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March 2011
MA 11 SAT 5 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: ROBINSON AT MONTELLO STS 3 Robinson St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #12754 Lt Pero L-7, Whitman D-7(Ops), Miller D-9(2nd)/(Rit), Lonergan H-1, Hocking D-8(Rit)/(2nd), Howard D-12(Act), Dunderdale C-7(IC), Granara X-1(Rehab) 0059 Still Inv Smoke By FA E 17 L 7 0104 Box 3144 By L-7 E 18-21 L 6 R-2 D-7(Ops) 0104 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 16* L 29* W-25 D-9(2nd)/(Rit) 0104 2nd Alarm By L-7 E 24-20-52 L 23 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 C-7(IC) H-1 D-8*Rit)/(2nd) D-12 (Act) 0111 3rd Alarm By D-7 E 10-37 L 19 X-1(Rehab) 0153 Detail By C-7 E 48 L 26 0347 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 40 0347 Detail Terminated Loss $ 500,000 ORIGIN: attic defective gas fired hot air furnace in closet extended to attic fully involved through roof * worked at fire temp +30◦ calm SAT 5 GROUP 3/4/2 BOX LOCATION: ROBINSON AT MONTELLO STS INCIDENT #12793 3 Robinson St 2½ Wood Dwelling Buchanan Pool/D-7 0635 Box 3144 By FA E 17-18-21 L 7-6 R-2 D-7(Ops) 0638 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 16 L 29 W-25 D-8((Rit) 0718 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U ORIGIN: attic Loss UND MA 12 SUN 13 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: WAIT & HILLSIDE STS 149 Hillside St 3 Story Brick/Wood Dwelling Partly Vacant (3rd Floor Occupied) INCIDENT #14285 Mitchell D-9(Ops), Stallworth D-4(Rit), Lonergan H-1, Keeley D-11(2nd) Whitman D-7(Act), Dunderdale C-7(IC) 0356 Box 2372 By FA E 37-42-14 L 26-4 R-2 D-9(Ops) 0405 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 3* TL-10* W-25 D-4(Rit) 0407 2nd Alarm By D-9 E 22-33-28 L 16 SU TaC W-12 C-7(IC) H-1 D-11(2nd) D-7(Act) 0408 1 X Eng & Lad(Rit)By D-9 E 24 L 23 0509 Detail By C-7 E 32 L 7-9 0548 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 0712 Detail Terminated Loss $ 300,000 ORIGIN: careless disposal of smokers material 3rd floor rear porch 3rd floor rear porch fully involved heavy fire 3rd floor * worked at fire MA 13 SAT 19 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: PORTER & BREMEN STS 136 Chelsea St 3 Story Wood Dwelling/W 1st floor Brick Facade INCIDENT #15452 O’Donnell D-1(Ops), Costin D-3(Rit), Feely H-1, Act DC Fall TL-3/D-6a(2nd), Wyman D-4(Act), Finn C-6(IC), Granara X-1(Rehab) 1753 Box 6161 By FA E 9-5-56 L 2-21 R-1 D-1(Ops) Mutual Aid Che E2-5 1756 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 4 L 24* W-25 D-3(Rit) 1806 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 8-10-50-Ch 2 L 1-TL-3 SU TaC W-12 C-6(IC) H-1 D-6a(2nd) D-4(Act) 1820 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 21-22 L 15 X-1(Rehab) 1822 1 X Lad (Rit) By C-6 L 18 1908 Detail By C-6 E 3 L 17 1956 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 30 2120 Detail Terminated Loss $ 150,000 ORIGIN: basement rear left clothes dryer extended to basement walls extended via walls to 1st and 2nd floors rear * worked at fire MA 14 MON 28 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: BYRON & WESTGATE RDS 44 Broadlawn Pk Broadlawn Park Condominiums Garden Apartment Dwellings 3 Story Brick 200' x 30' INCIDENT #16883 Capt Keogh E-30, Keeley D-12(Ops), Miller D-9(Rit), Feely H-1, Carey D-8(2nd), Buchanan Pool/D-7(Act), Act Dep Shea D-4/C-7(IC) 0419 Box 2858 By FA E 30-55-53-Bkl 6-New 10 L 25-16 R-2 D-12(Ops) 0426 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 49 L 14 W-25 D-9(Rit) 0428 2nd Alarm By E-30 E 48-28-42 L 28-TL-10 SU TaC W-12 C-7a(IC) H-1 D-8(2nd) D-7(Act) 0602 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 Loss $ 100,000 ORIGIN:2nd floor porch careless disposal of smokers materials extended to trash extended to 2nd floor exterior utility closet heavy gas fed fire 2nd and 3rd floors exterior closets temp +27◦ wind 10 mph w/c 17◦ MA 15 TUE 29 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: PORTER & PARIS STS 211 Havre St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #17195 Felton D-1(Ops), Lorenz D-3(Rit), Jones H-1, Marston D-6(2nd), Loftus Pool/D-4(Act) DiBenedetto C-6(IC) 2108 Box 6162 By FA E 9-5-56 L 2-21 R-1 D-1(Ops) Mutual Aid Che E2-5 2112 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 4 L 24 W-25 D-3(Rit) 2120 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 8-10-50 Ch2 L 1 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 C-6(IC) H-1 D-6(2nd) D-4(Act) 2201 Detail By C-6 E 16 L 15 SU 0012 All Out 3/30 IGNITION FACTOR 30 0012 Detail Terminated Loss $ 200,000 ORIGIN:electrical in wall basement apartment rear left side extended via walls to 2nd floor © Copyright 2011 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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