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October 2001
MA 37 THU 4 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: ALFORD ST & ARLINGTON AV INCIDENT #59386 173 Alford St Sithe Energies Inc, Mystic Power Station (Fire In Everett) Mahoney D-3, Evans H-1, Hayhurst D-4, Maiorana D-5(Net), Dunbar C-6 1907 Everett Box 373 E 1-3 L 1 1909 Box 4182 By FA E 32-50-8-Som 2 L 9-1 R-1 D-3 1912 Rehab Unit By FA 1915 Working Fire By D-3 E 4 L 24 TC H-2 Cp H-1 C-6 FAST Ladder By FA L 15 1916 2nd Alarm Everett E 2 Som 4 Chel 1 Massport 1 L 2 Chel 2 MassPort MU-2 1919 2nd Alarm By C-6 E 33-5-39-37 L 18 MU 1-2 D-4 D-5(Net) 1936 1 X Eng By C-6 E 10 (Supplemental Water) 2057 Detail By C-6 E 9-14 2208 All Out IGNITION FACTOR N/A 2219 Detail Terminated LOSS $ N/A ORIGIN: mobile secondary transformer 115kv to 13,8 kv 10,000 gal insulating mineral oil involved extremely heavy fire WF 16 SUN 7 GR 4 BOX LOCATION: TREMONT & WEST SPRINGFIELD STS INCIDENT #60119 94 Worcester St 4 Story Brick Attached Condominium Dwelling Hayhurst D-4, Evans H-1, Dunbar C-6 2314 Box 1557 By FA E 22-3-7 L 17-15 R-1 D-4 2322 Tower Co & Rehab Unit By FA TC W-25 2328 Working Fire By D-4 E 33 L 26 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 FAST Ladder By FA L 4 0002 Detail By C-6 E 41 L 16 0042 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 62 0139 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 350,000 ORIGIN: 3rd floor front apartment 3 fire place extended via walls to 2nd floor WF 17 MON 8 GR 4 BOX LOCATION: DUDLEY NR FOLSOM STS INCIDENT #60162 57 Woodford St 3 Story Wood Dwelling Act D C Dutcher E-28/D-7, Evans H-1, Moore C-7 0505 Box 1735 By FA E 21-14-17 L 4-7 TL-10 R-2 D-7 0508 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 0510 Working Fire By D-7 E 24 L 23 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 18 0639 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 LOSS $ 75,000 ORIGIN: outside under 1st floor front porch extended to porches all floors very heavy fire on all floors front © Copyright 2001 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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