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God and the devil take a night off

by Gail (

the Bible

God/the devil

Rating: adult

God and the devil do it.

Disclaimer: I really, really would never claim to owning these characters. Ever. But I'm not sure who does...and I mean no disrespect.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Warnings: Contains a beating. Don't read if that's going to upset you, please. And some strangeness, but that might be pretty clear by now. It's a PWP.

Notes: This story came directly out of Lizz's message to RareSlash, 8/29/2000, early morning my time, and I'm incredibly grateful.

Another possible influence on this story is Parke Godwin's book "Waiting for the Galactic Bus". But these are NOT Barion and Coyul. Not even close.

I really think that I channeled something that was more Te's speed. All gratitude for letting me have this one. I offer it as a small present for all the joy you've given me with your writing.

Thanks to Mareen, who grabbed a minute on her way to have some fun to read it and reassure me that it worked.


It's just formless vapor, not even a place, waiting to see what they'll want it to be.

The first one to arrive makes it 'real' (and what is real? Nothing these two ever worry about, all creation is something they thought up between them, one says, the other knows it was all his idea), and it's a bar, smoky, full of guys in leather jackets, jeans, and motorcycle helmets, just like him, in this body he's chosen to wear, just for a change, for this time. He breathes in the smoke with a smile that knows what it wants, kicks himself a place at the bar and starts on the beer and the shot.

"You like this kind of thing."

And the other is here. In a body, too, cool, pressed blue jeans, for *laugh* god's sake, buttoned-up shirt, no tie this time, at least. Belt, though. Ah. Possibilities.

"You wanna go somewhere else?" The tongue comes out at that, long, no, not forked yet, there's always later.

God glances around and the smoke's gone. "Deal with it," he says tersely, and the devil shrugs.

"Sometimes I don't know why I bother with you. There are so many others who beg for me to show up..."

"I didn't call this one."

"I did?" Look of surprise that lasts about two seconds. "Right. I did."

God has a beer, no shot. Doesn't keep up with the devil, but isn't letting it get warm, either. "This place could be nice, with some work," he says thoughtfully, and the devil's shaking his head.

"You like nice. I like rough." The tongue again, but God's not buying.

"Been talking to your adoring pet poet lately?'

"Which one?"

"Milton. Obviously. You've got that fallen angel shit going on again. Stop, or I'm leaving."

"Whatever." A very indifferent shrug, and God's smiling.

"You just can't get enough, can you?"

"Can you?"

"It's been a while."

"And I called this one. Right."

Another round, and the devil stands.

"Come on. This isn't what I came for."

God stays right where he is. "Maybe it's what *I* came for," he says very softly.

And the devil's hand finds god's cock. "I can change that," he counters, and the fingers (language is so restrictive, and inaccurate) wrap around it (more fingers than the original design parameters specified, but that's the beauty of being the devil), slide over the sensitive balls at the very same time until there's a moan and god's got his hand in the devil's jeans and is returning the favor.

All the shadow people don't stop, don't stare, do nothing, actually, and neither god nor the devil care, they're going to get off with the only one who has enough pride and knowledge to face him down, but then the devil stops. Winning the round.

"That belt does look good." And the eyes say even more.

God takes it off without touching it, and it floats in the air between them. The place is empty now. "Back to the fallen angel crap, are you?"

"Unless it's your turn..." Best low voice, and it works.

"A couple. To remind you who won." The devil's jeans, hell, all his clothes vanish, and the corkscrew cock sticks out. "Since you're asking for it."

The devil says nothing. Yeah, he was asking for it, and next time he'll be giving it, it's how the game goes, it's what the two of them get off on, and the one who does the beating gets to fuck, but getting fucked is a good thing, too. A good evil thing.

And as the blows fall, shredding his skin (which can heal in a moment, and isn't 'real' anyway, but what is?), the devil's smiling. And so is god.

The End

Posted 8/29/00

To the next story, What, you were expecting flowers?

