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January 2012
MA 1 TUE 3 GROUP 3 BOX 12-1913 LOCATION: HARBOR POINT HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY, MIDRISE, BUILDING 18-1, 40 WESTWIND RD, 7 Story Brick/Concrete Apartment Dwelling INCIDENT #412 Lt Souza E-21, McNeil/Marston D-6(Ops), Whitman D-7(Rit), Lonergan H-1, Stallworth D-4(2nd), Smith D-8(Evac), Granara X-1(Rehab), Calobrisi C-6(IC)/Fleming C-7(AM), Ahern K-3(FIU), Joseph K-2(FPD) 0302 Still Box 12-1912 By FA E 21 L 18 0310 1st Alarm By E-21 E 39-17 L 7 R-1 D-6(Ops) 0310 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 3* L 4* W-25 D-7(Rit) 0311 2nd Alarm By E-21 E 2-14-24 L 19 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 H-1 D-4(2nd) C-6 D-3(Act) D-8(Evac) A-65 0330 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 18-22 L 26 X-1(Rehab) 0342 (Rit) By C-6 E 22 L 26 0346 Special By FA K-3(FIU) 0418 Special By FA K-2(FPD) 0530 Detail By C-6 E 7 0731 Special By FA D-6(Ops)(AM) 0955 Special By FA C-7(AM) 1254 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 33 0829 Detail Terminated Loss $ 250,000 ORIGIN:5th floor apt 451 bedroom electric bed electrical wire pinched by bed shorted heavy fire in apartment 80 yr M DOA *went to work at fire temp +26̊ calm MA 2 SAT 21 GROUP 1/3 BOX 356 LOCATION: ENGINE HOUSE 16, 9 GALLIVAN BLVD 25-27 Gallivan Blvd 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #3945 Smith D-8(Ops), Walsh D-12(Rit), Lonergan H-1, Whitman D-7(2nd), Mitchell D-9(Act) Dunderdale C-7(IC) 1300 1st Alarm By FA E 16-18-52 L 6-29 R-2 D-8(Ops) 1302 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 53 L 16 W-25 D-12(Rit) 1303 2nd Alarm By D-8 E 20-24-17-42 L 23 7 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 H-1 D-7(2nd) C-7(IC) D-9(Act) A-65 1401 Detail By C-7 E 3 L 2 1451 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 1552 Detail Terminated Loss $ 300,000 ORIGIN: # 27 2nd floor front left side bedroom extended to rear extended to attic through roof temp +19̊ wind 3 mph snowing MA 3 SUN 22 GROUP 3/4/1 BOX 5124 LOCATION: BRIGHTON AV & CHESTER ST 84 Linden St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #4061 Lt Feeney E-41, Magee D-11(Ops), Stallworth D-4(Rit), Feely H-1, Miller D-9(2nd) Costin D-3(Act), DiBenedetto C-6(IC) 0712 1st Alarm By FA E 41-29-51 L 14-11 R-1 D-11(Ops) 0712 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 42 L 15 W-25 D-4(Rit) 0714 2nd Alarm By E-41 E 37-33-22 L 26 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 H-1 D-9(2nd) C-6(IC) D-3(Act) A-65 0843 Detail By C-6 E 21-53 L 1-18 1105 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 1105 Detail(Day) By D-11 E 21 L 18 1200 Detail E 50 L 29 1325 Detail Terminated Loss $ 300,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor right side very heavy fire all floors through roof M DL at BI temp +14̊ wind 17 mph w/c -1̊ MA 4 MON 23 GROUP 1 BOX 1595 LOCATION: EDGERLY RD & WESTLAND AV 66 Westland Av 5 Story Brownstone Apartment Dwelling, Westland Apartments INCIDENT #4228 Hogan Pool/D-4(Ops), Miller D-9(Rit), Magee D-11(Evac), Feely H-1, Buchanan Pool/D-7(2nd), Paschal D-6(Act), Doherty C-7(IC) 0209 AMA 374 Alarm By FA E 33 L 15 D-4 0229 1st Alarm By D-4 E 37-22 L 26 R-1 0229 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 14 L 14* W-25 D-9(Rit) 0300 1 X DC (Evac) By D-4 D-11(Evac) 0310 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 7-3-41 L 17 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 H-1 D-7(2nd) C-7(IC) D-6(Act) A-65 0313 1 X Lad By D-4 L 4(Rit) 0357 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 12 Loss $ 50,000 ORIGIN: basement right rear apt g-05 bedroom candle extended to apartment heavy smoke condition temp +28̊ wind calm MA 5 TUE 31 GROUP 1 BOX 1612 LOCATION: TREMONT & CHANDLER STS 450 Tremont St Eva White Housing Apartment Dwelling, 7 Story Concrete/Steel Building 100' x 50' INCIDENT #5593 Hogan Pool/D-4(Ops), Costin D-3(Rit), McDevitt D-6(Evac), Feely H-1, Boccuzzo D-7(2nd), Keeley D-11(Act), DiBenedetto C-6(IC) 0456 Patriot Alarm 1438 By FA E 7 L 17 D-4 0458 1st Alarm By FA E 22-3 L 15 R-1 0458 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 4* L 24* W-25 D-3(Rit) 0511 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 33-39-10 L 18 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 H-1 D-7(2nd) C-6(IC) D-11 Act) A-65 0512 1 X Eng & Lad By D-4 E 42 (Rit) L 26 (Rit) D-6(Evac) 0548 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 12 0612 Detail By D-4 E 41 L 1 0750 Detail By D-4 E 2 L 21 0821 Detail Terminated Loss $ 10,000 ORIGIN: rear building 3rd floor apt 65 bedroom space heater too close to bedding heavy smoke condition in building *went to work at fire temp +32̊ wind calm © Copyright 2012 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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