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Sunkist Championship Latest News

Today's Headlines: Boogers. Snots. Wrestling Alligators. Sunkist. Gatorade. Sopranos. Lucy Liu. Canada. Oreos. Japan. Sneakers. WEEI. Epcot. Ogunquit. Bartlett School. Hypnotist. Lowell Folk Festival. Books. Hammock. Hamburger. Dare Walkathon. Mr. Cyr. Arm Wrestling. Deloreans. Boogers. Snots. Wrestling Alligators. Sunkist. Gatorade. Sopranos. Lucy Liu. Canada. Oreos. Japan. Sneakers. WEEI. Epcot. Ogunquit. Bartlett School. Hypnotist. Lowell Folk Festival. Books. Hammock. Hamburger. Dare Walkathon. Mr. Cyr. Arm Wrestling. Deloreans.
Previous News:
Boogers. Snots. Wrestling Alligators. Sunkist. Gatorade. Sopranos. Lucy Liu. Canada. Oreos. Japan. Sneakers. WEEI. Epcot. Ogunquit. Bartlett School. Hypnotist. Lowell Folk Festival. Books. Hammock. Hamburger. Dare Walkathon. Mr. Cyr. Arm Wrestling. Deloreans. Boogers. Snots. Wrestling Alligators. Sunkist. Gatorade. Sopranos. Lucy Liu. Canada. Oreos. Japan. Sneakers. WEEI. Epcot. Ogunquit. Bartlett School. Hypnotist. Lowell Folk Festival. Books. Hammock. Hamburger. Dare Walkathon. Mr. Cyr. Arm Wrestling. Deloreans.

October 17th, 2002:First mention of the Sunkist Championship in Halloween Foosball News
2) Alignment- with games having evolved greatly from their inception (which was of course D+D), and most modern games ignoring alignment altogether, focusing instead on character interaction and motivation and not wanting to pigeonhole players specific behaviors, D+D's alignment system, and even more the ability to detect alignment bugs me. Why are orcs and kobolds evil? This carryover from its wargaming roots makes it seem dated compared to many current games.

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