M 75 30895 2 3153 07 04:27 442 Geneva Av 1 Sty Brk/Wd Bldg Geneva Cafe 110 11 35,000 Bolger A/Laing Hq
M 76 30896 2 2115 05 04:51 895 Albany St 2½/2 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 00 10,000 Kane D9 A/Laing Hq
W 67 0801 31260 W 1862 07 05:34 35-39 Savin Hill Av 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores 110 21 30,000 Bolger A/Laing Hq
W 68 0802 31437 W 1232 03 22:00 5 North Hudson St 4 Sty Brk Dwl 110 31 30,000 MacInnes Clougherty
M 77 0803 31470 3 2123 05 03:02 2133-2137 Washington St 4 Sty Brk Vac, Stores/Dwl Over 110 00 50,000 Gazo Hq A/White D6
M 78 0805 31733 2 6155 01 03:42 60 Gove St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 30,500 Lane Stapleton
62 Gove St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 93
W 69 0807 32008 W 3651 12 00:28 31 Almont St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 30,000 Kiley Harrison
W 70 0808 32171 W 1584 04 00:13 362-364 Commonwealth Av 6 Sty Brk Apt Dwl 110 21 75,000 Eastman Clougherty
M 79 32233 2 6165 01 12:20 140 Chelsea St 3 Sty Brk Dwl 110 21 30,000 Lane Stapleton
M 80 0813 32885 3 7312 06 00:45 485-487 East Third St 3 Sty Wd Vac Duplex Dwl 110 21 15,000 Christian Hq Stapleton
M 81 0817 33479 2 1787 07 13:58 86-88 Lawrence Av 3 Sty Brk Vac Duplex Dwl 110 11 5,000 A/Glover E21 A/Hobin D7
M 82 33530 2 1577 04 21:17 270 Commonwealth Av 6 Sty Brk Vac Bldg Former Dorm 110 21 2,000 Shaughnessy A/Lane D1
M 83 0818 33571 2 3127 07 03:22 39 Richfield St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 23 20,000 A/Kelley E17 A/Bohan D10
41 Richfield St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 84 0819 33794 2 3253 08 22:23 17 Port Norfolk St 2½ Sty Wd 1 Fam Dwl 110 11 35,000 Saniuk Hq A/Sikora D10
W 71 0824 34472 W 3343 07 22:12 52 Erie St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 11 10,250 Bolger Finn
54 Erie St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 93
W 72 0825 34520 W 13- 7335 06 09:19 900 East First St Oil Betwn Tanks 13 & 14 Texaco Oil Term 122 35 20,000 Donovan Hq Clougherty
M 85 0826 34646 2 1865 07 01:24 1174-1176 Dorchester Av 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 54 15,000 Lovett A/Sikora D10
M 86 0827 34800 3 2545 09 01:46 53 Robeson St Lg 2½ Sty Wd Rooming House 110 00 60,000 Rorke Hq A/Sikora D10
W 73 0829 35221 W 5313 11 21:39 1677 Commonwealth Av 4 Sty Brk Apt Dwl F110 00 20,000 Thompson Hart
W 74 0831 35532 W 514 11 19:05 1219 Commonwealth Av-196 Harvard Av 2 Sty Brk Rest/Office 110 21 35,000 Walton Clougherty
M 87 35552 2 2421 09 22:08 226-228 Chestnut Av 2½ Sty Wd Duplex Dwl 110 00 20,000 Rorke Hq Kilroy
W 75 0901 35736 W 3152 07 23:19 2-4 Draper St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 12,000 Bolger Finn
M 88 0902 35861 5 1451 03 21:19 164 Tremont St 5 Sty Brk Bldg Restaurant/Offices Over 110 00 380,000 Haynes Stapleton
M 88 165-166 Tremont St 2 Sty Brk, Theatre/Office Over 110 93
W 76 0904 36065 W 3253 08 01:40 180 Walnut St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 15,000 Haines Kilroy
W 77 36092 W 3784 12 10:19 56-58 Washington St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 5,000 Keeley A/Sikora D10
M 89 0908 36787 5 4147 02 18:16 0000 4th Av & 16th St 3 Sty Brk Vac Bldg #114 BNHP 110 21 100,000 Noonan Clougherty
W 78 0911 37194 W 1571 04 10:59 114 Newbury St 4 Sty Brk Bldg Stores/Offices Over 110 00 40,000 Doherty O'Mara
M 90 37308 6 2412 09 22:04 121 Lamartine St 3 Sty Wd Vac Former Roxbury Matress Co 110 00 75,000 Rorke Hq Kilroy
M 91 37314 3 7122 06 22:33 151 Northern Av 3 Sty Brk Vac Warehouse 110 00 100,000 Donovan Hq Clougherty
M 92 0912 37337 3 1472 04 03:27 6-7 Oxford Pl 4 Sty Brk Attch Apt Dwl 110 21 80,500 Eastman Clougherty
W 79 0913 37504 W 2995 10 00:20 295 Grove St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 25,000 Saniuk Hq Harrison
M 93 0918 38400 2 1372 03 23:37 63-65 Hancock St 5 Sty Stucco Rooming House 110 00 45,000 Haynes Stapleton
W 80 0919 38505 W 1375 03 21:28 48 Beacon St 12 Sty Brk Apt/Condo Dwl 110 31 8,000 MacInnes Clougherty
W 81 0920 38586 W 2821 10 12:54 9 Graham Ter 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 55 10,000 Bohan A/White D6
M 94 38644 2 175 07 20:21 100 Blue Hill Av 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 11 35,000 Lang Harrison
M 95 38665 4 1884 07 21:36 51 Clarkson St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 11 55,000 Lang Harrison
55 Clarkson St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 93
M 96 0923 39041 2 1713 05 02:44 208-210 Hampden St 3 Sty Brk Bldg Vac Store/Dwl Over 110 21 12,500 Mochen D13 Finn
M 97 0924 39190 8 1841 07 02:53 1046 Dorchester Av 2 Sty Stucco Bldg St Williams Church 110 11 600,000 Lang Kilroy
M 98 0927 39621 3 3421 08 04:13 7-9 Hopestill St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 40,000 A/Campbell AT2 Hamilton
11 Hopestill St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
W 82 0928 39792 W 2457 09 00:25 482-484 Centre St 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores 110 00 7,500 Rorke Hq Kilroy
M 99 39847 2 1597 05 11:49 28 Symphony Rd 3 Sty Brk Vac Apt Dwl 110 00 7,500 Donovan Hamilton
M 100 0929 39988 2 7423 06 11:52 63-65 G St 2½ Sty Wd Duplex Dwl 110 21 30,000 Morse A/Sikora D10
M 101 40006 2 3133 07 14:12 101 Homes Av 3 Sty Brk Vac Apt Dwl 110 11 17,300 Mochen D13 Finn
103 Homes Av 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
W 83 1009 41367 W 3425 08 11:30 47 Norfolk St 2/1 Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 5,000 Haines Kilroy
M 102 1010 41474 2 3541 08 02:38 26 Nelson St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 36,000 Saniuk Hq A/Laing Hq
30-32 Nelson St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 103 1013 42013 6 1364 03 17:01 19 Myrtle St 8 Sty Brk Hotel Beacon Chambers 110 21 75,000 MacInnes Clougherty
W 84 1014 42126 W 3377 08 12:51 22 School St 2 Sty Brk Vac Bldg Champlain School 110 21 25,000 Murphy D13 Hamilton
M 104 42214 2 6177 01 23:46 427 Meridian St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 35,000 Rull O'Mara
M 105 1015 42378 6 6173 01 22:35 63 Lexington St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 165,000 A/Calello E9 Stapleton
65 Lexington St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
67 Lexington St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 93
69 Lexington St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
110 Marion St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 106 1016 42398 2 2541 09 01:30 181-187 Green St-1-7 Union Av 4 Sty Brk Vac Bldg 110 21 20,000 A/Kelley E17 Hamilton
M 107 1017 42554 2 319 07 02:12 22 Freeman St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 11 20,000 Bolger Finn
W 85 42630 W 7417 06 16:48 330 East Eighth St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 25,000 Duffy O'Mara
M 108 1020 43033 2 3533 08 11:43 341 Norfolk St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 8,000 Haines A/Hobin D7
343 Norfolk St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 109 1021 43194 2 2139 05 17:41 27-29 Alaska St 3 Sty Wd Duplex Dwl 110 00 30,000 Daniels D13 A/Laing Hq
W 86 1024 43582 W 1741 07 11:31 42 Humphreys St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 35,000 Linso D13 Harrison
W 87 1025 43759 W 1895 07 12:03 64-66 Adams St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Duplex Dwl 110 11 12,000 Hobin Kilroy
W 88 1026 43888 W 6242 01 01:58 67 Ashley St 2 Sty Brk Bldg St Lazarus School 110 21 30,000 Rull O'Mara
W 89 1028 44259 W 1661 04 23:27 1701 Washington St 8 Sty Brk Apt Complex Dwl 110 31 5,000 Houghton D2 A/Sikora D10
M 110 1029 44354 3 3365 07 21:28 758 Blue Hill Av 3½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 00 21,300 Hobin Kilroy
5 Esmond St 4 Sty Brk Apt Dwl 110 93
W 90 1031 44664 W 3834 10 22:33 1645 Hyde Park Av(r) 2 Sty Wd Vac Bldg Old Amtrak Tower 110 21 30,000 Bohan Hamilton
W 91 1101 44886 W 3435 08 22:41 84 Milton Av 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 11 12,000 Vahey Finn
W 92 1104 45275 W 3421 08 05:46 49 Aspinwall Rd 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 13,000 Haines Kilroy
51 Aspinwall Rd 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
W 93 1105 45392 W 2457 09 01:43 482-488 Centre St 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores 110 21 32,000 Kane Finn
W 94 45414 W 3151 07 11:32 68 Ridgewood St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 8,000 Hobin Kilroy
M 111 1107 45636 2 714 06 07:49 95 Fargo St 1 Sty Brk Vac Bldg Former BPD MOP Hqtrs 110 00 25,000 White Stapleton
M 112 1109 45943 2 177 07 03:26 478 Columbia Rd Lg 2½ Sty Stucco Rooming House 110 31 20,000 Lovett Hamilton
W 95 1112 46391 W 2151 05 03:18 310 Warren St 3 Sty Brk Vac Dwl 110 21 2,000 Daniels D13 Kilroy
M 113 1113 46571 2 2584 12 03:24 417-419 Hyde Park Av 2 Sty Brk/Wd Lamp Lighter Cafe 110 21 75,000 Freeman Hq Finn
W 96 1114 46879 W 1713 05 21:00 188-192 Hampden St 3 Sty Brk Vac Stores/Dwl Over 110 00 5,000 Daniels D13 Kilroy
W 97 1115 46937 W 1865 07 02:22 1200 Dorchester Av 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 00 5,000 Hobin Kilroy
M 114 46940 5 3151 07 02:34 214 Westville St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 00 40,000 Daniels D13 Clougherty C6
216 Westville St 3 Sty Wd Part Vac Dwl 110 93
218 Westville St 3 Sty Wd Part Vac Dwl 110 93
W 98 1115 47024 W 2266 09 15:49 184 Thornton St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 20,000 Sangas Hamilton
M 115 1115 47122 2 6177 01 21:52 421 Border St 2½ Sty Wd Bldg 110 21 25,000 Rull O'Mara
425 Border St 2 Sty Wd Bldg Store/Dwl Over 110 93
W 99 1116 47312 W 1713 05 19:19 366 Dudley St 2½ Sty Brk/Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 20,000 A/Pecoraro E30 Hamilton
M 116 1117 47357 3 1731 07 02:54 554-570 Dudley St(a) 1 Sty Wd Block of Stores 110 00 55,000 A/Pecoraro E30 Hamilton
M 117 47358 2 3131 07 04:05 82-94 Bowdoin St 1 Sty Wd Market & Restaurant 110 00 35,000 Keeley D12 Stapleton C6
W 100 47434 W 1742 07 16:36 680 Columbia Rd 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 48 2,500 Lang Finn
M 118 1118 47553 2 4162 02 07:49 120-122 Old Ironsides Way 2 Sty Brk Project Dwl F110 00 60,000 Noonan Clougherty
W 101 1122 48084 W 1367 03 23:52 39 Bowdoin St 5 Sty Brk Apt Dwl 110 00 50,000 MacInnes Clougherty
W 102 1123 48098 W 1573 04 01:25 245 Newbury St 4 Sty Brk Bldg Office/Apt Dwl Over F110 00 75,000 Eastman Clougherty
W 103 48160 W 1677 04 14:39 61 Worcester St 4 Sty Brk/Wd Dwl 110 36 25,000 Shaughnessy Stapleton
M 119 1124 48248 2 1744 07 00:49 760-762 Dudley St 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores 110 21 100,000 Lang Harrison
M 120 1125 48348 2 3115 07 01:47 5 Richfield St Lg 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 23 20,000 Lovett A/Laing Hq
W 104 1126 48444 W 221 04 00:48 25 Wellington St 4 Sty Brk Vac Dwl 110 21 20,000 Dunbar Hart
M 121 1127 48627 7 1385 04 07:59 8-11 Arlington St 5 Sty Brownstone Harbridge House 110 00 250,000 Dunbar Hart
W 105 1128 48822 W 3155 07 20:31 481-485 Geneva Av 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores 110 21 17,000 A/Force E24 Finn
M 122 1129 48977 3 5171 11 22:03 4 Commonwealth Ct 4 Sty Brk Apt Complex 110 00 40,000 Thompson Stapleton
M 123 1130 49096 2 1865 07 19:56 1208-1210 Dorchester Av Lg 2 Sty Brk Vac Bldg 110 11 10,000 Hobin Kilroy
W 106 1202 49326 W 2211 04 06:36 472 Massachusetts Av 4 Sty Brk/Wd Dwl 110 21 40,000 Doherty Clougherty
474 Massachusetts Av 4 Sty Brk/Wd Vac Dwl 110 93
W 107 1203 49473 W 2263 09 12:08 36-40 Cedar St 3½ Sty Brk/Wd Attch Dwls #36 Vac 110 39 20,000 McElaney Harrison
M 124 49507 3 613 01 17:49 15-17 Murray Ct 3 Sty Wd Part Vac Duplex Dwl 110 00 80,000 Nogueira Hart
W 108 1205 49834 W 1792 09 23:52 463-467 Blue Hill Av 1 Sty Brk Vac Block of Stores 110 00 5,000 Rorke Hq Kilroy
M 125 1206 49967 2 1766 07 19:32 15 Hartford St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 22,000 Mochen D13 Finn
M 126 1207 50095 3 6116 01 11:11 141-143 Webster St 3 Sty Wd Duplex Dwl 110 00 95,000 Russell Clougherty
147-149 Webster St 3 Sty Wd Duplex Dwl 110 93
W 109 1211 50654 W 3432 08 19:53 10 Wentworth Ter 3 Sty Wd Part Vac Dwl 110 00 30,000 Vahey Finn
W 110 1213 50851 W 5346 11 02:57 2436 Beacon St 2½ Sty Brk (4½ High) MDC Pumping Sta 110 59 7,000 A/Cassidy L22 O'Mara
W 111 50902 W 715 06 16:10 220 West Second St 1 Sty(2½ High) Tin Clad Freight Bldg 110 00 15,000 A/Wallace E2 A/Laing Hq
M 127 1214 50995 2 332 08 00:44 481-487 Washington St 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores 110 00 50,000 Haines A/Hobin D7
M 128 51024 3 7222 06 07:08 266-268 West Broadway 4 Sty Brk/Wd Part Vac Cafe/Dwl Over 110 00 30,000 A/Foley L18 A/Laing Hq
M 129 51095 3 6175 01 18:00 26 White St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 62 65,000 Nogueira Clougherty
W 112 51100 W 3823 10 18:23 25 Mt Ash Rd 1 Sty Wd Ranch Type Dwl 110 00 60,000 Roache Finn
W 113 51102 W 2616 12 18:29 25 Lanesville Ter Pile of Tires Extended to Shredder 146 21 60,000 Mochen D13 Finn
M 130 1215 51146 2 189 07 03:52 35 Cameron St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 35,000 Bolger Finn
M 131 1216 51323 2 158 04 11:21 416 Marlborough St 8 Sty Brwnstne Apt Dwl 110 31 55,000 Doherty O'Mara
M 132 1217 51401 3 6223 01 02:36 59 Wordsworth St 2 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 81,000 A/Quinlan E40 Clougherty
61 Wordsworth St 2 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
63 Wordsworth St 2 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 133 1220 51772 2 743 06 17:46 33 Marine Rd Lg 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 75,000 Duffy O'Mara
M 134 51786 3 3364 07 18:57 62 Glenway St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 58 45,000 Lang A/Sikora D10
M 135 1222 51961 2 1771 07 05:15 2 Glen St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 35,000 A/Glover E21 Kilroy
M 136 1223 52084 2 2385 09 02:40 83 Minden St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 10,000 Kane A/Vahey D8
M 137 1225 52434 3 2586 12 14:40 183 Bourne St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 42,000 A/McCarthy L16 A/Donovan D5
M 138 1226 52712 3 3383 08 15:08 547 Park St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 50,000 A/Ahern E12/D13 A/Vahey D8
549 Park St 2½ Sty Wd Rooming House 110 93
551 Park St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 139 1231 53608 3 3332 07 03:40 23-25 Bowdoin St 3 Sty Brk Part Vac Duplex Dwl 110 11 35,000 Bolger A/Haynes D3
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