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July To December 1982
T # DATE INC AL BOX DI TIME LOCATION TYP IG LOSS DIST CH DEP CH M 92 0701 21853 3 1741 07 15:18 94 East Cottage St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 75,000 A/Doyle E53 A/Vahey D8 96 East Cottage St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93 341 Norfolk Av 2½ Sty Wd Bldg, Store/Dwl Over 110 93 M 93 21914 2 7163 06 22:05 289-291 West Third St 3 Sty Brk Duplex Dwl 110 00 25,000 White Stapleton M 94 21921 3 7252 07 22:50 795-797 Columbia Rd 3 Sty Wd Duplex Dwl 110 00 75,000 White Hamilton M 95 0702 21952 2 3536 08 02:02 23 Dumas St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 8,000 A/Gravallese E32 Hamilton M 96 21956 3 3336 07 02:41 4 Bowdoin Av Lg 2½ Sty Wd Vac 1 Fam Dwl 110 21 2,000 Hurley Stapleton M 97 21962 3 1798 07 03:06 90 Geneva Av Lg 2½ Sty Wd Vac Former Nursing Home 110 11 25,000 White Hamilton W 37 21967 W 215 05 04:00 16 Dunreath St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 15,000 Murphy Hamilton W 38 0704 22295 W 1765 07 15:39 15 Sargent St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 10,000 Ryan A/Vahey D8 M 98 0706 22696 6 1653 04 13:01 13 St George St 4 Sty Brk Vac Apt Dwl 110 00 150,000 A/Sullivan L17 A/McMahon D6 Paul 14 St George St 4 Sty Brk Vac Apt Dwl 110 93 15 St George St 4 Sty Brk Apt Dwl 110 93 731 Harrison Av 2½ Sty Brk/Wd Bldg Frmr Bates School 110 93 M 99 0707 22815 2 2412 09 02:12 92 Chestnut Av 3½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 20,000 Murphy D5 Hamilton M 100 22824 7 1273 03 05:24 20-22 Bromfield St 4 Sty Brk Mult Occ Comm Bldg 110 21 500,000 Haynes Stapleton Paul 24 Bromfield St 4 Sty Brk Mult Occ Comm Bldg 110 93 30 Bromfield St 4 Sty Brk Mult Occ Comm Bldg 110 93 W 39 0708 22949 W 3755 10 03:15 50 Margin St 1 Sty Metal Clad Shed, Morrell Lumber Co 110 21 100,000 Sikora Hamilton M 101 22955 2 3385 08 04:57 54 Wheatland Av 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 60,000 A/Dillon E14 Hamilton M 102 0710 23222 2 2173 09 03:18 15 Elm Hill Av Lg 2½ Sty Wd Vac 1 Fam Dwl 110 21 50,000 A/Maiorana E18 Hamilton M 103 0711 23354 2 2147 05 01:31 20-22 Circuit St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Duplex Dwl 110 00 40,000 A/Glover E21 A/Vahey D8 M 104 23375 3 4132 03 03:55 40 Washington St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 125,000 A/Lynch R1 A/Houghton D1 42 Washington St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93 44 Washington St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 93 W 40 23466 W 1573 04 20:33 845 Boylston St 4 Sty Brk Apt Dwl 110 31 5,000 A/Feeney E22 A/Cook D3 M 105 0715 23947 3 339 08 16:50 7-9 Warner St 3 Sty Wd Part Vac Duplex Dwl 110 21 20,000 Haines A/Campbell D10 M 106 0716 24019 7 1764 07 02:13 40 Brookford St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 15,000 Ryan A/Campbell D10 42 Brookford St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 93 38 Brookford St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93 M 107 24029 2 2444 09 03:28 32 Brookside Av 3½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 10,000 Linso D5 Clougherty M 108 24031 4 2418 09 03:38 2 Paul Gore Ter Lg 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 25,000 A/Dillon E14/D10 Clougherty M 109 24111 2 2415 09 18:38 2 Buckley Av 3½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 36 30,000 McElaney Harrison 15 Estrella St 3½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93 19 Estrella St 3½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93 M 110 0717 24186 2 5496 11 03:24 724 Washington St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Bldg, The Villa 110 21 35,000 Donovan A/Cook D3 M 111 0721 24727 9 1526 04 02:34 7 Montgomery St 1 Sty (4 High) Brk Vac, Former Church 110 21 500,000 Eastman Clougherty M 112 24731 7 255 09 03:47 185 Brookside Av 3 Sty Brk Vac Old American Cellophane Co 110 21 100,000 A/Maiorana E18 Kilroy W 41 0722 24879 W 3528 08 09:07 74 Ashton St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 500 Haines Kilroy M 113 0727 25424 2 7315 06 02:16 584-586 East Second St-22 I St 3½ Sty Brk/Wd Vac Dw 110 21 50,000 Morse Hart M 114 25433 3 175 07 03:49 46-52 Blue Hill Av 3 Sty Brk Part Vac Stores/Dwl 110 00 20,000 A/Glover E21 A/Vahey D8 M 115 25474 2 6173 01 14:12 302-306 Meridian St 2 Sty Wd Vac Stores/Dwl Over 110 00 20,000 Russell Clougherty 310-312 Meridian St 3 Sty Wd Part Vac Duplex Dwl 110 93 W 42 0804 26371 W 16- 364 12 14:17 425 Harvard St BSH 1 Sty Wd Walk Btwn Cafe & O Bldgs 110 21 5,000 Stanley Kilroy M 116 0806 26546 8 1621 04 00:03 1160 Washington St 6 Sty Brk Vac Mult Occ Comm Bldg 110 21 100,000 Eastman Clougherty M 117 26574 4 2366 05 04:25 4 French Ter 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 5,000 Linso Kilroy M 118 26575 3 3435 08 04:28 84 Milton Av 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 70,000 Haines Clougherty 86 Milton Av-61 Rockwell St 3 Sty Wd Stores/Dwl Over 110 93 M 119 26578 2 3429 08 05:50 3 Norfolk Ter 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 5,000 Ryan D7 Kilroy W 43 0808 26804 W 3831 10 12:07 15 Church St 1½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 41 17,000 Sikora Harrison 19 Church St 1½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93 M 120 0813 27323 2 5176 11 01:39 1585-1587 Commonwealth Av 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores 110 21 30,000 Callaghan O'Mara W 44 27326 W 179 07 02:24 28 Devon St 3 Sty Brk Apt Dwl 110 21 5,000 Lang Harrison M 121 27327 2 3531 08 02:37 96 Ballou Av 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 5,000 Saniuk Hq Harrison M 122 27331 2 1552 04 03:53 353-357 Columbus Av 5 Sty Brk/Wd Vac Stores/Dwl Over 110 21 30,000 A/Pierce E10 O'Mara W 45 0814 27468 W 1671 04 14:15 65 West Newton St 4 Sty Brk Attch Row Dwl 110 00 15,000 A/Watson E7 Stapleton M 123 0818 27875 3 3422 08 00:39 108 Southern Av 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 30,000 Saniuk Hq Harrison W 46 27879 W 2216 05 01:39 96 Hammond St 4 Sty Brk Vac Apt Dwl 110 21 15,000 Buchanan Harrison M 124 27885 6 2252 05 02:34 68-70 Bartlett St 4 Sty Brk Vac Apt Dwl 110 21 50,000 McElaney D9 Harrison M 125 27887 2 2148 05 03:25 20-22 Circuit St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Duplex Dwl 110 21 30,000 Buchanan O'Mara 18 Circuit St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93 M 126 27895 2 2252 05 06:53 21 Lambert Av 3½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 20,000 Buchanan Harrison M 127 0821 28182 2 2244 05 01:56 41 New Heath St 3 Sty Brk Vac Comm Bldg 110 21 10,000 Buchanan Harrison M 128 28189 4 1293 03 02:50 394 Atlantic Av(r) 3 Sty Metal Clad Vac Off Bldg 110 21 40,000 A/McCafferty E4 A/Cook D3 M 129 28194 2 7261 06 03:26 8 Washburn St 3 Sty Wd Part Vac Dwl 110 21 6,000 Duffy Harrison M 130 28196 2 3257 08 03:51 22 Minot St 2 Sty Wd Bldg Cedar Grove Auto Bar Co 110 21 50,000 Saniuk Hq Harrison W 47 0822 28367 W 3186 07 16:23 56 Dix St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 36 14,000 Freeman A/Vahey D8 W 48 0823 28539 W 3182 07 23:42 268-270 Adams St 1 Sty (2 High) Wd Bldg E&E Auction 110 00 50,000 Hurley A/Nogueira D12 M 131 0824 28552 2 2284 09 03:21 27-29 Harold Pk 3 Sty Brk Vac Duplex Dwl 110 21 75,000 A/Maiorana E18 A/Nogueira D12 M 132 0828 28982 3 2112 05 01:48 851-853 Harrison Av 3 Sty Brk Bldg Store/Dwl Over 110 21 40,000 A/LeBrun E37 A/Vahey D8 W 49 0829 29101 W 5131 11 03:22 7 Wilton St 4 Sty Brk Vac Dwl 110 21 20,000 Callaghan O'Mara M 133 29136 2 1881 07 11:58 26 Trull St Lg 2½ Sty Wd 1 Fam Dwl 110 31 35,000 Freeman A/Vahey D8 W 50 0830 29244 W 3522 08 09:24 10-12 Oakhurst St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 40,000 Keeley Hamilton M 134 29323 4 3131 07 21:29 16 Eunice St 3½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 28,000 Freeman A/Vahey D8 1 MacNeil Way 2½ Sty Stucco Dwl 110 93 M 135 0831 29341 3 2283 09 02:44 18 Elmore St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 25,000 A/Doyle E53 A/Vahey D8 M 136 29389 2 5346 11 15:17 400 Chestnut Hill Av 1 Sty (3 High) Brk Vac MBTA Bldg 110 35 1,000 A/Greene E41 Stapleton W 51 0901 29462 W 2844 10 08:25 57 Montview St Lg 2½ Sty Wd 1 Fam Dwl 110 53 20,000 Sikora Harrison M 137 0905 29868 2 3365 07 00:04 714 Blue Hill Av 3 Sty Brk Vac Stores/Dwl Over 110 00 35,000 A/Force E24 A/Vahey D8 718 Blue Hill Av 3 Sty Brk Vac Stores/Dwl Over 110 93 W 52 0906 30031 W 1792 07 16:21 22 Geneva Av 1 Sty Brk Vac Garage 110 00 5,000 A/HarringtonL25 Kilroy W 53 0909 30423 W 2447 09 23:29 435 Walnut Av 3 Sty Brk Apt Dwl Used as Halfway House 110 11 5,000 A/MacCurtainE28 Harrison M 138 0915 31015 2 3757 10 01:37 20 Glenwood Av 1 Sty Tin Clad Storage Bldg Patriot Tire 110 21 15,000 Sikora Kilroy W 54 31118 W 1765 07 23:10 15 Sargent St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 5,000 Freeman A/Vahey D8 M 139 0916 31139 2 1673 04 05:06 466 Shawmut Av 4 Sty Brk Apt Dwl F110 00 15,000 Dunbar Hart M 140 31143 3 13- 1573 04 07:05 900 Boylston St 2 Sty Concr Bldg John B Hynes Auditorium 110 54 200,000 Dunbar Hart M 141 0917 31234 3 3459 08 02:17 48 Van Winkle St Lg 2½ Sty Wd Vac 1 Fam Dwl 110 00 75,000 Keeley Hamilton W 55 0920 31641 W 177 07 10:14 500 Columbia Rd Lg 3 Sty Brk Mult Occ Municipal Bldg 110 55 15,000 A/Hardy L7 A/Sikora D10 W 56 0922 31879 W 4113 03 21:20 14 Park St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 15,000 MacInnes Clougherty M 142 0923 31926 2 1753 07 12:32 38 Woodville St 2½/2 Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 40,000 A/Cronin E30 A/Keeley D8 M 143 0925 32107 2 1634 04 02:22 0000 Frontage Rd 2½ Sty Wd Vac Amtrack Storage Bldg 110 00 20,000 A/Watson E7 A/Foley D11 M 144 32120 2 5126 11 05:15 26 Wadsworth St 2 Sty Stucco Attached Townhouse 110 31 15,000 A/Mazzocca E51 A/Foley D11 M 145 0926 32263 2 2371 05 03:02 64-66 Hillside St 3½ Sty Wd Vac Duplex Dwl 110 21 15,000 A/GravalleseE32 Kilroy W 57 32283 W 6172 01 05:30 90-92 Marion St-78 Lexington St 3 Sty Wd Rooming House 110 21 25,000 A/Nania E56 A/McMahon D6 W 58 0927 32387 W 1761 07 01:26 234-236 Blue Hill Av 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores 110 21 20,000 Freeman A/Sikora D10 M 146 1002 32942 5 714 06 01:51 0000 E St 1/2 Sty Wd/Tin Clad Vac Frmr USMC Bldg 60 110 00 100,000 Morse Hart Paul M 147 32948 2 1752 07 03:00 10 Julian St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 5,000 A/Lockhead E33 A/Vahey D8 W 59 32963 W 175 07 08:39 76-78 Blue Hill Av 3 Sty Wd Vac Attch Dwls 110 00 5,000 Ryan A/Stanley D12 W 60 1003 33074 W 1864 07 01:37 136-138 Pleasant St 3 Sty Wd Duplex Dwl F110 00 15,000 A/Cronin E30 A/Keeley D12 W 61 1006 33445 W 1273 03 01:24 403 Washington St 5 Sty Granite Bldg Barnes & Noble Books 110 21 50,000 Haynes Stapleton M 148 1009 33795 4 3336 07 01:25 10-12 Mt Bowdoin Ter 3 Sty Wd Vac Duplex Dwl 110 00 50,000 Ryan Kilroy M 149 33797 3 3321 07 01:37 101 Claybourne St Lg 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 50,000 Haines D8 Clougherty M 150 33815 2 7163 06 04:04 236 Bolton St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 25,000 McMahon Clougherty W 62 1010 33966 W 514 11 04:06 1211-1215 Commonwealth Av 4 Sty Brk Stores/Dwl Over 110 21 20,000 Donovan Hart W 63 1011 34108 W 2386 09 03:35 182-184 Heath St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Duplex Dwl 110 00 30,000 Pierce Hq Hamilton M 151 34111 7 2245 05 03:47 232-234 Roxbury St 3½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 100,000 Rorke Stapleton 17 Centre St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 93 15 Centre St 3½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 93 M 152 1013 34376 2 7164 06 04:02 163 F St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 10,000 Lang D7 O'Mara 336-338 Athens St 2½ Sty Wd Duplex Vac Dwl 110 93 W 64 34379 W 1752 05 05:11 77 Waverly St 3 Sty Wd Part Vac Dwl 110 21 20,000 Buchanan Harrison M 153 1014 34583 2 14- 364 12 22:18 425 Harvard St BSH 2½ Sty Brk/Wd Vac Bldg 110 21 5,000 Kenney A/Vahey D8 M 154 1015 34598 2 7221 06 01:44 387-389 West Broadway 4 Sty Brk/Wd Stores/Dwl Over 110 21 60,000 Morse Hart W 65 1017 34853 W 1285 03 01:05 127-131 Broad St 6 Sty Brk Mult Occ Comm Rascal's 110 00 15,000 A/Quinlan L24 Clougherty M 155 1020 35269 4 2541 09 02:19 181-189 Green St-1-5 Union Av 4 Sty Brk Vac Bldg 110 21 100,000 A/MacCurtainE28 Kilroy W 66 35343 W 7226 06 19:46 233-235 West Fifth St 3 Sty Wd Duplex Attch Dwl 110 00 20,000 A/Feeney E22 O'Mara M 156 1021 35387 3 286 10 00:54 144 Temple St Lg 2½ Sty Wd Vac 1 Fam Dwl 110 21 30,000 A/O'Brien E55 A/Sikora D10 W 67 1022 35543 W 3756 10 16:03 1424 Hyde Park Av 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 25,000 McCabe Hq Mochen M 157 1025 35975 2 1677 04 20:08 17 Worcester St 4 Sty Brk Iglesia De Dios Church 110 00 5,000 Dunbar A/Morse D6 M 158 1031 36646 4 7115 06 04:28 305 Congress St 2 Sty Wd/Metal Clad Vac Warehouse 110 21 100,000 Dunbar D4 Hart M 159 1101 36790 4 3745 10 00:55 35-37 Fairmount Av 3 Sty Brk Bldg Chittick K of C 110 21 250,000 Sikora Harrison 41-49 Fairmount Av 3 Sty Brk Mult Occ Comm Bldg 110 93 W 68 1106 37406 W 236 05 11:42 12-16 Wait St 3 Sty Yellow Brk Attch Dwls 110 11 30,000 Fisher Mochen W 69 37427 W 12- 7323 06 16:00 7 Elkins St 4 Sty Concr Mult Occ Comm King Indust 110 31 10,000 A/Foley L18 A/Morse D6 M 160 1109 37793 2 256 12 03:33 3702-3706 Washington St 1 Sty Brk/Wd Block of Stores 110 21 100,000 A/Ellard E48 Harrison W 70 1110 37919 W 2773 10 00:32 313-315 Belgrade Av 1 Sty Brk/Wd Comm Financial Ad. 110 21 35,000 Campbell Kilroy M 161 37940 2 7421 06 07:50 121-123 G St 3/2 Sty Wd Duplex Dwl 110 62 25,000 A/Foley L18 Stapleton M 162 1111 38098 2 188 07 05:12 12 Jerome St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 20,000 Freeman Mochen M 163 38214 6 2124 05 21:46 2206-2224 Washington St 1 Sty Brk Part Vac Blk Stores 110 00 500,000 Rorke Hamilton W 71 38220 W 6164 01 22:12 185-187 Bennington St 3 Sty Wd Duplex Dwl 110 21 35,000 Russell Stapleton M 164 1113 38401 9 2246 05 02:53 68-70 Bartlett St 4 Sty Brk Vac Apt Dwl 110 21 100,000 A/Gravallese E32 Kilroy Paul 67-71 Bartlett St-1-2-3 John Eliot Sq-3-5 Dudley St 110 93 4 Sty Brnstn Vac Stores/Dwl Over Cox Bldg 110 XX 149 Roxbury St 2 Sty Brk Bldg Museum of Afro American 110 93 M 165 1115 38641 3 2446 09 03:21 29-30 Germania St 1 Sty Wd Vac Comm Bldg 110 21 75,000 Pierce Hq Harrison 292 Amory St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93 M 166 38643 2 2411 09 03:33 18 Chestnut Av 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 20,000 Saniuk D7 Stapleton 16 Chestnut Av 3 Sty Wd Dwl W 72 1117 38845 W 1884 07 04:48 69 Clarkson St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 21,000 A/Hardy L7 Harrison 71 Clarkson St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93 W 73 1122 39585 W 7425 06 07:58 535 East Broadway 1 Sty Brk Vac Former South Boston Gym 110 21 8,000 Morse Hart W 74 39613 W 3541 08 12:47 55 Corbet St 2½ Sty 1 Fam Dwl 110 00 15,000 Vahey Mochen M 167 1123 39717 2 1537 04 04:48 88 Marlborough St 5 Sty Brk Part Vac Apt Dwl 110 00 35,000 A/Watson E7 Stapleton M 168 39799 2 2136 05 22:13 21-23 Winthrop St 2½ Sty Wd Part Vac Duplex Dwl 110 46 20,000 Fisher Mochen W 75 1125 40035 W 4145 03 20:11 131 Chelsea St 1 Sty Brk Vac Former MacAvoe Lounge 110 00 25,000 MacInnes Clougherty M 169 1130 40629 2 256 12 01:11 2-16 Hyde Park Av 3 Sty Brk Stores/Dwl Over 110 21 50,000 Murphy Harrison W 76 1203 41055 W 2448 09 17:38 100 School St 1 Sty Brk Garage Ackerly Co 110 21 25,000 A/MacCurtain E28 A/Campbell D10 W 77 1207 41537 W 2916 10 03:29 199 Park St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 10,000 A/Harrington L25 A/Campbell D10 M 170 1209 41808 4 175 07 03:07 72 Blue Hill Av 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 00 50,000 Saniuk A/Keeley D8 74-76 Blue Hill Av 3 Sty Wd Vac Attch Dwls 110 93 78 Blue Hill Av 3 Sty Wd Vac Attch Dwl 110 93 W 78 41875 W 2153 09 19:48 62 Catawba St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 11 5,000 Kane Mochen W 79 1210 41931 W 7331 06 08:05 927 East Fourth St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 75,000 A/Wallace E2 Clougherty M 171 1214 42364 2 6175 01 06:22 292 Chelsea St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 25,000 Houghton Stapleton 294 Chelsea St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93 M 172 1215 42579 3 7221 06 23:00 366 West Broadway-328 G St 3½ Sty Brk/Wd Stores/Dwl F110 00 100,000 Duffy O'Mara M 173 1219 42955 2 3126 07 05:28 27 Puritan Av Lg 2½ Sty Wd 1 Fam Dwl 110 00 30,000 Lang Harrison M 174 1221 43142 3 2199 07 02:11 514-518 Blue Hill Av 3 Sty Brk Apt Dwl 110 00 35,000 A/Force E24 Mochen W 80 43187 W 2285 09 16:20 8 Haley St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 25,000 Gravallese Hq A/McElaney D10 M 175 1222 43220 2 7112 06 00:34 26-28 Pittsburgh St 5 Sty Brk Vac Warehouse 110 21 15,000 Pierce Stapleton M 176 43288 2 2164 09 20:13 5-6 Quincy Pl 2 Sty Wd Duplex Dwl 110 21 20,000 Tramontozzi A/Campbell D10 M 177 1225 43548 2 3248 08 05:29 777 Wm T Morrissey Blvd 1 Sty Brk Lamberts Fruit Co 110 00 40,000 A/Hasson L6 A/McElaney D10 W 81 1227 43828 W 1298 03 12:54 109 High St 12 Sty Brk Mult Occ Comm Western Union 110 21 125,000 A/Kavanaugh E33 A/Donovan D11 © Copyright 1982, 1998 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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