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Two Men

by Gail (

Horatio Hornblower (the BBC series)

Lt. Horatio Hornblower/Captain Edward Pellew

Rating: adult

PWP. The gentlemen share a room on shore.

Disclaimer: The gentlemen do not belong to me. No harm is meant, neither is any offense, only pleasure for the gentlemen and my gentle readers.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

For Erin, Elizabeth, Vicki, and Nance of the CaptainsCabin list, because they encouraged me onlist (wow!), but mostly for Elizabeth, because she's wonderful and encouraged me to keep going when I was in despair and needed it most. :-)

This is so not my usual style. I think I've been taken over by some kind of spirit. *g* Also, I feel as though I don't know the gentlemen at all well; I've only watched The Duel all the way through, seen bits of the others, and read Elizabeth's stories. Therefore, if this works, it's because she gave me a good sense of the gentlemen and beta'd most kindly. Give her praise, and, if warranted, give me blame.


"Horatio." Pellew's address startled Horatio. "In here, we're two men. Not captain and lieutenant. Two men."

Horatio swallowed, but saw that Pellew, as always, meant what he said. Just two men? Then he could do what he'd been dreaming of for many nights on the Indefagitable. This might be his one chance.

He smiled at Pellew, saw Pellew smile back, then took a breath and took hold of the other man's shirt and lifted it up to show the firm chest. When Pellew let him pull it over his head and off, he decided to venture farther and ran his finger across Pellew's right nipple, which hardened from his touch. He joyed in the sight, then took the nipple between two fingers and tugged.

"Enjoying yourself?"

"Not as much as I'd like to." Horatio almost said 'sir', but stopped himself. Two men, Pellew had said, and he believed him.

Pellew laughed and surprised Horatio by pulling Horatio into his arms. But Horatio wanted to be there, and made no move to pull away. Pellew's chest was pressed against Horatio's, the warmth welcome in the cool room through Horatio's shirt. Pellew lowered his head, and his lips first brushed Horatio's, then there was a quick dart of a tongue to tease Horatio, flick after flick after flick making Horatio's lips tingle. Horatio opened his mouth, wanting more. Pellew gave it to him, sliding in his tongue, smooth and hot and tasting of the port they'd shared before coming up to the room.

Horatio found himself pushing his groin into Pellew's body and tried to stop, but Pellew lifted his lips and murmured, "I like that."

"Then I shall continue," Horatio whispered back. Pellew took Horatio's mouth again, and Horatio felt a hardness to match his own through the two sets of thick breeches as he thrust again. He was glad to have the physical evidence that his captain wanted this as much as he did.

Pellew's hands wandered to Horatio's arse, and Horatio let out a low moan and thrust against Pellew even harder. Pellew pulled at him, moving him, and Horatio was sure it was to the bed. He found he was right when Pellew pulled him down, and they landed side by side on the rough blanket.

"Horatio." Horatio blinked and let his eyes rest on Pellew's face, which now had both concern and desire. "Will you trust me?"

Horatio smiled for his answer. Of course he would trust his captain.

Pellew smiled back. "Good." He rolled Horatio on his back, then undid his breeches. Horatio got his hands up to do the same for Pellew.

"Two men," he reminded Pellew when the other man looked surprised at his forwardness.

Pellew nodded. "Two men."

He took Horatio's cock in his large fingers and started working it, to the accompaniment of Horatio's gasps. Then Horatio took a deep breath and got his fingers around Pellew's cock, squeezing it in the fashion that he employed when he had privacy to do so. Pellew groaned, and Horatio closed his eyes, feeling himself swell and pulse and wanting that swelling and pulsing to come to a consummation, as soon it happened for both men.

The two men stared at each other when they had recovered from their mutual pleasure. Horatio broke the stare and smiled. "Thank you."

Pellew smiled as well. "And thank you."

Horatio decided to wait until later, perhaps the next evening, to speak of repeating and even extending the experience. But the smile on Pellew's face, and the joy in that smile, made him confident that a request to that purpose would be favorably received.

The End

Posted 10/23/01

Horatio Hornblower
