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MARCH 1995
WF 03 SATURDAY 4 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: BLUE HILL AV AT CLIFFORD ST 1114-1118 Blue Hill Ave 1 Story Brick Block Of Stores INCIDENT # 10035 kes Auto Acessaries Winston D-8, O'Donnell H-1, Kenny C-7 0247 Box 3625 By FA E 52-16-24 L 29-23 R-2 D-8 0253 Working Fire By D-8 E 18 L 6 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-7 0406 Detail By C-7 E 48 L 10 0419 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 0632 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 100,000 ORIGIN: # 1116 lst floor rear extended to # 1114 heavy fire through roof Temp +27° WF 04 MONDAY 6 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: HOWARD AV & BROOKFORD ST 7 Woodward Park St 3 Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT # 10347 Capt Benhard Hq/E-21, Dillon D-7, Evans H-1, Kane C-7 0255 Box 1765 By FA E 21-24-14 L 23-4-7 R-2 D-7 0258 Working Fire By E-21 E 17 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-7 0414 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 LOSS $ 50,000 ORIGIN: lst floor front interior stairway heavy fire all floor vented through 2nd and 3rd floor stairway windows no extension to apartments MA 11 WEDNESDAY 8 GROUP 1/2 BOX LOCATION: NEWTON ST AT 33 21-23 Newton St 2 Story Wood Dweiling INCIDENT # 10638 DiBeneditto D-11, Liotta H-1, Carey D-5, Marston D-4(Net-1), Christian C-6 0710 Box 5486 By FA E 51-29-41 L 11-14 R-1 D-11 0719 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 37-33-22-42 L 26-15 TC H-2 CU H-1 D-5 D-4(Net-1) C-6 0824 Detail By C-6 E 51(Day) L 14 (Day) 0824 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 35 0912 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 100,000 ORIGIN: # 23 lst floor rear bedroom candles extended to bed heavy fire lst floor rear extended to 2nd floor rear MA 12 SUNDAY 12 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: CHESTNUT HILL AV & WALLINGFORD RD 19-21 Priscella Rd 2½ Story Wood Duplex Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT # 11380 DiBeneditto D-11, Liazza H-l, Carey D-5, McNarara D-B(Net-1), Christian C-6 2236 Box 5337 By FA E 29-41-51 L 11-14 R-1 D-11 2239 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 37-33-22-42 L 26-15 TC H-2 CU H-1 D-5 D-8(Net-1) C-6 2357 Detail By D-11 E 10 0014 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 0109 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 100,000 ORIGIN: # 21 2nd floor front living room heavy fire extended to Attic MA 13 MONDAY 13 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: COMMONWEALTH & HARVARD AVS 160-176 Harvard Ave 1 Story Brick Block Of Stores INCIDENT# 11397 DiBeneditto D-11, Liazza H-1, Carey D-5, McNamara D-8(Net-1), Act DC O'Donnell TC/D-9. McDevitt D-4, Christian C-6, Pierce C-1 0341 Box 514 By FA E 41-29-51-Bkl 5 L 14-11 R-1 D-11 0347 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 37-33-22-3 L 26-15 TC H-2 CU D-5 D-8(Net-1) C-6 0353 3rd Alarm By D-11 E 21-10 L 23 C-1 0400 Air Supply By C-6 W-12 0407 1 X DC By C-6 D-9 0411 1 X Lad By C-1 L 17 0535 Detail By C-6 E 55-56 L 19 0628 Detail By C-6 +L 16 0630 Detail By C-6 +D-4 0650 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 0728 Detail By D-4 E 52 L 10 0833 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 750,OOO ORIGIN: dumpster rear # 170 extended to basement and lst floor # 168-170 heavy fire rear extended to basement and lst floor # 164-166 smoke # 162 and 174 See 2-5125 1/28/24, 12/10/34, 2/27/36, 5/2/53, and 2-514 1/25/86 MA 14 MONDAY 13 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: DUDLEY & EAST COTTAGE STS 16-18 North Ave 3 Story Wood Duplex Dwelling INCIDENT # 11432 Lt Ciavattone L-4. Snell D-7, Liotta H-1, Boccuzzo D-5, Sullivan D-9(Net-1), Lockhead C-7 1149 Box 1731 By FA E 21-24-17 L 4-23 R-2 D-7 1150 Working Fire By L-4 E 22 L 7 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-7 1152 2nd Alarm By L-4 E 37-10-42 L 26-19 D-5 D-9(Net-1) 1244 Detail By C-7 E 3 L 25 1322 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 1432 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 11O,OOO ORIGIN: # 18 2nd floor front bedroom (2 fires) very heavy fire 2nd and 3rd floors front extended through roof MA 15 TUESDAY 14 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: BELGRADE AV & PINEHLTRST ST 29 Penfield St Large 2½ Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT # 11650 Act DC Morrison E-55/D-10, Liotta H-1, Roache D-12, Winston D-S(Net-1), Act Dep Boccuzzo D-5/C-7 2031 Box 2762 By FA E 53-30-55 L 25-10 R-2 D-10 2044 2nd Alarm By D-10 E 28-48-42-52 L 28-29 TC H-2 CU H-1 D-12 D-8(Net-1) C-7 2143 Detail By C-7 E 29 L 19 2224 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 53 2311 Detail Terminated LOSS $ lOO,OOO ORIGIN: lst floor right front living room ceiling extended via walls to 2nd floor and attic © Copyright 1995 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved. .
MARCH 1995
MA 16 WEDNESDAY 18 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: WESTERN AV & WAVERLY ST 436-440 Western Ave-80 Waverly St 3 Story Wood Building W/Vinyl Siding lst Floor Big Daddy's Pizza and Sub Shop (# 436) Dwelling Over INCIDENT # 7830 DiBennedetto D-11, Liazza H-1, Carey D-5, McNamara D-8(Net-1), Act Dep Shea D-l/C-6, Moore W-1, MacCurtain C-2, Pierce C-1 2118 Box 528 By FA E 41-29-51 L 14-26 R-1 D-11 2127 Working Fire By D-11 E 42 L 11 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-6 2131 2nd Alarm By D-11 E 37-33-22 L 15 D-5 D-8(Net-1) 2141 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 7-24 L 17 C-I 2154 Air Supply By C-1 W-12 2156 4th Alarm By C-1 E 53-21 W-1 2242 5th Alarm By C-1 E 10-28-32 L 23 C-2 Mutual Aid Bkl 1-28 Cam 2-33 Qui 4-18 Bkl 2-14 Qui 5-7 0033 Detail By C-1 E 17-48 L 24-29 H-2 0330 Detail E 2-16 L 2-25 0530 Detail E 4-14 L 7-10 0550 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 55 0715 Detail By D-11 E 4 L 7 0800 Detaii E 41 L 11 1000 Detail E 49 L 15 1200 Detail E 51 L 17 1350 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 300,000 ORIGIN: # 436 basement fully involved # 438 and 80 fire extended via walls to lst to 3rd floors (walls and ceilings) heavy fire all floors WF 05 FRIDAY 17 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: UNIVERSITY OF MASS BUILDING 080 100 William T Morrisey Blvd University Of Mass Building 080 Science Building 5 Story Brick Classroom/Laboratory Building INCIDENT # 12125 Lt Mullane E-21, Snell D-7,Liotta H-1, Lockhead C-7 2106 Still By FA E 21 L 18 D-7 2112 Box 21-182 By E-21 E 39-17 L 7 H-2 2116 Hi-Rise Rsp By FA TC H-2 CU H-1 C-7 2122 Level 2 HazMat By FA H-3 2125 Working Fire By D-7 E 2 L 19 2142 Decon Company By C-7 E 33 2330 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 LOSS $ 75,OOO ORIGIN: lst floor room 140 heavy fire convened to lab room MA 17 SATURDAY 18 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: DORCHESTER AVE & GREENMOUNT ST 34 Deer St 3 Story Wood Vacant "L" Shaped Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding 9 Rbache St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT # 12181 Lt Mullane E-21, Snell D-7, Liotta H-1, Ellard D-8 Glover D-6(Net-1), Lockhead C-7 0548 Box 1865 By FA E 17-21-18 L 7-6 R-2 D-7 0552 2nd Alarm By E-21 E 24-20-14-39 L 23-4 TC H-2 CU H-1 D-8 D-6(Net-1) C-7 0644 Detail By C-7 E 42 L 29 0712 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 0810 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 80,000 ORIGIN: # 34 3rd floor rear bedroom fully involved through roof extended to 2nd floor rear extended to # 9 attic rear © Copyright 1995 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
MARCH 1995 WF 06 THURSIDAY 23 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: GENEVA AV & OLNEY ST 244 Geneva Ave 3 Story Wood Vacant Dwelling INCIDENT # 12868 Snell D-7, Liotta H-1, Lockhead C-7 0035 Box 3121 By FA E 24-17-21 L 23-7 R-2 D-7 0042 Working Fire By D-7 E 52 L 29 TC H-2 CU H-1 C-7 0059 1 X Lad By C-7 (overhauling) L 4 0124 Detail By C-7 E 48 L 26 0156 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 0238 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 4O,OOO ORIGIN: 1st floor front hallway building tightly boarded up fire extended up front stairway to 2nd and 3rd floors front © Copyright 1995 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved.
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