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October 2007
MA 48 MON 15 GROUP 1 BOX LOCATION: HYDE PARK AV & RIVER ST AT CLEARY SQ 1230-1240 River St 1 Story Brick Block of Stores 1230 Ebenezer Book Store, 1232-1236 Super Discount Store, INCIDENT #56847 1238 Blue Waves Fish Market, 1240 McConnico & Cummings Insurance Stallworth D-10, Feely H-1, Act DC Driscoll L-16/D-12, Shea D-8(Rit), Miller D-9(Net), Mager C-7 1953 Box 3743 By FA E 48-49-55 L 28-16 R-2 D-10 Rit Co By FA E 18 1955 Rehab Unit W-25 2001 2nd Alarm By D-10 E 53-52-16 30 L 29-25 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 H-1 C-7 D-12a D-9(Net) Rit Co By FA + L 18 D-8(Rit) 2017 Special By C-7 E 28 (Extra Fans For Ventilation) W/H-8 2035 Special By C-7 H-3 2143 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U LOSS $ 100,000 ORIGIN: # 1230 basement rubbish very heavy smoke condition through building MA 49 WED 25 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: DORCHESTER AV & PARK ST 1476-1480a Dorchester Av 2 Story Brick Building INCIDENT #58602 1st floor Fields Corner Bakery, 1480a Tran Insurance Agency Offices over Evans D-7, Dempsey H-1, O’Brien D-8, Evans D-6(Rit), Howard D-12(Net), Dunderdale C-7 0320 Box 319 By FA E 17-18-20 L 7-6 R-2 D-7 Rit Co By FA E 39 0324 Rehab Unit W-25 0325 2nd Alarm By D-7 E 24-21-16-52 L 23-29 TL-10 SU TaC W-12 H-1 C-7 D-8 D-12(Net) Rit Co By FA + L 26 D-6(Rit) 0359 Detail By C-7 E 49 0434 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0553 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 200,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor front heavy smoke throughout building MA 50 FRI 26 GROUP 3 BOX LOCATION: BEACON & EXETER STS 289 Beacon St 4 Story Brick Apartment Dwelling, 10 Apartments INCIDENT #58875 J O’Donnell D-4, Feely H-1, Lorenz D-3, Act DC Berlo L-18/D-6(Rit), Carey D-5(Net), Act Dep McDevitt D-6/C-6 1407 Box 1579 By FA E 33-7-22 L 15- TL-17 R-1 D-4 Rit Co By FA E 41 1410 Rehab Unit W-25 1428 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 3-4-37-39 L 24-26 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 H-1 C-6a D-3 D-5(Net) Rit Co By FA + L 14 D-6a(Rit) 1523 Detail By C-6 E 56 L 18 1550 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 13 1618 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 250,000 ORIGIN: basement ceiling plumbers torch extended via walls to 1st floor ceiling MA 51 SAT 27 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT NORTH GATE STAGING AREA, 204 PRESCOTT ST Logan International Airport Runway 15-R at Taxiway Zulu collision of 2 aircraft INCIDENT FD68544 Hartnett D-1, Stallworth H-1, Walsh D-6, Guarente D-4(Net), Calobrisi C-6, Asst Ch Aubert MassPort, Cam Dep Morrissey Div 1 0927 Box 646 By MasP E 5-56-9-Mu L 21-2 R-1 D-1 H-1 C-6 0927 Rehab Unit W-25 0928 2nd Alarm By MasP E 8-10-50-4-Ch 2 L 1-24 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 D-6 D-4(Net) 0932 Special Call By MasP Cam E 5 Cam R-1 Sq-4 Div 1 1149 All Out IGNITION FACTOR N/C United Airlines 1993 Boeing 757-222 737 N581UA vs American Airlines 1984 McDonald Duglas DC-9-MD-80 Total 500 POB 4 DOA 57 DL **THIS WAS A DRILL** © Copyright 2007 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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