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April 2001
MA 10 SUN 8 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: Days Inn, 1234 Soldiers Field Rd Days Inn, 1234 Soldiers Field Rd 3/5 Story Brick Motel INCIDENT #19246 Lt Finn L-14, DiBenedetto D-11, J O’Donnell H-1, McDevitt D-4, Carey D-5(Net), Hasson C-6 2045 Still 12-5271 By FA E 41 L 14 2048 Box 12-5271 By FA E 29-51 L 11 R-1 D-11 2048 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 2049 Working Fire By L-14 E 37 L 26 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 FAST Ladder By FA L 15 2056 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 33-22-42 L 23 D-5 D-4(Net) 2145 Detail By C-6 E 5 2228 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 37 2330 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 150,000 ORIGIN:5th floor front room 507 room fully involved overlapping fire MA 11 FRI 20 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: GLENWAY & DRUMMOND STS 75 Ellington St 3 Story Wood Dwelling W/asphalt Siding INCIDENT #21492 77 Ellington St 3 Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding Lt Guttenberger E-52, Reynolds D-7, Fontana H-1, O'Brien D-8, Carey D-5(Net), O'Halloran C-7 1125 Box 3364 By FA E 52-42-18 L 23-29 R-2 D-7 1126 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1127 Working Fire By E-52 E 17 L 6 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 7 1128 2nd Alarm By D-7 E 53-3-21 L 26 D-8 D-5(Net) 1220 1 X Lad By C-7 (Overhauling) L 10 1233 Detail By C-7 E 4 L 17 1319 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1415 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 200,000 ORIGIN:3rd floor rear porch fully involved extended to roof fully involved 4/3 of the roof slight extension to 3rd floor extended to # 77 siding 3rd floor entire wall at 2nd floor level MA 12 FRI 20 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: COMMONWEALTH AV & CUMMINGS RD 1680-1682 Commonwealth Av 4 Story Brick Condominium Dwelling INCIDENT #21616 Smith D-11, Fontana H-1, Marston D-4, Walsh D-6(Net), Granara Hq/C-6 2047 Box 5313 By FA E 29-41-51 L 11-14 R-1 D-11 2050 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 2053 Working Fire By D-11 E 37 L 26 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 2055 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 33-22-42 L 15 D-4 D-6(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 23 2157 Detail By C-6 E 10 L 24 2244 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 0001 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 250,000 ORIGIN:# 1680 2nd floor apartment 2 rear porch fully involved extended to 3rd and 4th floor rear porches fully involved partial collapse extended to roof rear MA 13 MON 23 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: WALKER & RUSSELL STS 51 Russell St-58 Walker St 2½ Story Wood attached Dwellings INCIDENT #22214 Lorenz D-3, Liotta H-1, Marston D-4, Price D-6(Net), Act Dep Finn D-1/C-6 1439 Box 4153 By FA E 32-50-8 L 9-1 R-1 D-3 Mutual Aid Som E2-32 1440 Tower Co & Rehab Unit By FA TC W-25 1448 Working Fire By D-3 E 10 L 24 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 1453 2nd Alarm By D-3 E 33-39-3-21-Som 2 L 15 D-4 D-6(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 18 1626 Detail By C-6 E 4 L 7 1707 Detail By D-3 +E 41 1718 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 53 1929 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 500,000 ORIGIN:# 51 2nd floor kitchen walls extended to attic very heavy fire extended to # 58 attic 86 Yr F Dl At MGH temp 80° MA 14 MON 23 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: HEATH AT WALDEN STS 180 Heath St 3 Story Wood Dwelling W/2 Story Wood Dwelling Attached Rear INCIDENT #22216 W/Vinyl Siding Act DC Gilmore E-42/D-9, Roache D-12(H-1), Snell D-7, Boccuzzo D-5(Net), Lockhead C-7 1442 Box 2386 By FA E 42-28-37 L 10-26 R-2 D-9 1503 Working Fire By D-9 E 14 L 4 D-12(H-1 C-7 1513 2nd Alarm By C-7 E 24-41-53-51 L 16 D-7 D-5(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 14 1516 Req 5th Alarm Mutual Aid Brk E1-28 Cam E2-33 Qui E4-18 Brk L2-14 Qui L5-7 1520 Special Mutual Aid New E6-51 1611 Detail By C-7 E 20 L 29 1704 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1813 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 175,000 ORIGIN:outside rear left side extended to basement via window extended to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors 3rd floor floor fully involved through roof temp 80° MA 15 WED 25 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: BULLARD & ROSSETER STS 7, 11 Mallon Rd 3 Story Wood Dwellings W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT #22636 6 Mallon Rd 2½ Story Wood Dwelling 83, 87, 91 Rosseter St 3 Story Wood Dwellings (#87 W/Vinyl Siding) Snell/Act DC Magee E-17/D-7, J O'Donnell H-1, Mullen D-9, Act DC Burnhard E-16/D-8(Net), Lockhead C-7 1259 Box 3335 By FA E 24-17-21 L 7-6 R-2 D-7 1302 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1302 2nd Alarm By D-7 E 42-14-28-3 L 23-10 H-2 CP D-9 D-8(Net) H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 16 1321 1 X Lad By C-7 (Fast) L 19 1323 3rd Alarm By C-7 E 52-22 L 26 A-65 1411 Detail By C-7 E 2-53 L 15-21 1621 Detail By D-7 E 20 L 28 1702 Detail By D-7 (W/Bullard IR Imager) L 18 1732 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1851 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 300,000 ORIGIN:# 7 1st floor rear porch fully involved extended to all floors rear porches and rear extended to #11 3rd floor right side extended to #6 rear roof extended to #87 all floors rear extended to #83 3rd floor rear porch extended to #91 3rd floor left side MA 16 SAT 28 GROUP 1/3 BOX LOCATION: ENGINE HOUSE 2, 700 EAST FOURTH ST 2 Minnie Ct 2 Story Wood Dwelling 106, 108 I St 3 Story Wood Dwellings 621-623 East Fourth St 3 Story Wood Duplex Dwellings W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT #23369 650 East Fourth St Dr Joseph P Tynan School 3 Story Brick Public School Complex Lt O'Reilly L-19/E-2, Walsh D-6, B O'Donnell H-1, Coppney D-4, Act DC Magee E-17/D-7(Net), Granara Hq/C-6, Christian C-2 1656 Still By FA E 2 1658 Box 7433 By E-2 E 39-21 L 19-18 R-1 D-6 1658 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1659 Working Fire By E-2 E 3 L 17 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 1700 2nd Alarm By E-2 (Not Struck) 1700 3rd Alarm By E-2 E 10-7-17-33-14 L 7-4 D-4 D-7(Net) C-2 A-65 FAST Ladder By FA L 23 1704 4th Alarm By D-6 E 50-5 1723 1 X Lad By C-2 (Fast) L 24 1826 Detail By C-6 E 51-52 L 2-9 1907 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 2058 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 500,000 ORIGIN:# 2 1st floor rear porch fully involved extended to all floors rear porches and rear extended to 1 story wood shed in rear fully involved extended to # 108 1st floor rear extended to # 106 3rd floor rear extended to # 263 1st and 2nd floors rear extended to #650 (school) 3rd floor rear room 311 interior windows © Copyright 2001 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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