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Aug 2008
MA 34 Sat 2 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: HANCOCK & JEROME STS 16-26 Hancock St 1 Story Brick Block of Stores INCIDENT #41123 16-18 Los America Barber Shop, 20 PC Solutions, 22 King Zion Boutique, 24-26 Vacant Pettaway D-7(Ops), Lonergan H-1, Tully D-5, Act DC Shea E-20/D-8(Rit), Act DC Brooks E-39/D-6(Net), Dunderdale C-7 2221 Box 188 By FA E 21-17-24 L 7-23 R-2 D-7 Rit Co By FA E 18 2223 Rehab Unit W-25 2229 2nd Alarm By D-7 E 14-20-39-3 L 4-6 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 H-1 C-7 D-5 D-12(Net) A-65 Rit Co By FA +L 19 D-8a(Rit) 2318 Detail By C-7 E 42 2339 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 30 0002 Detail Terminated $ 600,000 ORIGIN: # 22 1st floor front heavy fire extended to # 20 1st floor front see WF-188 6/29/1974 MA 35 Sun 3 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: ASHMONT AT OCEAN STS 19 Mellen St Very Large 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #41287 Goglia D-8(Ops), Whitman D-1/H-1, B O’Donnell D-7, Marston D-6(Rit), Act DC Verbitzki L-29/D-12(Net), Fleming C-7 1846 Box 3442 By FA E 18-16-20 L 6-29 R-2 D-8 Rit Co By FA E 52 1848 Rehab Unit W-25 1900 2nd Alarm By D-8 E 17-24-21-10 L 7-23 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 H-1 C-7 D-7 D-12a(Net) A-65 Rit Co By FA +L 19 D-6(Rit) 1928 3rd Alarm By C-7 E 37-22 L 17 2000 Detail By C-7 E 2-55 L 14-28 2339 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 30 2216 Detail Terminated $ 400,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor right rear kitchen wiring to ceiling fan extended via walls to attic heavy fire through roof MA 36 FRI 8 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: COLUMBUS AV & HOLYOKE ST 399-415 (405), 426-440 (430) Columbus Av 6 Story Apartment Dwellings Methunion Manor Coop Corp INCIDENT #42258 Capt Tobin E-22, Shea D-4(Ops), Feely H-1, Carey D-5, Evans D-6(Rit), Miller D-9(Net), Finn C-6 2004 Still Norel Alarm By FA E 22 L 17 2015 Box 1552 By E-22 E 7-3 L 15 R-1 D-4 Rit Co By FA E 33 2015 Rehab Unit W-25 2022 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 37-14-39-10 L 26-4 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 H-1 C-6 D-6 D-9(Net) A-65 Rit Co By FA +L 3 D-5(Rit) 2119 All Out IGNITION FACTOR N/A $ N/A ORIGIN: nstar crew working in manhole opp 405 caused smoke condition all floors # 405 and # 430 in common areas entering via conduits no fire code 440 MA 37 FRI 15 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: Alice Heyward Taylor Apartments, Building 6, 54 Annunciation Rd 54 Annunciation Rd Alice Heyward Taylor Apartments, Building 6 7 Story Brick Boston Housing Authority Project Apartment Dwelling INCIDENT #43644 Lt Kelley L-26, Tully D-5(Ops), Mackin H-1, D Keeley D-11(Evac), Hocking D-9, Pettaway D-7(Rit),Wyman D-4(Net), Act Dep O’Brien D-8/C-7 2335 Still Box 16-2335 By FA E 37 L 26 2339 Box 16-2335 By L-26 E 33-22 L 15 R-2 TaC D-5 C-7a D-11(Evac) D-4(Net) Rit Co By FA E 14 2344 Rehab Unit W-25 2347 2nd Alarm By D-5 E 14*-42-7-3 L 4-17 TL-10 SU W-12 H-1 D-9 A-65 Rit Co By FA E 18 +L 14 D-7(Rit) 2357 3rd Alarm By C-7 E 10-21 L 18 0105 Detail By C-7 E 50 L 11 0108 All Out 8/15 IGNITION FACTOR U 0153 Detail Terminated $ 250,000 ORIGIN: 3rd floor apt 54-e front bedroom heavy fire extended to 4th floor front apt 54-j front bedroom heavy smoke on floors 5, 6, and 7 *went to work at fire MA 38 SAT 16 GROUP 1/2 BOX LOCATION: EUTAW & BORDER STS 29 Eutaw St 3 Story Brick Attached Dwelling INCIDENT #43748 27 Eutaw St 2 Story Brick/½ Wood Dwelling Hartnett D-1(Ops), Jones H-1, Act DC Francis E-4/D-3, Shea D-4(Rit), Marston D-4(Net), Finn C-6 1442 Box 6174 By FA E 5-56-8 L 21-1 R-1 MU D-1 Mutual Aid Revere E1-5 Rit Co By FA E 10 1444 Rehab Unit W-25 1457 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 50-4-21-22-Rev1 L 24-15 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 C-6 H-1 D-3a, D-6(Net) A-65 Rit Co By FA +L 18 D-4(Rit) 1526 Detail By C-6 E 7 L 11 1627 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 30 1737 Detail Terminated $ 200,000 ORIGIN: # 29 1st floor front Hall linen closet electrical wiring heavy fire MA 39 SUN 17 GROUP 3/1 BOX LOCATION: RIVER ST & HUNTINGTON AV 9 River St Terr 2 Story Brick Apartment Dwelling INCIDENT #43924 Act DC Carey E-52/D-12(Ops), Whitman D-1/H-1,Dowling HQ/D-8, Miller D-9(Rit), Reynolds D-7(Net), Mager C-7 1514 Box 3737 By FA E 48-49-52 L 28-29 R-2 D-12a Rit Co By FA E 16 1517 Rehab Unit W-25 1523 2nd Alarm By D-12a E 53-18-24-42 L 16-6 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 C-7 H-1 D-8, D-7(Net) A-65 Rit Co By FA +L 23 D-9(Rit) 1625 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U $ 100,000 ORIGIN: apt 2 1st floor front right bedroom mattress heavy fire extended to apartment Temp +81° hum 45% h/I +81° © Copyright 2008 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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