BOSTON FIRE ACTIVITY REPORT NOVEMBER 1996 WF 45 FRI 01 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: RIVER & TEMPLE STS 41 Temple St 2 ½ Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT #51367 Winston D-8, B O'Donnell H-1, Act Dep Finn Hq/C-7 0106 Box 3572 By FA E 16-18-52 L 6-29 R-2 D-8 0108 Working Fire By D-8 E 20 L 23 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 0201 Detail By C-7 E 49 L 19 0222 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 0350 Detail terminated LOSS $150,000 ORIGIN:1st floor right living room ceiling extended via walls and ceiling to 2nd floor and attic heavy fire 2nd floor and attic occupant attempted to fight fire for an extended period of time with a garden hose MA 55 SAT 02 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: MILTON & HIGHLAND STS 65 Highland St Very Large 3½/2½ Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding/Slate Roof 1/2 Story Wood Addition Rear INCIDENT #5l548 Keeley D-12, J O'Donnell H-1, Keenan D-10, McNamara D-8(NET-1), Hasson C-7 Pierce C-1 0047 Box 3765 By FA E 48-49-53 L 28-16 R-2 D-12 0054 Working Fire By D-12 E 55 L 29 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 0100 2nd Alarm By D-12 E 52-16-30 L 25 D-10 D-8(Net-1) 0124 1 X Lad By C-7 L 4 0127 3rd Alarm By C-7 E 21-42 0339 Detail By C-7 E 22-28 L 11-18 0707 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 35 0707 Detail Terminated LOSS $200,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor right front bedroom candle heavy fire 1st floor extended via walls to 2nd and 3rd floors and attic fully involved, fire through roof with partial collapse of attic and 3rd floor left side WF 46 MON 4 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: BIRD ST NR SAYWARD ST 17 Sayward St Large 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #51958 Reynolds D-7, J O'Donnell H-1, Hasson C-7 1503 Still By FA E 21-17 L 7 D-7 1505 Box 1773 By FA E 24 L 23 R-2 1515 Working Fire By D-7 E 14 L 29 TC H-2 H-1 C-7 1555 Detail By C-7 E 39 1627 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1700 Detail Terminated LOSS $200,000 ORIGIN: roof workmen repairing roof fire confined to roof area along ridge pole WF 47 WED 6 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: CANTERBURY & BOURNE STS 103-105 Neponset Av 2½ Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT #52213 Act DC Hanlon E-41/D-12, Evans H-1, Moore C-7 0813 Box 2588 By FA E 53-52-42 L 16-29 R-2 D-12 0817 Working Fire By D-12 E 16 L 10 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 0950 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 LOSS $100,000 ORIGIN:2nd floor enclosed rear porch heavy fire 2nd floor rear slight extension to attic WF 48 TUE 12 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: GLENWAY & DRUMMOND STS 115 Glenway St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #53279 Snell D-7, Liotta H-1, Lockhead C-7 0639 Box 3364 By FA E 24-52-42 L 23-29 R-2 D-7 0645 Working Fire By D-7 E 18 L 6 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 0718 Detail By C-7 E 48 L 26 0809 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 0916 Detail Terminated LOSS $50,000 ORIGIN: attic left side bedroom, attic fully involved and through roof MA 56 WED 13 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: ENGINE HOUSE 2, 700 EAST FOURTH ST 283-295 K St 3 Story Brick/Wood Attached Row Dwellings Callanan/LeBrun D-6, Liotta/B O'Donnell H-1, Snell D-7, INCIDENT #53502 Marston/Coppney D-4(NET-1), Mochen/Fishier C-6, O'Halleron C-3 Hitchcock W-1, MacCurtain C-2, Pierce C-1 1342 Box 7433 By FA E 2-39-21 L 19-17* R-2 D-6 1345 Working Fire By D-6 E 10 L 7 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 1347 2nd Alarm By D-6 E 7-17-22 L 4 D-7 D-4(NET-1) 1350 3rd Alarm By D-6 E 14-50 L 23 C-1 1356 4th Alarm By C-6 E 42-37 C-3 1356 Air Supply Unit By FA W-12 1358 5th Alarm By C-1 E 18-8 L 16 C-2 Mutual Aid Bkl El-28 Cam E2-33 Qui E4-18 Bkl L2-14 Qui L5-7 1402 6th Alarm By C-1 E 52-28 Mutual Aid Nee E3-30 New E6-51 Som E2-32 1408 7th Alarm By C-1 E 24-5-55 L 15-24 W-1 Mutual Aid Che El-9 Ded El-48 Win El-56 Cam L3-E22 1408 1 X Lad By C-1 L 26 1430 1 X Lad By C-1 L 21 1540 Detail By C-1 E 4-32-33 L 6-11 1811 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1837 Detail Terminated LOSS $850,000 ORIGIN: #289 1st floor rear kitchen #289 extended to rear porches all floors porchies fully involved (partial collapse) extended via common cock loft to #283 #285 #291 #293 and #295 3rd floors Heavily involved through roofs extended to 2nd floor #287 *L 18 Code B at Quarters crew responded with E 39 MA 57 FRI 15 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: GAY HEAD & ROUND HILL STS 17 Edge Hill St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #53771 Act DC Famolare E-5/Act DC McKenna R-2/D-9, B O'Donnell H-1, Perkins D-5, Ahern D-7(NET-1), Dunderdale C-7 0735 Box 2387 By FA E 42-28-37 L 10-26 R-2 D-9 0740 Working Fire By D-9 E 14 L 4 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 0748 2nd Alarm By C-7 E 22-3-24-33 L 23-15 D-5 D-7(NET-1) 0814 Detail By C-7 E 32 L 25 0850 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 55 1003 Detail Terminated LOSS $100,000 ORIGIN: basement wall wiring extended via pipe chase to 1st floor slight extension to 2nd floor MA 58 FRI 15 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: 5th AV & 13th ST 149 13tl St Mass General East 10 Story Concrete Laboratory Building INCIDENT #53902 Sr Man J Noonan L-9, Walsh D-3 Evans H-1, Hayhurst D-4(EVAC-1), Boccuzzo D-5(NET-1), Dunbar C-6 1947 Still By FA E 32 L 9 1957 Dist Chief By L-9 D-3 2007 Box 4224 By D-3 E 50-8 L 1 R-1 H-2 W-12 MU 1-2 H-1 C-6 2017 Haz-Mat Unit By FA H-3 2020 Haz-Mat LVL 3 By C-6 E 33 L 15 2023 EVAC Chief By H-1 D-4(EVAC-1) 2026 2nd Alarm By C-6 E 4-10-5-Som 2 L 24 D-5(NET-1) 2204 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 55 LOSS $100,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor east end mechanical room PVC "contaminated air pipe line" Confined to contaminated air duct pipe heavy smoke through building report of radioactive materials in area temp +27° W/C +12° WF 49 MON 18 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: OLD MORTON & SANFORD STS INCIDENT #54300 37-39 Old Morton St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling McNamara D-8, J O'Donnell H-1, Hasson C-7 0031 Box 3571 By FA E 16-18-52 L 6-29 R-2 D-8 0037 Working Fire By D-8 E 20 L 23 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 0156 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 35 LOSS $50,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor rear kitchen heavy fire 1st floor rear extended to 2nd floor rear WF 50 MON 25 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: BLUE HILL AV & GOODALE RD INCIDENT #55692 51-59 Deering Rd 3 Story Brick Attached Apartment Dwelling Keeley D-12, J O'Donnell H-1, Hasson C-7 2145 Box 3638 By FA E 52-53-24 L 29-16 R-2 D-12 2154 Working Fire By D-12 E 16 L 23 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 2244 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 LOSS $50,000 ORIGIN:#55 2nd floor rear apartment 7 living room heavy fire in confined to living room extended to walls and ceiling extended slightly to 3rd floor, heavy smoke condition throughout building see WF 3638 7/18/95 WF 51 MON 25 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: BROOKS & MORRIS STS INCIDENT #55711 198-198a Bennington St 3 Story Wood Dwelling Sr Man M L Grifone E-5, Shea D-1, J O'Donnell H-1, Act Dep Laizza Hq/C-6 2343 Still By FA E 5 L 2 2346 Box 6166 By E-5 E 9-56 L 21 R-1 D-1 Mutual Aid Chel E 1-5 2348 Working Fire By D-1 E 8 L 1 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 0055 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 LOSS $60,000 ORIGIN: #198 1st floor front halfway #198 Hallway very heavy fire all floors did not extend to apartments WF 52 WEDNESDAY 27 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: BLUE HILL AV AT CLIFFORD ST INCIDENT #55950 67 Clifford St Large 3½ Story Wood Dwelling Capt Walsh L-4, Miller D-9, J O'Donnell H-1, Hasson C-7 0807 Box 1752 By FA E 24-14-21 L 23-4 R-2 D-9 0811 Working Fire By L-4 E 17 L 26 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 0835 1 X Lad By C-7 L 7 0922 Detail By C-7 E 42 L 16 0946 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 55 1047 Detail Terminated LOSS $75,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor left side bedroom heavy fire 2nd floor left side Extended via walls to 3rd floor left side and attic WF 53 THU 28 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: RUGGLES ST NR DEWITT DR 725-751 Shawmut Av 7 Story Brick Building Haynes House Housing for the Elderly INCIDENT #56154 Perkins D-5, Liotta H-1, Mullen D-9(EVAC-1), Dunderdale C-7 0732 Still By FA E 14 L 4 0734 Box 2242 By FA E 37-22 L 26 R-2 D-5 H-1 C-7 0746 Hi-Rise By D-5 TC H-2 W-12 CP D-9 (EVAC-l) 0747 Working Fire By C-7 E 33 L 15 0832 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 LOSS $75,000 ORIGIN:5th floor right front apartment 501 bedroom fire confined to apartment of origin WF 54 FRI 29 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: WASHINGTON & ROSECLIFF STS INCIDENT #56332 6 Hayes Rd 3 Story Brick Building Carriage House Condominiums Mahoney Hq/D-10, Liotta H-1, Lockhead C-7 1242 Box 2793 By FA E 55-53-30-48 L 16-25 R-2 D-10 1300 Working Fire By D-10 E 28 L 28 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-7 1356 Detail By C-7 E 18 1421 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 53 1545 Detail germinated LOSS $80,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor right side unit 7 kitchen wall rear of stove Extended to unit 7 extended via walls to 2nd and 3rd floors right © Copyright 1996 Elliot M. Belin all rights reserved
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