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October 2009
MA 39 MON 5 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: Edgar P. Benjamin Health Care Center, 120 Fisher Av 120 Fisher Av Edgar P Benjamin Health Care Center 3 Story Brick Building INCIDENT #52733 Rushton D-9(Ops), Pettaway D-7(Rit), Mackin H-1, Bernhard D-12, Carey Z-1(Act), Hasson C-7 2119 Still (Box 12-2391)By FA E 42 L 26 2121 Box 12-2391 By FA E 37-28 L 10 R-2 D-9(Ops) Rit Co By FA E 24 2125 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA L 4 W-25 D-7(Rit) 2130 2nd Alarm By D-9 E 14-22-33-41 L 15-23 TL-17 SU TaC W-12 C-7 H-1 D-12 Z-1(Act) A-65 2316 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 $ 50,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor room 201 smoking in bed controlled by sprinklers heavy smoke condition see 2-2391 2/9/1930, 2-2391 7/8/1968 (resthaven nursing home at that location) MA 40 TUE 6 GROUP 4 BOX LOCATION: Hyde Park YMCA Building, 1137 River St 1137 River St Hyde Park YMCA Building 2½ Story Brick/Wood Building Building Vacant Undergoing Extensive Renovations INCIDENT #52754 Capt Owens E-48, Bernhard D-12(Ops), Rushton D-9(Rit), Mackin H-1, Carey Z-1, Pettaway D-7(Act), Hasson C-7 0540 Still (Box 12-3748)By FA E 48 L 28 0543 Box 12-3748 By E-48 E 53-49 L 16 R-2 D-12(Ops) Rit Co By FA E 30 0543 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA L 25 W-25 D-9(Rit) 0553 2nd Alarm By D-12 E 55-52-16-21 L 29-4 TL-17 SU TaC W-12 C-7 H-1 Z-1 D-7(Act) A-65 0714 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 1 $ 350,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor extended to attic heavy fire MA 41 Wed 7 GROUP 3/1 BOX LOCATION: BOSTON & RAWSON STS 30 West Howell St 1 Story Brick Freight Shed Partly Vacant Marr Scaffolding Co INCIDENT #53062 Lt Austin E-21, McDevitt D-6(Ops), Reynolds D-7(Rit), Feely H-1, Carey Z-1, Miller D-9(Act), DiBenedetto C-6, Keating C-2 1641 Still (Unknown Fire)By FA E 21 L 18 1644 Box 7261 By E-21 E 39-14 L 7 R-1 D-6(Ops) C-2 Rit Co By FA E 22* 1647 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA L 19* W-25 D-7(Rit) 1654 2nd Alarm By D-6 E 17-2-3-7 L 4 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 C-6 H-1 Z-1 D-9(Act) A-65 1658 1 X Eng & Lad (Rit)By D-6 E 24* L TL-17* 1704 1 X Eng & Lad (Rit)By C-6 E 10 L 26 1755 Detail By C-6 E 28 L 2 1825 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 2035 Detail Terminated $ 150,000 ORIGIN: right front office area fanned by 30 to 40 mph wind *went to work at fire MA 42 SAT 10 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: HANOVER & PARMENTER STS 247-249 Hanover St 4 Story Brick Building 1st floor Restaurant W/Dwelling over 247 Paradiso Restaurant and Lounge INCIDENT #53517 Lorenz D-3(Ops), Marston D-6(Rit), Jones H-1, Loftus Z-1, McMahon D-11(Act), Finn C-6 0450 Box 1221 By FA E 8-4-50 L 1-24 R-1 D-3(Ops) C-6 Rit Co By FA E 39 0454 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA L 18 W-25 D-6(Rit) 0504 2nd Alarm By C-6 E 10-7-3 TL-3 TL-17 SU TaC W-12 H-1 Z-1 D-11(Act) A-65 0605 Detail By C-6 E 56 L 2 0710 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0735 Detail (Day) By D-3 E 39 L 15 0916 Detail Terminated $ 300,000 ORIGIN: wood stove in restaurant extended to smoke pipe extended to rubber roof MA 43 TUE 20 GROUP 4/1 BOX LOCATION: Parmale Court Homes Building 12a,1762-1786 Washington St (In Dist 7) 123 Northampton St Parmale Court Homes 4 Story Brick “U” Shaped Dwelling INCIDENT #55483 Lt Linnel E-22, Stallworth D-4(Ops), Act DC Earnest E-17/D-7(Rit), Feeley H-1, Carey Z-1, Magee D-11(Act), DiBennedetto C-6 1324 Still Box 13-1662 By FA E 22 L 15 1330 Box 13-1662 By E-22 E 3-14 L 4 R-1 D-4(Ops) Rit Co By FA E 21* 1330 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA TL 17* W-25 D-7(Rit) 1336 1 X Eng and Lad (Rit)By D-4 E 42 L 10 1338 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 7-37-10 L 26 TL-3 SU TaC W-12 H-1 Z-1 C-6 D-11(Act) 1441 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 12 $ 100,000 ORIGIN: # 123 side of building 4th floor apt 3d bedroom lamp too close to bed *went to work at fire © Copyright 2009 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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