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October 2012
MA 33 THU 18 GROUP 3/4 BOX 646 LOCATION: LOGAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, NORTH GATE STAGING AREA 208 Prescott St Building 9 Former Northwest Airlines Hangar, Vacant Building Under Renovation To Be Used As Jet Blue Airlines Hangar 3 Story Concrete 200' x 500' INCIDENT #57422 Dempsey D-1(Ops), Harrington D-3(Rit), Hogan D-11/H-1(Safety), Whitman D-7(2nd), Act DC Tully E-29/D-11(Act), Dunbar C-6(IC), Logan C o D Donahue C-1 0918 MassPort MPA E 5-1 MPA L 1 MPA R-1 0921 MassPort MPA E 3-2-7 MPA MU-31 0925 1st Alarm By FA E 56-9-8 L 2 21 MU TaC R-2 D-1(Ops), H-1, C-6(IC), D-11a(Act) 0928 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 50 L 24 REH D-3(Rit) 0947 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 4-3-22-20-5-Ch 2 L 1-18 SU ASU D-7(2nd) 1023 Special Call By MPA C-1 Camb E 3 Haz-Mat W/Large Fan 1121 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 13 Loss $ 100,000 ORIGIN:3rd floor front cutting extended to 30 cans of piled waterproofing material very smoky, heavy fire conditions slight extension to 2nd floor front MA 34 SAT 27 GROUP 4/1/3 BOX 5138 LOCATION: QUINT & GLENVILLE AVS 62-64 Quint Av 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #59251 Capt Marshall E-41, Act DC McCormack E-42/Act DC Tully L-11/D-11a(Ops)), Act DC Burke TL-17/Act DC Greene E-33/D-4(Rit), Hogan D-11/Lonergan H-1(Safety), Rushton/Dowling D-9(2nd), Harrington/Bishop D-3(Act), Dunbar/Finn C-6(IC), Granara W-1(Rehab), Shea K-1, Abraira C-2, Fraser C-1 0622 1st Alarm By FA E 41-29-51 L 14-11 R-1 D-11a(Ops) 0624 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 42* L 15 TL-3 REH D-4a(Rit), H-1(Safety) 0625 2nd Alarm By E-41 E 37-33-22 L 26 SU TaC ASU D-9(2nd), C-6(IC), D-3(Act) A-65 0641 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 3-21 L 23 W-1(Rehab) 0645 1 X Eng (Rit) By D-4 E 10 0652 4th Alarm By C-6 E 14-56 0655 5th Alarm By C-6 E 24-55 TL-17 K-1, C-1, C-2 Mutual Aid Bkln E1-28, Cam E3-33, Quin E2-18 L Bkln L2-14, Quin L 2-7 0710 1 X DC (Water Officer) By C-6 D-6(Water Officer) 1018 Detail By C-6 E 39-52 TL-10 1340 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 1340 Detail Terminated Loss $ 650,000 turned over to ISD ORIGIN:# 62 1st floor front porch couch fully involved extended to all floors through roof partial collapse of roof and 2nd floor MA 35 SAT 27 GROUP 3 BOX 3537 LOCATION: WILDWOOD & MIDDLETON STS 4-8 Theodore St 3 Story Wood 6 Family Dwelling INCIDENT #59419 Smith D-8(Ops)), Whitman D-7(Rit), Lonergan H-1(Safety, Dowling D-9(2nd), Walsh D-12(Act), Dunderdale C-7(IC) 2201 1st Alarm By FA E 16-52-24 L 29-6 R-2 D-8(Ops) 2204 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 42* L 23*TL-3 REH D-7(Rit), H-1(Safety) 2205 2nd Alarm By D-8 E 17-37-18 L 16 SU TaC ASU D-9(2nd), C-7(IC), D-12(Act) A-65 2208 3rd Alarm By D-8 E 53-3 L 7 2210 1 X Eng (Rit) By D-8 E 22 2210 1 X Eng By D-8 E 10 (For E-24 Code B At Fire) 2213 1 X Lad (Rit) By D-8 L 26 2309 Detail By C-7 E 51-55 L-28 0211 All Out 10/28 IGNITION FACTOR U 0243 Detail Terminated Loss $ 400,000 ORIGIN:# 4 1st floor rear bedroom heavy fire extended to 2nd and 3rd floors rear through roof extended to # 8 1st floor rear heavy fire extended to 2nd and 3rd floors rear through roof © Copyright 2012 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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