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October 2003
MA 24 THU 9 GROUP 4/2 BOX LOCATION: MidTown Hotel, 220 Huntington Av 220 Huntington Av 2 Story Brick Building MidTown Hotel INCIDENT #57816 Act DC Mattson E-22/D-4, Lonergan H-1, Act DC Flaherty L-7/D-5, Act DC Delvental L-14/D-3(Net), Act Dep Marston D-4/C-6 1707 Still Box 12-1566 By FA E 33 L 15 1709 Box 12-1566 By FA E 22-37 L 26 R-2 D-4 1709 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-3 W-25 1713 Working Fire By D-4 E 7 L 17 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 1715 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 3-14-42 L 14 W-12 D-5 D-3(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 1 1829 Detail By C-6 E 28 L 24 H-2 2026 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 2026 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 200,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor front left side room 287 bedroom heavy fire WF 17 FRI 17 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: JAMAICAWAY & LOCHSTEAD AV 43 Lochstead Av 2˝ Story Wood Dwelling (Fire is in Dist 9) INCIDENT #59419 Capt Papineau E-28, Act DC Flaherty L-7/D-12, Mitchell H-1, Fleming C-7 1319 Box 2458 By FA E 28-14-22 L 23-26 R-2 D-12 1322 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1324 Working Fire By E-28 E 24 L 4 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 16 1338 1 X Lad By C-7 (Overhauling) L 29 1441 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U LOSS $ 100,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor front bedroom WF 18 MON 27 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: COMMONWEALTH AV & BABCOCK ST 1027-1047 Commonwealth Av 1 Story Brick/Concrete Roof Block of Stores INCIDENT #61503 Smith D-11, O’Donnell H-1, Act Dep Coppney D-4/C-6, Bkl Dep Manchester C-2 2006 Box 5113 By FA E 41-37-33-Bkl 5 L 14-26 R-1 D-11 2020 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 2024 Working Fire By D-11 E 22 L 15 TL-3 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 Bkl C-2 FAST Ladder By FA L 17 2110 Detail By C-6 E 10 L 19 2147 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 33 2243 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 300,000 ORIGIN: # 1033 brown sugar café cock loft storage area over kitchen electrical wire very heavy fire and smoke MA 25 THU 30 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: WASHINGTON ST & MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD 20, 22 Elmore St, 17 Kensington St 3 Story Wood Dwellings INCIDENT #62176 Sullivan D-9, Doherty H-1, Act DC Stapleton E-16/D-7, Boccuzzo D-5(Net), Act Dep Snell D-7/C-7, Christian C-1 2316 Still (Inv Hang Up)By FA E 42 L 4 2318 Box 2283 By FA E 14-24 L 23 R-2 D-9 2319 Tower & Rehab Unit By FA TL-10 W-25 2320 2nd Alarm By D-9 E 37-22-3-28 L 26 H-2 CP W-12 H-1 C-7 D-7 D-5(Net) 2324 3rd Alarm By D-9 E 53-50 L 19 C-1 A-65 FAST Ladder By FA L 17 2336 4th Alarm By C-1 E 8-10 0130 10/31 Detail By C-7 E 33-56 L 18-29 H-2 0255 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 33 0356 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 600,000 ORIGIN: # 22 1st floor rear right side kitchen ceiling heavy fire extended via rear hallway to 2nd and 3rd floors rear through roof extended to # 20 2nd and 3rd floors rear and right side extended to # 17 left side all floors 89 YR F DOA at scene © Copyright 2003 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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