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September 2001
MA 32 TUE 4 GROUP 4/1 BOX LOCATION: CHELSEA & PUTNAM STS 271, 273, 275, 277, 279,Chelsea St 3 Story Wood Attached Dwellings W/Vinyl Siding 281 Chelsea St, 310 Bremen St 3 Story Wood Dwelling W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT #52402 306 Bremen St 2 Story Wood Commercial Building W/Vinyl Siding 1st Floor Anluser Auto Repair & Sales Offices Over Act DC Ducher E-28/D-1, J O ‘Donnell H-1, McDevitt D-4, Act DC manning TC/D-3(Net), Act DC Pearson L-24/D-8, DiBenedetto D-11, Conway D-6, Fisher C-6, Christian C-2 1517 Box 6167 By FA E 5-9-8 L 2-21 R-1 D-1 Mutual Aid Chel E1-5 1519 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1521 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 56-10-50-4-Chel 1 L 1-24 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 D-4 D-3(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L Chel 1 1532 3rd Alarm By C-6 E 21-22 L 17 C-2 FAST Ladder By FA L 18 1550 4th Alarm By C-6 E 39-3 A-65 1606 2 X Lad By C-2 (Over Hauling) L 23-19 1610 Special Mutual Aid Bkl L2-26(14), Rev L2-21 1620 5th Alarm By C-2 E 33-37 L 4 Mutual Aid Bkl E1-28, Cam E2-33, Qui E-18 Qui L5-7 1624 Air Supply By C-2 W-12 1938 Detail By C-6 E 28-51-52 L 9-26 D-8 2311 Detail By D-8 E 17-53 L 14-28 D-11 0300 Detail E 29-32 L 15-29 D-6 0725 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 53 0725 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 900,000 ORIGIN: # 279 2nd floor rear enclosed rear porch defictive lamp 2nd & 3rd floors rear fully involved and rear of building extended to # 277 rear porches fully involved 2nd & 3rd floors extended to # 275 2nd & 3rd floor rear porches and rear of building extended to # 273 3rd floor rear porches and rear of building extended to # 271 3rd floor rear extended to # 281 3rd floor rear right extended to # 306 3rd floor right rear extended to # 310 3rd floor right temp 80° MA 33 FRI 7 GROUP 2/3 BOX LOCATION: TREMONT & PARKER STS 674-680 Parker St 1 Story Brick Block Of Stores Fuentes Market/Fuentes Liquors INCIDENT #52990 Capt Stapleton L-26, Boccuzzo/Perkins D-5, Liotta H-1, Sullivan D-9, Act DC Doherty E-39/D-4(Net), Lockhead C-7 0500 Box 2366 By FA E 37-14-42 L 26-4 R-2 D-5 0504 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 0506 Working Fire By L-26 E 22 L 15 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 10 0512 2nd Alarm By C-7 E 33-3-7 L 17 D-9 D-4(Net) 0539 2 X Lad By C-7 (Over Hauling) L 14-16 0620 Detail E 50 L 24 0800 Detail E 21 L 17 0903 Detail By D-5 +TC 0907 Detail By D-5 + W-25 0914 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 1000 Detail E 53 L 23 1151 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 500,000 ORIGIN: #674 dumpster in left rear of building extended to window frames in rear to ceilings and through roof # 674 to # 676 see 2-2361 9/18/1996 MA 34 MON 10 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: DORCHESTER AV AT ANDREW SQ 580-582 Dorchester Av 397-403 Dorchester St 3 story Brick Facade/Wood Building 1st Floor Andrew Sq Pizza/Dwellings Over INCIDENT #53669 Act DC Ducther E-28/D-6, Liotta H-1, Act DC Doherty E-39/D-4, Lorenz D-3(Net), Mochen C-6 0430 Still By FA E 39 L 18 0431 Box 7234 By FA E 21-2 L 19 R-1 D-6 0443 Tower Co & Rehab Unit By FA TC W-25 0446 Working Fire By D-6 E 14 L 4 H-2 CP H-1 C-6 0448 2nd Alarm By D-6 E 3-7-17-10 L 17 D-9 D-4(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 7 0534 Detail By C-6 E 17 L 26 H-2 0745 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 0745 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 150,000 ORIGIN: #582 basement heavy fire smoke through entire building see 3-7234 12/29/1943 MA 35 MON 17 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: Prudential Tower 800 Boylston St 800 Boylston St Prudebtial Tower 52 Story Concrete/Steel Office Tower INCIDENT #55394 Lt Lasa E-33, Hayhurst D-4, B O'Donnell H-1, Price D-6(Evac), Lorenz D-3, Maiorana D-5(Evac) Act DC Burnhard E-16/D-8, Mochen C-6, Christian C-2 1005 Still (Box 14-1573) By FA E 33 L 15 1008 Box 23-1565 By D-4(Detail) E 7-22-3 L 17-26 R-1 TC W-12 H-2 CP D-4 H-1 1014 Box 14-1573 By E-33 E 7-22-3 L 17 R-1 W-12 H-2 CP D-4 H-1 C-6 1015 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1016 2 X Lad By D-4 (Evacuation) L 26-TC D-6(Evac) 1018 All Out (23-1565) Code 620 Inc 55397 1018 2nd Alarm (14-1573)By C-6 E 4-39-10 L 24 D-3 D-5(Net) C-2 FAST Ladder By FA L 18 1035 Decon Units By C-6 (E 10-22-39) H-3 H-7 1113 Detail By C-6 E 17 L 9 D-8 1213 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 78 1243 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 300,000 ORIGIN: #800 32nd floor north side inner office core 32nd floor vacant under renovation flammable adhesive vapors flashed confined to area see 8th-14-1573 01/2/191986 WF 15 SAT 29 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: MARION & BENNINGTON STS 180-182 Marion St 3 Story Wood Attached Dwellings W/Vinyl Siding INCIDENT #58210 Mager D-1, Evans H-1, Dunbar C-6 1646 Box 6164 By FA E 5-9-56 L 2-21 R-1 D-1 Mutual Aid Chel E1-5 1649 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1652 Working Fire By D-1 E 8-Chel 1 L 1 TC H-2 CP H-1 C-6 D-4 D-3(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 24 1747 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 53 LOSS $ 150,000 ORIGIN: # 180 1st floor rear kitchen ceiling extended via walls to 2nd floor rear extended to # 182 1st and 2nd floors rear MA 36 SUN 30 GROUP 2 BOX LOCATION: DUDLEY & MONADNOCK STS 770-774 Dudley St 1 Story Brick Block Of Stores INCIDENT #58436 770 Georges Discount Store 772-774 J Silver Clothing Store 776 Mecca Liquors Snell D-7, Liotta H-1, Act DC McMahon E-29/D-9, Marston D-4(Net), Lockhead C-7 1833 Box 1744 By FA E 21-17-14 L 7-4 R-2 TL-10 D-7 1834 Rehab Unit By FA W-25 1845 Working Fire By D-7 E 39 L 23 H-2 CP H-1 C-7 FAST Ladder By FA L 18 1854 2nd Alarm By D-7 E 24-3-22 L 26 D-9 D-4(Net) FAST Ladder By FA L 16 2001 Detail By C-7 E 51 L 17 H-2 2030 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 00 2152 Detail Terminated LOSS $ 100,000 ORIGIN: # 774 1st floor rear office area extended via walls to ceiling through roof © Copyright 2001 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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