April 1995
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APRIL 1995
WF 07 SATURDAY 8 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: BRAINTREE ST & RUGG RD 47-49-51 Hano St 2 Story Wood Attached Dwellings W/vinyl Siding INCIDENT # 15331 Carey D-5, Laizza H-1, DiBenedetto D-11, Christian C-6 1727 Box 5253 By FA E 51-33-37 L 11-15 R-1 D-5 1739 Working Fire By D-5 E 41 L 14 TC H-2 CU H-1 D-11 C-6 1845 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 59 LOSS $ 75,000 ORIGIN: # 49 basement oil burner Extended to plenum chamber and via duct work and registers to 1st and 2nd floors smoke # 47 and # 51 WF 08 SUNDAY 9 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: BOSTON CITY HOSPITAL LO-RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDING, 860 HARRISON AV 860 Harrison Ave Boston City Hospital Lo-Rise Residential Building 12 Story Concrete Apartment Dwelling INCIDENT # 15483 Perkins D-5, O'Donnell H-1, Evans D-4(Evac-1), Kenny C-7 1813 Box 12-2112 By FA E 3-14-22 L 4-26 R-2 H-2 D-5 H-1 C-7 1839 Working Fire By D-5 E 37 L 15 TC C7 D-4(Evac-1) 1938 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 36 LOSS $ 105,000 ORIGIN: 4th right apartment 402 bedroom apartment fully involved heavy smoke condition on upper floors MA 18 TUESDAY 18 GROUP 4/2 BOX LOCATION: COREY & MT HOOD RDS 29 Mt Hood Rd 3 Story Brick Attached Condominium Apartment Dwelling INCIDENT # 16870 Tully D-11, Liotta H-1, Boccuzzo D-5, Roache D-12(Net-1), Mochen C-6 1558 Box 531 By FA E 29-41-51-Brk 3 L 11-14 R-1 D-11 1603 Working Fire By D-11 E 37 L 26 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-6 1607 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 33-22-42 L 15 D-5 D-12(Net-1) 1647 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 LOSS $ 75,000 ORIGIN: lst floo rear porch apartments 3 and 4 (Shared) fully involved Extended to 2nd and 3rd floor rear porches Extended to lst floor rear rooms (apartments 3 and 4) MA 19 FRIDAY 21 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: GENEVA AV & OLNEY ST 11 Everton St 3 Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding 7 Evererton St 3 Story wood Dwelling INCIDENT # 17353 Lt Gaylord L-7, Lucas D-9, Evans H-1, O'Brien D-8, Boccuzzo D-5(Net-1), Act Dep Hitchcock D-6/C-7 0942 Box 3121 By FA E 17-52-42 L 7-29 R-2 D-9 0945 Working Fire By L-7 E 21 L 6 TC H-2 H-1 C-7 0956 2nd Alarm By C-7 E 14-18-53 L 4 D-8 D-5(Net-1) 1003 Stand-By By C-7 E 28 1044 Detail By C-7 E 49 L 16-17 1202 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1302 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 105,000 ORIGIN: # 11 1st floor rear hallway heavy fire all floors rear hallway heavy fire all floors rear through roof Extended to # 7 3rd floor rear right side © Copyright 1995 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
APRIL 1995
WF 09 SUNDAY 23 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: COREY & MT HOOD RDS 7 Mt Hood Rd 3 Story Brick Attached Condominium Apartment Dwelling INCIDENT # 16870 Ellard D-11, Molito H-1, Clougherty C-6 0426 Still By FA E 29 L 11 0427 Box 531 By FA E 41-51-Brk 3 L 14 R-1 D-11 0434 Working Fire By D-11 E 37 L 26 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-6 0443 Fast Ladder By D-11 L 15 0523 Detail By C-6 E 42 L 25 0639 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 0656 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 7S,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor rear right apartment 4 kitchen fully involved slight Extension to 2nd floor hallway MA 20 THURSDAY 27 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: FREEPORT ST & DORCHESTER AVE 11-19 Freeport St 1 Story Metal Portable office Building INCIDENT # 18242 1276 Dorchester Av 2½ Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding Snell D-7, Liotta H-1, Ellard D-8, Boccuzzo D-5(Net-1), Lockhead C-7 0024 Box 1896 By FA E 17-21-18 L 7-6 R-2 D-7 0031 Working Fire By D-7 E 24 L 23 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-7 0034 2nd Alarm By D-7 E 14-20-39 L 4 D-8 D-5(Net-1) 0049 Fast Ladder By C-7 (overhauling) L 19 0058 Fast Ladder By C-7 L 17 0144 Detail By C-7 E 28 L 1 0227 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 0342 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 150,000 ORIGIN: # 11 tires under 1 story building fully involved Extended to 1st floor rear of #1276 2nd floor and attic fully involved through roof MA 21 FRIDAY 28 GROUP 1/3 BOX LOCATION: BOSTON CITY HALL, 1 CITY HALL SQ 1 City Hall Sq Boston City Hall 9 Story Concrete Building INCIDENT # 18517 Lt McCarthy L-24, Bishop D-3. O'Donnell H-1, Evans D-4, Perkins D-5(Evac-1), LeBrun D-6(Net-1), Sullivan D-9, Fisher/Act Dep Ellis D-11/C-6, O'Halloran C-3, MacCurtain C-2, Pierce C-1 1620 Still By FA E 4 L 24 1627 Box 12-1259 By L-24 E 8-10 L 1 R-1 TC H-2 D-3 H-1 C-6 1637 2nd Alarm By C-6 E 50-7-3-39 L 17-18 CU W-12 D-4 D-5(Evac-1) D-6(Net-1) C-1 1700 3rd Alarm By C-1 E 21-22 L 26 C-3 C-2 1832 Special Call By C-1 E 33 (W/Igloo For Rehydration) 1828 Detail By C-1 E 18-51 L 4-15 H-2 D-9 2008 Detail By C-1 E 24-56 L 11 H-2 1950 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 53 2230 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 1,500,000 ORIGIN: 13.8 kvac class 2 transformer/electrical switch gear in edison transformer vault/utility room TNV-625 sub-basement west end extreme smoke condition on all floors particularly 6th through 9th WF 10 SATURDAY GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: DORCHESTER & CRESCENT AVES 47 Mosley St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT # 18734 Reynolds D-7, Liazza H-1, Hasson C-7 2150 Box 1823 By FA E 21-17-39 L 7-18 R-2 D-7 2159 Working Fire By D-7 E 14 L 4 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-7 0639 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 LOSS $ 75,000 ORIGIN: baged rubbish 2nd floor rear porch fully involved Extended to attic rear heavy fire through roof © Copyright 1995 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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