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February 2013
MA 06 SUN 03 GROUP 2 BOX 5385 LOCATION: LANGLEY RD AT 50 4 Langley Rd 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #7025 McMahon D-11(Ops), Shaffer D4(Rit), Jones H-1(Safety), Dowling D-9(2nd), Lorenz D-3(Act), Act Dep Marston D-6/C-6a(IC) 2143 1st Alarm By FA E 51-29-41 L 11-14 R-1 D-11(Ops) 2145 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 42 L 15* TL-3 RHU D-4(Rit), H-1(Safety) 2147 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 37-33-22 L 26 SU TaC ASU D-9(2nd), C-6a(IC) D-3(Act) A-65 A-10 2010 1 X Lad (Rit) By C-6a L 16 2310 Detail By C-6a E 21 L 24 0036 All Out 2/04 IGNITION FACTOR U 0041 Detail Terminated Loss $ 300,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor front bedroom in walls extended to 2nd floor and attic through roof Temp +25° wind calm * company worked at fire MA 07 MON 04 GROUP 1 BOX 613 LOCATION: ENGINE HOUSE 9, 239 SUMNER ST 265-267 Sumner St-45-47 Orleans St 3 Story Wood Block Dwelling INCIDENT #7202 McCormack D-1(Ops),Brooks D3(Rit), Feely H-1(Safety), Buchanan D-6(2nd), Malone D-4(Act), DiBenedetto C-6(IC), Granara W-1(Rehab), Shea K-1(FPD) Abraira C-2(CoD), Fraser C-1(Comm) 2337 1st Alarm By FA E 9-5-56 L 2-21 R-1 MU D-1(Ops) Mutual Aid Chel E2-5 2338 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 4* L 24* TL-3 RHU D-3(Rit), H-1(Safety) 2340 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 8-10-50-CHEL 2L 1 SU TaC ASU D-6(2nd), C-6(IC) D-4(Act) A-65 A-10 2342 3rd Alarm By D-1 E 21-22 L 15 W-1(Rehab) 2346 4th Alarm By D-1 E 39-3 2351 1 X Eng & Lad (Rit)By C-6 E 37* L 18* 2353 5th Alarm By C-6 E 33-42-14 C-2(CoD), C-1(Comm), K-1(FPD) Mutual Aid Brkl E1-28 Camb 2-33 Quin 2-18 Bkln L2-14 Quin 2-7 0002 1 X Lad (Rit) By C-6 L 7 0014 1 X Tower Ladder By C-6 TL-17 0017 Special Mutual Aid Revere L1-21 0110 Detail By C-6 E 2-16 L 16 0301 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 12 0313 Detail Terminated Loss $ 600,000 ORIGIN: # 267 3rd floor bedroom portable heater placed too close to combustible material caused very heavy fire extended to # 265 45-47 through roof # 265 fire dropped down to 2nd floor ceiling Temp +25° wind 10 mph w/c +23 * company worked at fire see 45-613 May 28, 1986 MA 08 FRI 08 GROUP 3 BOX 16-1344 LOCATION: Charles River Park Condominiums, 8 Whittier Pl 8 Whittier Pl, Charles River Park Condominiums 23 Story Concrete/Steel Condominium Dwelling 220 Condominiums INCIDENT #7896 Stallworth D-4(Ops), Lonergan H-1(Safety), Buchanan D-6(Evac), McCormack D-1(Act), Bishop D-3(2nd), Calobrisi C-6(IC) 2040 Still Box 16-1344 By FA E 8 L 1 2048 1st Alarm By FA E 4-50-10^ TL-3 TL-17 R-1 TaC D-4(Ops) H-1(Safety) C-6 D-6(Evac) D-1(Act) 2048 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 3 L 15 RHU 2119 2nd Alarm By C-6 E 7-33 L 24 SU ASU D-3(2nd) A-10 0100 Detail 2/9 By C-6 E 14-24 0032 Detail By C-6 +E 39 +L 29 0119 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 0230 Detail E 9-20 0500 Detail E 22-29 0700 Detail E 42-49 0900 Detail E 5-17 1000 Detail E 33 1030 Detail E 28 1200 Detail E 3 1300 Detail E 50 1430 Detail E 29 1530 Detail E 14 1630 Detail E 53 1700 Detail E 7 1737 Detail Terminated Loss $ 250,000 ORIGIN: electrical fire in basement transformer room heavy smoke throughout building 250 persons forced out Temp +18° wind 70 mph w/c -8° major northeaster storm total snow accumulation 24.9" 5th largest snow fall recorded in Boston ^ extra engine due to storm See 2-16-1344 Aug 31,2010 MA 09 SAT 09 GROUP 3 BOX 2138 LOCATION: COPELAND ST & LANGFORD PK 5 Burton Av 4 Story Brick Dwelling INCIDENT #7944 Whitman D-7(Ops), Rushton D-9(Rit), Lonergan H-1(Safety), Stallworth D-4(2nd), Hocking D-8(Act), Dunderdale C-7(IC) 0206 1st Alarm By FA E 21-42-3-22^ L 4-23 R-2 D-7(Ops) 0213 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 37 L 7 TL-10 RHU-2 D-9(Rit) H-1(Safety) 0225 2nd Alarm By D-9 E 28-17 L 26 SU ASU TaC D-4(2nd) D-8(Act) C-7(IC) 0259 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0743 Detail Terminated Loss $ 200,000 ORIGIN: 4th floor bedroom extended to 4th floor through roof Temp +15° wind 10 mph w/c -8° ^ extra engine due to storm MA 10 SAT 09 GROUP 1 BOX 3311 LOCATION: ALLSTON & MATHER STS 49 Mather St Large 3 Story Wood Dwelling 30' x 45' INCIDENT #8206 Lt Alyward L-6, Act DC Mattson D-8a((Ops), Feely H-1(Safety), Price Pool/D-7(Rit), Miller D-9(2nd), Malone D-4(Act), Doherty C-7(IC), Fontana G-1(SOC) 2356 1st Alarm By FA E 18-17-24-52^ L 6-7 R-2 D-8(Ops) 2356 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 21 L 29 TL-10 RHU-2 D-7(Rit) H-1(Safety) 2358 2nd Alarm By L-6 E 20-16 L 23 SU ASU TaC D-9(2nd), C-7(IC) D-4(Act) A-65 0006 3rd Alarm 2/10 By D-8a E 10-39 L 19-34 0013 1 X Lad (Rit) By D-8a L 4 0330 Detail By C-7 E 7 L 21 0441 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0505 Detail Terminated Loss $ 400,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor bedroom heavy fire though entire building through roof Temp +15° wind 15 mph w/c -8° ^ extra engine, L-34 in service due to storm MA 11 SUN 10 GROUP 1 BOX 2297 LOCATION: COBDEN & DUNFORD STS 5 Cobden St Large 3½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #8261 Miller D-9(Ops), Malone D-4(Rit), Feely H-1(Safety), Neiman D-11(2nd), Price Pool/D-7(Act), Doherty C-7(IC) 0501 1st Alarm By FA E 42-14-24-28^ L 4-23 R-2 D-9(Ops) 0505 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 17 L 29 TL-10 RHU-2 D-4(Rit) H-1(Safety) 0512 2nd Alarm By D-9 E 52-21 L 15 SU ASU TaC D-11(2nd) D-7(Act) C-7(IC) A-65 0630 Detail By C-7 E 41 L 18 0655 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U Loss $ 200,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor bedroom extended to 2nd and 3rd floors through roof Temp +15° wind 10 mph w/c -8° several frozen hydrants occurred ^ extra engine due to storm MA 12 WED 20 GROUP 3/1 BOX 1537 LOCATION: BERKELEY & MARLBOROUGH STS 17 Commonwealth Av 5 Brick Condominium Dwelling (5 Condos) 30' x 80' INCIDENT #10347 Lt Montoya L-24, Stallworth D-4(Ops), Act DC Annis L-15/D-6a(Rit), Lonergan H-1(Safety), Brooks D-3(2nd), Act DC Linnell L-4/D-7(Act), DiBenedetto C-6(IC), Grenara W-1(Rehab), Magee K-3 (Arson) 0918 Still Central Station By FA E 33 L 24 0930 1st Alarm By L 24 E 7-4 L 15-TL-17 R-1 D-4(Ops) 0933 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 39* L 18*TL-10 RHU D-6a(Rit) H-1(Safety) 0944 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 3-10-14 L 26 SU ASU TaC D-3(2nd) D-7a(Act) C-6(IC) A-65 A-10 0946 1 X Eng (Rit) By D-4 E 42 0947 1 X Lad (Rit) By D-4 L 21 0948 1 X Rescue By D-4 R-2 0951 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 51-50 L 7 W-1 K-3 1029 Detail By C-6 E 8 L 4 1137 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 34 1304 Detail Terminated Loss $ 5,000,000 ORIGIN: short circuit in radiant heater in ceiling 4th floor extended via stairway to 5th floor rear +35° wind 10 mph w/c -28° * company worked at fire © Copyright 2013 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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