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MA 32 TUE 1 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: Sithe Energies Inc, L Street Power Station, 776 Summer St 8/12 Story Brick 600' x 600' Power Generating Station INCIDENT #56964 Lt O’Reily L-19, Conway D-6, Feeley H-1, McDevitt D-4(Evac), Carey D-5, Reynolds D-7(Net), Farrin D-3, Keating D-1, Hasson C-6, Act Dep Burke K-2/K-1, Granara W-1, Hitchcock C-3, Mochen C-2, Christian C-1 1624 Still Box 12-7324 By FA E 3 L 4 (L-19 Responding To Still) 1626 Box 12-7324 By L-19 E 39-21 L 18 R-1 MU 1-2 H-2 W-12 CP D-6 H-1 D-4(Evac) C-6 T-12 T-13 1627 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-3 W-25 1627 Working Fire By L-19 E 2 FAST Ladder By FA L 17 1632 2nd Alarm By C-6 E 7-10-14 L 7-29 D-5 D-7(Net) 1637 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 22-42 L 23 C-1 A-65 1649 4th Alarm By C-1 E 8-52 C-2 1651 5th Alarm By C-1 E 33-53 L 16 K-1a W-1 C-3 Mutual Aid Bkl E1-28 Cam E2-33 Qui E2-18 Brk L2-14 Qui L2-7 1652 1 X Dist Chief By C-1 (For Rear of Building) D-3 1714 6th Alarm By C-1 E 41-24 Mutual Aid Nee E3-30 New E6-51 Som E2-32 1723 7th Alarm By C-1 E 50-30 L 15 Mutual Aid Che E1-9 Ded E1-48 Win E1-56 Cam L3-15 1733 Mobile Decon Unit By C-1 H-7 1735 1 X Eng (Decon) By C-1 E 20 1742 8th Alarm By C-1 E 32-28 Mutual Aid Eve E1-8 Mil E1-16 Wat E1-37 1742 2nd Tower By C-1 TL-10 1743 9th Alarm By C-1 E 9-37 Mutual Aid Mal E3-10 Rev E1-5 Wal E2-41 1743 2 X Lad By C-1 L 29-14 Special Mutual Aid Cam L1-E22 1748 2 X Lad By C-1 L 2-26 1751 Special Mutual Aid Che TL-1-24 Som L2-9 1753 Special Mutual Aid Bkl L2(14)-4 New L3-TL-10 Wal L1-14 Wat L1-26 1810 Special Mutual Aid Lex E1-41 Mal L3-2 1810 1 X Eng By C-1 E 17 1832 1 X LP By C-1 New LP 1855 1 X Dist Chief By C-1 D-1 2000 1 X Eng (Decon) By C-1 E 51 (Relieve E-20) 2020 Detail By C-1 E 4-16-55 H-2 2023 Detail + By C-1 L 9 2316 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 76 2317 Detail Terminated Loss $ 10,000,000 ORIGIN: 3rd and 4th floor levels unit #2 main generator 100' natural gas fired 380 megawatt turbine generator oil circuit breaker was accidentaly closed while energized hydrogen coolant explosion ignited 8,000 gal of mineral oil lubricant “regal r & 0 32" was fed by automatic pumps oil was discharged on to baement and floors 1 to 4 heavy fire extremely smokey fire confined to area of generator basement through roof MA 33 THU 3 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: TRENTON & BROOKS STS 128 Trenton St 3 Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #57257 Famolare D-1, Evans H-1, Evans D-6, Maiorana D-5(Net), Dunbar C-6 0551 Box 6171 By FA E 5-9-56 L 2-21 R-1 D-1 Mutual Aid Che1-5 0554 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 0557 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 8-10-50-4-Che 1 L 1-24 TL-3 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 D-6 D-5(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 17 0638 Detail By C-6 E 39 L 15 0721 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 0835 Detail Terminated Loss $ 300,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor bedroom extended to 1st floor front and rear extended to 2nd floor front via stairway 10/12/02 25 YR F Died at M G H MA 34 THU 10 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: WARREN & BRUNSWICK STS 630 Warren St 2˝ Story Wood Vacant Dwelling INCIDENT #58821 Lt MacDonald E-24, Miller D-9, Feely H-1, Carey D-5, Keeley D-12(Net), Act Dep Reynolds D-7/C-7 0511 Box 2172 By FA E 24-14-42 L 23-4 R-2 D-9 0514 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-10 W-25 0514 Working Fire By E-24 E 52 L 29 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 7 0520 2nd Alarm By D-9 E 21-17-3 L 19 D-5 D-12(Net) 0741 Detail By C-7 E 8-22 L 26 TL-10(Day) 1000 Detail By D-9 E 17 1027 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1200 Detail E 20 1400 Detail E 52 1600 Turned Over To Paid Detail Loss $ 200,000 1641 10/12/02 Paid Detail Terminated ORIGIN: 2nd floor front right side extended to attic through roof patrial collapse of roof and attic MA 35 SUN 20 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: EAST EIGHTH & H STS 172, 170 H St 3 Story Wood Dwellings (170) W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT #61152 Lt Savicke E-2, Conway D-6, Feely H-1, McDevitt D-4, Maiorana D-5(Net), Fisher C-6 1951 Box 7422 By FA E 2-39-21 L 19-18 R-1 D-6 1953 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-3 W-25 1954 Working Fire By E-2 E 3 L 17 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 1956 2nd Alarm By D-6 E 7-14-17 L 4 D-4 D-5(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 24 2107 Detail By C-6 E 50 L 23 2303 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 55 2303 Detail Terminated Loss $ 200,000 ORIGIN: # 172 3rd floor rear kitchen extended to # 170 3rd floor left side MA 36 MON 21 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: ENGINE HOUSE 56, 1 ASHLEY ST 21-23 Ashley St 3 Story Wood Dwelling (# 23 1st Floor) INCIDENT #61330 Sr Man Royster E-56, Hartnett D-1, Mitchell H-1, Bishop D-3, Walsh D-6(Net), Fisher C-6 1652 Box 6249 By E-56 E 56-5-9 L 21-2 R-1 D-1 Mutual Aid Che1-5 1652 Working Fire By E-56 E 8 L 1 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 FAST Ladder By FA L 24 1653 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-3 W-25 1658 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 50-10-4-Chel 1 L 17 D-3 D-6(Net) 1743 1 X Lad By C-6 L 15 1747 Detail By C-6 E 32 L 26 1756 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 72 1943 Detail Terminated Loss $ 200,000 ORIGIN: # 23 basement stove extended via pipe chase to # 21 1st and 2nd floors heavy fire MA 37 MON 28 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: WEST FIFTH & F STS 224 Bowen St 2˝ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #62735 Price D-6, Liotta H-1, Marston D-4, Boccuzzo D-5(Net), Moore C-6 0347 Box 7225 By FA E 39-2-3 L 18-19 R-1 D-6 0349 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-3 W-25 0353 2nd Alarm By D-6 E 21-7-10-22 L 17-4 H-1 C-6 D-4 D-5(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 24 0507 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 31 10/29/02 8 YR F Died at Shriner's Hospital Loss $ 300,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor front bedroom extended to 2nd floor and attic front MA 38 MON 28 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: NORFOLK & WITHINGTON STS 49 Norfolk St 2˝ Story Wood Dwelling (# 23 1st Floor) INCIDENT #62829 Rice D-8, Feely H-1, Reynolds D-7, Conway D-6(Net), O’Halloran C-7 1531 Box 3425 By FA E 18-16-20 L 6-7 R-2 D-8 1533 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-10 W-25 1534 Working Fire By D-8 E 21 L 29 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 16 1551 2nd Alarm By C-7 E 52-24-17-49 L 23-19 D-7 D-6(Net) 1636 Detail By C-7 E 10 L 28 1742 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1832 Detail Terminated Loss $ 150,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor rear extended to 2nd floor and attic heavy fire through roof © Copyright 2002 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved

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