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MA 04 SUNDAY 5 GROUP 4/2 BOX LOCATION: BLUE HILL AV AT CLIFFORD ST 38 Julian St 3 Story Wood Vacant Dwellina W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT # 5724 Lt Ciavatone L-4, Snell D-7, Laizza H-1,Ellard D-8, Boccuzzo D-5(Net-1), Lockhead C-7 1612 Box 1752 By FA E 24-14-21 L 4-7 R-2 D-7 1616 Working Fire By L-4 E 17 L 23 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-7 1621 2nd Alarm By D-7 E 42-3-22 L 26 D-8 D-5(Net-1) 1712 Detail By C-7 E 30 L 16 1742 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 21 1837 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 75,000 ORIGIN: heavy fire rear porches all floors extended to 3rd floor rear temp +17° Wind 39 MPH W/C -26° MA 05 MONDAY 6 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: PARK & SEVILLE STS 296 Park St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT # 5827 McCarthy D-10, B O'Donnell H-1, Ahern D-12, Ellard D-g(Net-1), Kenney C-7 0745 Box 2918 By FA E 30-55-53 L 25-16 R-2 D-10 0807 Working Fire By D-10 E 28(48) L 10 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-7 0812 2nd Alarm By D-10 E 49-42-52 L 28 D-12 D-8(Net-1) 0814 Special By FA E48 (For E-28 Diverted To Cardiac Case) 0901 Detail By C-7 E 10 L 7 1100 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1100 Detail terminated LOSS $ 150,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor rear kitchen rear heavy fire extended via pipe shaft attic rear temp +3° Wind 30 MPH Gusts to 37 MPH W/C -43° To -47° WF 01 TUESDAY 7 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: DEER ISLAND SEWERAGE TREATMENT PLANT Deer Island MWPA Tunnel Project Construction Site At CP-205 2 Construction Trailers 8' X 24' 1 Story Prefab Attached Buildings INCIDENT # 6212 Act DC Granara E-5/D-1, B O'Donnell H-1, Fisher C-6, Kenney C-4 0803 Still By FA E 56-5 L 21 D-1 0806 Box 6311 By FA E 9-Win 2 L 2 R-1 MU 1-2 0825 Working Fire By D-1 E 8 L 1 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-4 C-6 1919 Detail By C-6 E 41 L 18 1952 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 2142 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 300,000 ORIGIN: construction archetect offfice trailers fully involved on arrivall MA 06 WEDNESDAY 8 GROUP 4/1 BOX LOCATION: BEACON & FAIRFIELD STS 330 Beacon St 17 storv 3rick 150 Apartment Condominium Dwelling INCIDENT # 6361 Hayhurst/McDevitt D-4, Evans H-1, Maiorana D-5(Evac-1), Goglia D-3, Lucas D-9(Net-1), McNamara D-8, Mochen/Christian C-6, White S-1, MacCurtain C-2, Pierce C-1 1116 Box 1576 By FA E 33-7-22 L 15-17 R-2 H-2 D-4 H-1 C-6 1130 Evac-1 By C-6 D-5(Evac-1) 1148 HazMat Lv-2 By C-6 H-3 1155 1 X Lad By C-6 (With Speedy Dry)L 24 1222 Comm Unit By C-6 CU 1244 Hi-Rise Resp By C-6 TC 1340 Air Supply By C-6 W-12 1345 Net-1 By C-6 D-9(Net-1) 1354 2nd Alarm By C-6 E 3-4-37-39 L 26-18 D-3 1424 BTC Comm UnitBy C-6 BTC CU 1430 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 10-17 L 14 S-1 C-2 C-1 1548 Detail By C-6 E 8-41-53 L 10-23 1357 Detail By C-6 D-8 1750 Detail By D-4 E 42 L 16 185l All out IGNITION FACTOR 53 1903 Detail Terminated LOSS $ IfOCO1000 ORIGIN: 4th floor utility closet/shaft area in central core of building Heating system pipe pipe ruptured releasing 200 gallons of water/ethylene glycol mix product filled pipe chase and electrical conduits Small fire ensued all apartments were evacuated due to contamination by product temp +21° Wind 15 MPH Gusts To 23 W/C -3° To -11° MA 07 TUESDAY 14 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: CONDOR NR BROOKS STS 121 Condor St 2 Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT # 7453 Russell D-1, Evans H-1, Hayhurst D-4. Act DC Joseph L-17/D-3(Net-1),Clougherty C-6 1740 Box 6178 By FA E 5-9-56 L 2-21 R-1 MU 1-2 D-1 Mutual Aid Chel E 1-5 1746 Working Fire By D-1 E 9 L I TC H-2 CU H-1 C-6 1808 2 X Lad By C-6 L 24-17 1811 2nd Alarm By C-6 E 10-50-4-Ch 1 D-4 D-3(Net-1) 1932 Detail By C-6 E 3-21 L 18 2151 Detail By D-1 E 37 L 14 2221 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 2354 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 2OO,OOO ORIGIN: lst floor rear kitchen rear heavy fire extended to attic rear through roof temp +25° Wind 14 MPH W/C +4° WF 02 THURSDAY 16 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: DUDLEY ST & BLUE HILL AV 302 Eustis St 3 Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT # 7700 Lt Jackson E-14, Maiorana D-5, Evans H-1, Kane C-7 0921 Box 1713 By FA E 14-3-22 L 4-23 R-2 D-5 0924 Working Fire By E-14 E 37 L 26 H-2 CU H-1 C-7 0925 Special By FA (For Tower Co) L 7 0959 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 21 LOSS $ 5OfOOO ORIGIN: Ist floor front bedroom heavy fire MA 08 FRIDAY 17 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: COMMNWEALTH AV & WARREN ST 116-122 Warren St 4 Story Brick Attached Apartment Dwelling INCIDENT # 7830 DiBennedetto D-11, McNamara H-1, Act DC Fontana Hq/D-5, Miller D-9 (Net-1), Christian C-6, Moore W-1, Pierce C-1 0135 Box 518 By FA E 41-29-51 L 14-11 R-1 D-11 0142 Working Fire By D-11 E 37 L 26 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-6 1143 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 33-22-42 L 15 D-5 D-9(Net-1) 0147 3rd Alarm By D-11 E 3-10 L 23 C-1 0155 4th Alarm By C-6 E 21-50 W-1 0201 1 X Lad By C-6 L 16 0315 Detail By C-6 E 18 L 18 0505 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 36 0505 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 200,000 ORIGIN:# 122 3rd floor left side apartment 10 front bedroom heavy fire 3rd floor front extended to 4th flcor front extended to 4th floor # 120 MA. 09 MONDAY 27 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: MSGR PATRICK J LYDON WAY AT FLORIDA ST 51 Msgr Patrick J. Lydon Way 3 Story Wood 6 Family Dweiling INCIDENT # 9397 Capt Buckley L-6, O'Brien D-8, Keeley H-1, Miller D-9, Keenan D-1O(Net-1), Hasson C-7 1855 Still By FA E 18-20 L 6 D-8 1856 Box 3223 By L-6 E 17 L 7 R-2 1901 Working Fire By D-8 E 16 L 29 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-7 1903 2nd Alarm By D-8 E 52-24-21 L 23 D-10 Net-1) 1948 Detail By C-7 E 3-51 L 4 2052 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 2209 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 2OO,OOO ORIGIN: ist floor right bedroom mattress extended to all floors right and left rear and rear porches all floors right and left sides temp +28° MA 10 TUESDAY 28 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: HARRISON AV & EAST BROOKLINE STS 720 Harrison Ave University Hospital Doctors Office Building And Parking Garage 12 Story Concrete W/3 Stcry Concrete Open Air Attached Garage INCIDENT # 9473 F F Sudhaiter H-2, Act DC Fontana Hq/D-4, Laizza H-1, Lorens D-3(Net-1), Tuiley D-il(Evac-l), Mochen C-6, Moore W-1, McCurtain C-2, Pierce C-1 0847 Box 1653 By FA E 14-3-39 L 18-17 R-1 H-2 D-4 H-1 C-6 0848 2nd Alarm By H-2 E 10-24-50-37 L 4-23 TC CU D-6 D-3(Net-1) 0851 3rd Alarm By D-4 E 18-21 L 14 D-11(Evac-l) C-1 0852 4th Alarm By C-6 E 53-7 H-3 W-1 0855 5th Alarm By C-6 E 42-51 L 15 C-2 Mutuai Aid Bkl 1-28 Cam 2-33 Qui 4-18 Bkl 2-14 Qui 5-7 0901 6th Alarm By C-6 E 55-56 Mutual Aid Need 3-30 New 6-51 Som 2-32 1026 Detail By C-6 E 22 L 26 1106 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 53 1244 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 750,000 ORIGIN: Boston Edison Transformer Vault TNV-647 3rd floor garage level left side rear 4,800 VAC 750 VA Si transformer exploded blowing out fire doors and doing considerable structural damage heavy smoke condition on upper floors temp +30° freezing rain © Copyright 1995 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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