M 1 0103 258 2 2196 09 04:08 2-36 Maple St 3 Sty Brk Attch Dwl 110 21 10,000 Laing Mochen
W 1 0106 623 W 3227 08 08:55 137 Wrentham St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 70,000 Solletti Mochen
M 2 0111 1162 3 1564 04 11:33 19 Cumberland St 3 Sty Brk Attch Dwl under Renovation 110 35 155,150 A/Sullivan L17 A/MacInnes D4 Hamilton C2
21 Cumberland St 3 Sty Brk Attch Dwl under Renovation 110 93
23 Cumberland St 3 Sty Brk Attch Dwl under Renovation 110 93
M 3 0113 1382 4 3624 08 01:31 1062-1068 Blue Hill Av 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores F110 00 100,000 Morse Kane Stapleton
W 2 0116 1762 W 2265 09 11:07 200-202 Highland St 3 Sty Brk Duplex Dwl 110 00 25,000 Feely Kane
M 4 0117 1846 2 3611 08 03:10 102 Nightingale St 3 Sty Wd Dwl F110 00 75,000 Campbell Harrison
104 Nightingale St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
W 3 0118 2023 W 6153 01 15:12 89-91 Maverick St 3 Sty Wd Duplex Attch Dwl 110 53 25,000 A/Brooks L21 Hart
95-97 Maverick St 3 Sty Wd Duplex Attch Dwl 110 93
M 5 2098 2 518 11 22:37 116 Warren St 4 Sty Brk Attch Apt Dwl 110 31 30,000 Ellis Hart
M 6 0119 2136 5 1641 04 04:25 37-41 Upton St 4 Sty Brk/Wd Attch Dwl F110 00 100,000 Dunbar Hart Hamilton C2
M 7 0120 2306 8 7331 06 19:35 907 East Broadway 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 250,000 McMahon Clougherty Stapleton
909 East Broadway 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
911 East Broadway 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 8 0121 2423 3 3186 07 19:18 83 Dix St Lg 2½ Sty Wd Colonial Dwl F110 31 100,000 Lang Harrison Hamilton C2
W 4 0126 2939 W 2255 05 13:03 13 Lambert St 3½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 15,000 Rorke Callaghan
M 9 0128 3140 5 3861 10 09:59 46 Sprague St 1 Sty Cinder Blk Machine Shop 110 00 500,000 Buchanan Harrison Stapleton
M 10 0129 3279 3 2757 10 15:37 931 South St Lg 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 53 150,000 A/Hanlon E30 A/Nogueira D12 Stapleton
3 Congreve St Lg 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 11 0131 3447 2 1534 04 02:13 10 Newbury St 5 Sty Brk Bldg Stores/Offices Over 110 00 60,000 LeBrun Christian
M 12 0205 4032 3 1877 07 03:22 90-92 Stoughton St 3½ Sty Wd Vac Duplex Dwl 110 21 50,000 A/Pillard E17 A/Keeley D8 Stapleton
M 13 0207 4271 2 542 11 10:58 38-40a Winship St 2½ Sty Wd Duplex Dwl 110 53 50,000 Ellis Hart
M 14 0208 4353 3 12- 1534 04 10:14 15 Arlington St 17 Sty Brk Bldg, Ritz-Carlton Hotel 110 00 25,000 Shea A/Kenney D12 Stapleton
M 15 0209 4470 3 1511 04 11:06 681-683 Washington St 5 Sty Brk w/Granite Facade 110 00 100,000 A/Sullivan L17 A/McMahon D6 Stapleton
2-10 LaGrange St 5 Sty Brk w/Granite Facade 110 93
M 16 0212 4801 2 531 11 02:18 185 Corey Rd 2/2½ Sty Wd Mult Occ Comm Bldg 110 00 100,000 Ellis Hart
M 17 0214 5063 2 6187 01 12:58 404-408 Saratoga St 3 Sty Wd Attch Row Dwls 110 11 25,000 Houghton Christian
W 5 0215 5154 W 2415 09 00:53 2 Gay Head St 2½ Sty Wd Bldg, Stores/Dwl Over 110 53 30,000 A/Snell L4 Harrison
335 Centre St 3 Sty Wd Bldg Stores/Dwl Over 110 93
M 18 0216 5412 4 5131 11 23:30 7 Wilton St 4 Sty Brk Dwl 110 00 150,000 Ellis Hart Stapleton
W 6 0217 5543 W 3335 07 22:17 19 Mallon Rd 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 20,000 Lang Harrison
W 7 0219 5706 W 12- 3248 08 03:55 800 Wm T Morrissey Blvd 2/3 Sty Cinder Blk H Shaped 110 31 50,000 A/Perkins E18 Kane
M 19 5740 2 6163 01 12:05 24 Porter St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 50,000 Houghton Christian
26 Porter St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
28-30 Porter St 3 Sty Wd Bldg Store/Office Over 110 93
M 20 5742 2 7117 06 12:30 162-200 Northern Av Commonwealth Pier 5 110 00 10,000 Saniuk Callaghan
M 21 5817 4 7227 06 21:05 179 West Eighth St (183) 3 Sty Wd Vac Attch Dwls 110 21 50,000 P V McCarthy Hart Stapleton
W 8 0222 6175 W 6135 01 11:38 42 Webster St 2½ Sty Brk/Wd Dwl 110 64 8,000 Houghton Christian
M 22 0224 6457 2 2415 09 06:03 358 Centre St 3½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 80,000 Mullen Callaghan
M 23 6539 2 3396 08 21:06 89-89 Nightingale St 1/2) 3½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 15,000 A/Callanan E20 Mochen
W 9 0226 6717 W 6177 01 03:32 460-464 Meridian St 3 Sty Wd Attch Dwls under Renov 110 00 15,000 A/Quinlan L2 A/Kenney D12
W 10 6724 W 2293 09 08:27 4-14 Abbotsford St 3 Sty Brk Apt Dwl 110 53 20,000 Laing Mochen
M 24 0304 7621 2 1845 07 10:49 70 Romsey St 3½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 36 80,000 Lang Harrison
72 Romsey St 3½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 25 0309 8265 2 347 08 17:45 1245 Adams St 6 Sty Brk Mult Occ Comm Attch Complex 110 21 25,000 Morse Kane
M 26 0310 8439 2 2617 12 18:47 12 Claxton St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 40,000 Murphy Harrison
M 27 0313 8783 6 4217 03 10:51 0000 1st Av & 9th St 3½ Sty Brk/Wd Under Renovation 110 35 200,000 A/Varner E50 A/McMahon D6 Stapleton
M 28 0314 8995 2 4188 03 22:43 40 Brighton St 1 Sty Brk Bldg American Paper Box Co 110 00 100,000 A/Varner E50 Clougherty
M 29 0318 9550 2 3421 08 09:08 43 Whitfield St 3½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 36 80,000 Keeley Callaghan
M 30 0322 10007 2 332 08 08:58 8 Elwyn Rd 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 36 70,000 Solletti Mochen
12 Elwyn Rd 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 31 0323 10320 7 2415 09 22:52 321-333 Centre St 3/1 Sty Brk/Wd Stores/Dwl Over 110 11 750,000 Laing Mochen Stapleton
M 32 0324 10354 2 1862 07 03:33 1099 Dorchester Av 1 Sty Brk Bldg Harp & Bard Cafe 110 00 250,000 Freeman Hart
M 33 0325 10573 2 7315 06 20:35 516 East Second St(r) 1 Sty (2 High) Metal Clad Bldg 110 00 150,000 McMahon Clougherty
M 34 0328 10929 2 7421 06 02:29 131-133 G St 3 Sty Wd Bldg Stores/Dwl Over 110 73 25,000 Pierce Christian
W 11 11014 W 189 07 17:05 156 Hancock St 2 Sty Brk Vac Garage, former Boston DPW 110 21 10,000 Freeman Mochen
M 35 0331 11457 2 6243 01 14:01 1275 Bennington St(r) Belle Island Marsh 140 21 UND Houghton Clougherty
M 36 0401 11555 2 2263 09 10:47 85 Thornton St Lg 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 55 40,000 Feely Kane
M 37 0404 11952 4 3489 08 17:14 44 Mora St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 36 71,000 Keeley Mochen Stapleton
48 Mora St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
50 Mora St 3 Sty Wd Dwl w/Vin Sdg 110 93
153-155 Fuller St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
W 12 0406 12356 W 1522 04 23:37 1 Cortes St 4 Sty Brk/Wd Rooming House 110 41 20,000 Shea A/Kenney D12
M 38 0413 13369 2 2149 05 20:40 65 St James St 2 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 60,000 Lockhead Kenney
M 39 0414 13445 2 1451 03 05:32 151 Tremont St 30 Sty Concr Apt Dwl Tremont on Common 110 31 75,000 Ellard Clougherty
M 40 13478 9 3113 07 14:23 67 Vaughn Av 4 Sty Brk Vac Old California Olive Oil 110 00 500,000 Ryan A/Campbell D10 Hamilton C2
M 41 0417 13978 3 3815 10 16:38 114 Gordon Av(r)(Eneking Pkwy) Stony Brook Reservatio 140 00 UND McElaney Callaghan Hamilton C2
W 13 0419 14275 W 1884 07 03:49 12 Clarkson St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 31 25,000 Ryan Kenney
14 Clarkson St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
W 14 0420 14462 W 3666 12 07:00 36 Poydras St 1 Sty Concr Bldg Perkit Folding Box Co 110 00 UND Murphy A/Lang D7
M 42 0421 14670 5 2435 09 14:54 33 Brookside Av 1 Sty (3½ High) Stucco Former Church 110 53 250,000 A/Sullivan L10 A/Lang D7 Hamilton C2
M 43 0422 14858 2 2135 05 22:15 30 Mt Pleasant Av 3½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 40,000 Fisher A/Lang D7
M 44 0425 15117 2 1342 03 00:25 46-52 Billerica St 4 Sty Brk Part Vac Attch Dwls 110 21 20,000 Campbell Hart
M 45 0426 15256 2 6194 01 05:01 355 Bennington St 1 Sty Concr Office & Warehouse 110 00 100,000 Houghton Christian
M 46 15257 3 4184 03 05:30 529 Main St 6/7/4 Sty Brk Vac Comm Bldg under Renovate 110 21 50,000 Haynes Christian Stapleton
M 47 15389 3 1761 09 22:32 235-249 Blue Hill Av 2/1 Sty Brk/Wd Attch Blk Stores 110 21 30,000 Feely A/Campbell D10 Stapleton
W 15 0429 15738 W 189 07 14:33 147 Hancock St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 32,000 A/Dorsey L23 A/Lang D7
151 Hancock St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 48 0501 16173 5 339 08 23:33 140-144 Harvard St 3½ Sty Wd Bldg, Stores/Dwl Over 110 21 200,000 Morse Kane Stapleton
5 Warner St 3½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 93
M 49 0504 16467 6 1572 04 00:44 731-739 Boylston St 6 Sty Concr Stores/Offices Over 110 55 750,000 LeBrun Christian Stapleton
W 16 0505 16669 W 542 11 14:28 300-310 Washington St 4 Sty Brk Bldg Stores/Dwl Over 110 00 20,000 Gravallese A/Houghton D1
W 17 0514 17848 W 1662 04 00:28 1746 Washington St 1 Sty Brk Bldg Harvey's Lunch 110 21 15,000 Shea Mochen
W 18 0515 17997 W 3133 07 03:12 50 Homes Av 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 40,000 Saniuk Callaghan
W 19 18022 W 251 09 10:32 3 Greenough Pk 2½/2 Sty Wd Dwl 110 72 40,000 A/Sullivan L10 A/Lang D7
M 50 18066 2 179 07 17:25 95 Brunswick St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 73 33,000 Freeman Kenney
97 Brunswick St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
M 51 18124 2 5364 11 23:14 50 Chestnut Hill Av Lg 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 30,000 Cassidy Hart
W 20 18127 W 1525 04 23:40 522-524 Tremont St 5 Sty Brk/Wd Stores/Dwl Over 110 33 35,000 Cosgrove Kenney
M 52 0519 18581 2 1554 04 11:38 524-528 Columbus Av 4 Sty Brk/Wd Attch Row Dwl 110 00 50,000 A/Sullivan L17 A/McMahon
W 21 0524 19129 W 1761 09 02:34 235-237 Blue Hill Av 2 Sty Wd Vac Stores/Office Over 110 21 1,000 A/Force E24 A/Vahey D10
M 53 0525 19320 2 7221 06 15:36 363 West Broadway 1 Sty Brk Attch Bldg 110 46 100,000 P B McCarthy A/Ellard D3
371 West Broadway 2 Sty Brk Attch Bldg 110 93
320 E St 4 Sty Brk Attch Bldg, Stores/Dwl Over 110 93
324 E St 4 Sty Brk Attch Bldg, Stores/Dwl Over 110 93
M 54 0526 19414 2 2432 09 03:07 3095-3099 Washington St 1 Sty Brk Block of Stores 110 53 100,000 Feely Kane
W 22 0531 20020 W 2415 09 08:33 316 Centre St 3½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 45,000 A/Sullivan L10 A/Lang D7
M 55 0601 20239 3 7234 06 17:15 51 Ellery St 1 Sty Brk/Tin Clad Attch Bldg 110 00 500,000 A/Wallace E2 Clougherty Stapleton
W 23 0603 20548 W 3542 08 20:15 471 Norfolk St 3 Sty Wd Dwl 110 21 10,000 A/Callahan Kenney
W 24 0613 21819 W 2157 09 14:22 25 Maywood St Lg 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 8,000 A/Sullivan L10 Mochen
M 56 21871 2 1761 09 23:35 42-48 Savin St 2½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 11 25,000 Feely Callaghan
50-52 Savin St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 93
W 25 0615 22019 W 5247 11 02:10 78 Aldie St 3 Sty Wd Attch Dwl 110 21 20,000 Cassidy Mochen
84 Franklin St 3 Sty Wd Attch Dwl 110 93
W 26 0621 22814 W 3528 08 05:54 58 Harwood St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 25,000 Morse Callaghan
M 57 0624 23271 2 1761 07 01:15 270-276 Blue Hill Av 1 Sty Wd Block of Stores 110 21 60,000 Ryan Kane
W 27 0625 23461 W 2439 09 14:32 252 Chestnut Av 2½ Sty Wd 1 Fam Dwl 110 21 60,000 A/MacCurtainE28 Kane
W 28 23492 W 7123 06 19:37 691 Summer St 1½ Sty Wd L St Bridge Tenders House 110 21 15,000 P B McCarthy Mochen
M 58 0626 23530 2 1761 07 02:50 194-200 Blue Hill Av 4 Sty Wd Vac Stores/Dwl Over 110 21 40,000 A/Dorsey L23 A/Lang D7
W 29 0627 23674 W 3426 08 13:24 17 Wentworth St 2½ Sty Wd Dwl 110 00 30,000 Keeley Callaghan
W 30 23745 W 2157 09 23:04 3 Maywood Ter 3½ Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 21 25,000 A/Force E24 Kenney
M 59 0628 23752 2 5253 11 00:20 21-23 Hano St 2 Sty Wd Attch Dwls 110 21 10,000 Ellis A/P V McCarthy
W 31 0630 24001 W 2164 09 02:27 53 Savin St 3 Sty Wd Vac Dwl 110 11 25,000 A/MacCurtain E28 Kane
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