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February 2003
MA 4 SUN 2 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: ETHEL ST & RAWSTON RD 18 Ethel St Large 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #06854 Loftus D-10, O’Donnell H-1, Burnhard Hq/D-12, Boccuzzo D-5(net), Dunderdale C-7 1345 Box 2654 By FA E 53-55-30 L 16-25 R-2 D-10 1350 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1351 Working Fire BY D10 E 48 L 28 TL-10 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 1352 2nd Alarm By D-10 E 28-52-42 W-12 D-12 D-5(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 29 1442 Detail By C-7 E 14 L 23 1518 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 14 1549 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 300,000 ORIGIN: 1st rear bedroom elderly man spilled lighter fluid on hands and bed while refilling zippo lighter 1st and 2nd floors rear heavy fire MA 5 SAT 8 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: EAST THIRD & O STS 756-758 East Third St 3 Story Wood Attached Dwellings-43-45 O St 3 Story Brick/Wood Building 760 East Third St 1st Floor O & 3rd St Mini Mart Dwellings Over attached to INCIDENT #08242 East 3rd St Building Lt Rull E-2, Price/Conway D-6, Liotta H-1, Lorenz D-3, Ellard D-11(Net), Marston D-4, Hasson C-6, Christian C-1 2220 Box 7334 By FA E 2-39-21 L 19-18 R-1 D-6 2221 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-3 W-25 2223 Working Fire By E-2 E 3 L 17 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 FAST Ladder By FA L 7 2230 2nd Alarm By D-6 E 7-10-17 L 4 W-12 D-3 D-11(Net) 2235 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 22-14 L 16 C-1 A-65 2302 4th Alarm By C-1 E 50-5 0103 Detail By C-6 E 18-33 L 1-15 D-4 0400 Detail By D-6 E 41 L 2 0600 Detail E 20 L 26 0759 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0759 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 1,100,000 ORIGIN: #45 1st floor store extened to all floors all buildings very heavy fire temp +25° 14 MPH W/C 0° MA 6 SUN 9 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: HARVARD ST & HARVARD SQ 32 Harvard St-2 Washington St 3½ Story Brick/Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #08286 Lt O’Brien E-50, Lorenz/Farren D-3, Liotta H-1, Act DC Pascal L-26/D-5, Act DC Dempsey L-2/D-1(Net), Hasson C-6 0407 Still Box 4115 By FA E 50 L 9 0413 Box 4115 By E-50 E 32-8 L 1 R-1 D-3 Mutual Aid Som E4-32 0414 Rehab Unit By FA TL-3 W-25 0415 2nd Alarm By E-50 E 4-10-5-3-39 L 24-15 H-2 CP W-12 H-1 C-6 D-5 D-1(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 18 0538 Detail By C-6 E 9 L 11 0800 Detail By D-3 E 32 0855 Detail Terminated IGNITION FACTOR 11 0855 All Out LOSS $ 150,000 ORIGIN: # 32 1st floor extended to 2nd and 3rd floors and attic extended to # 2 attic temp +19° 13 MPH W/C 0° MA 7 WED 12 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: WESTMINSTER AV & WALDEN RD 10 Westminster Av Large 2½ Story Wood Dwelling W/Slate Roof INCIDENT #08830 Sullivan D-9, Liotta H-1, Snell D-7,Roach D-12(net), Fleming C-7 0149 Box 2296 By FA E 42-24-14 L 23-4 R-2 D-9 0155 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-10 W-25 0201 Working Fire BY D-9 E 28 L 29 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 15 0208 2nd Alarm By C-7 E 52-21-17 L 7 W-12 D-7 D-12(Net) 0221 1 X Lad By C-7 (Overhauling) L 14 0310 Detail By C-7 E 22-53 L 16-17 0429 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0537 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 250,000 ORIGIN: basement rear extended via chimney brest to 1st, 2nd floors, and attic through roof temp +18° 4 MPH W/C +12° gusts to 10 W/C +6° MA 8 WED 12 GROUP 3/4 BOX LOCATION: RIVER & OSCEOLA STS 731-733 River St Large 3 Story Brick 6 Family Dwelling INCIDENT #08957 Lt Smith E-48, Capt Welsh L-28, Howard D-12, Evans H-1, O’Brien D-8, Maiorana D-5(net), MacCurtain C-7 1752 Box 3669 By FA E 48-53-52 L 28-16 R-2 D-12 1755 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1755 Working Fire BY E-48 (Not Struck) 1755 2nd Alarm By L-28 E 16-18-49-24 L 29-6 TL-10 H-2 CP W-12 H-1 C-7 D-8 D-5(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 23 1916 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U LOSS $ 200,000 ORIGIN: # 731 2nd floor apt 25 front balconey charcoal grill very heavy fire extended to 2nd and 3rd floor front temp +20° 9 MPH W/C +10° gusts to 45 W/C -2&° WF 3 FRI 14 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: CHESTNUT & BRIMMER STS 106 Chestnut St 3 Story Brick Dwelling INCIDENT #09413 Farren D-3, Feeley H-1, Hasson C-6 2053 Box 1384 By FA E 4-7-33 L 24-17 R-1 D-3 C-6 2056 Tower & Rehab unit By FA TL-3 W-25 2101 Working Fire By C-6 E 10-8 L 15 H-2 CP H-1 FAST Ladder By FA L 1 2205 Detail By C-6 E 32 L 4 2357 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 2357 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 200,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor rear kitchen temp +17° 6 MPH W/C +8° gusts to 36 MPH W/C -4° WF 4 SUN 16 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: COLUMBIA RD & GENEVA AV 11 Vaughn Av 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #09738 Act DC Chisholm E-21/D-7, Evans H-1, Act Dep Dillon D-7/C-7 0536 Box 3113 By FA E 24-21-17 L 23-7 R-2 D-7 0539 Tower & Rehab unit By FA TL-10 W-25 0554 Working Fire By D-7 E 52 L 29 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 4 0731 Detail By C-7 E 3 (Day) 0802 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0904 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 100,000 ORIGIN: attic front heavy fire dropped down to 2nd floor via walls 3 frozen hydrants temp 0° 8 MPH W/C -14° gusts to 22 MPH W/C -23° MA 9 MON 17 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: Heritage Housing For The Elderly, 2 Msgr Albert A Jocobbe Rd 2 Msgr Albert A Jocobbe Rd Heritage Housing For The Elderly 5 Story Brick Dwelling INCIDENT #10193 Capt Dempsy L-2, Hartnett D-1, Feeley H-1, Farren D-3, Conway D-6(Net), Hasson C-6 1945 Still Box 13-6151 By FA E 9 L 2 1949 Box 13-6151 By L-2 E 5-56 L 21 R-1 MU 1-2 D-1 Mutual Aid Chel E 1-5 1953 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 2001 Working Fire BY D-1 E 8 L 1 TL-3 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 FAST Ladder By FA L 24 2009 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 50-4-21-Chel 1 L 17 W-12 D-3 D-6(Net) 2137 Detail By D-1 E 9 L 2 (To Complete Evacuation) 2137 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 12 2143 1 X Lad By D-1 (Assist In Evacuation) +L 21 2200 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 200,000 ORIGIN: 4th floor apt 458 living room electric heater near futon heavy fire and heavy smoke through entire building many elderly evacuated 89 YR F DL at MGH temp +15° 14 MPH W/C 0° gusts to 34 W/C -7° blizzard conditions 12" snow on ground WF 5 SAT 22 GROUP 3/4 BOX EAST BERKELEY ST & SHAWMUT AV 24 Dwight St 4 Story Brick Attached Dwelling INCIDENT #11083 Coppney D-4, O’Donnell H-1, Hasson C-6 0655 Box 1614 By FA E 3-7-22 L 17-15 R-1 D-4 0658 Tower & Rehab unit By FA TL-3 W-25 0704 Working Fire By D-4 E 33 L 18 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 FAST Ladder By FA L 24 0748 Detail By D-4 E 3-7 (Day) L 17 0748 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 34 0830 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 100,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor front kitchen toaster oven short circuit kitchen and bedroom heavy fire MA 10 FRI 28 GROUP 3/4 BOX LOCATION: MASSACHUSETTS & COLUMBUS AVS 4 Wellington St 4 Story Brick Attached Dwelling W/Mansard Roof INCIDENT #12349 Lynch D-4, Hession HQ/H-1, Farren D-3, Act DC McAdams L-25/D-5(Net), Hasson C-6, Christian C-1 1725 Box 221 By FA E 22-33-7 L 17-15 R-2 D-4 1728 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-3 W-25 1730 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 37-14-3-42 L 26-4 W-12 H-1 C-6 D-3 D-5(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 18 1734 3rd Alarm By D-4 E 10-21 L 1 C-1 A-65 1837 Detail E 56 L 14 1940 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 2153 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 600,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor rear extened to all floors very heavy fire temp +28° calm © Copyright 2003 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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