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Into the Lion's Den

by Gail (

from Brian's pov, part 2

Rating: adult

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. The copyright belongs to me.

Thanks to Tinnean, Nomi, Beth, Elizabeth, Scarlet, Karen, Mandy, Thamiris, Christine, and Greg for their time and support, and to Tinnean and Elizabeth for their most helpful betas.


Michael Barry opened his door with a smile that had me both wary and ready to do whatever he wanted.

"Brian. What brings you here?"

The purr in his voice made my heart speed up. The composure that I'd worked at - gone before I even walked into his place. I shouldn't have been surprised.

"May I come in?"

His eyes gleamed, and I swallowed. This was like walking into a lion's den. I hoped that I'd get out alive.


He stepped back and half-bowed me in, and I remembered him bowing to Kate the night I'd met him. I wished that I could think that this bow showed even a hint of respect for me, but I didn't want to fool myself. I sighed as I walked past him into his living room. I'd promised Kate that I'd talk to him and tell him that she was mine, but I knew now that saying that would get me nowhere. He'd laugh in my face and throw me out. Maybe after spending some time with him I could figure out how best to bring up the subject.

Who was I kidding? I wanted to talk to him for as long as I could manage. Michael Barry was a handsome man, with his short, close-cut blond hair and classic features, and I wasn't any more immune to his charm than Kate was. She wondered why I was so understanding about her attraction to him, but she didn't know that I'd woken up in the night with an erection and Michael's face in my mind, and she wouldn't know. That was my secret.

"Go ahead and sit down. I don't bite."

The thought of him biting me didn't help my composure or the erection I could feel swelling in my pants, but I simply smiled and sat. As I did so, I saw the stack of files on the floor. I didn't want him to think that I was inconsiderate enough to ignore the clear signs that he'd been working.

"If I'm interrupting, I can leave." But he'd let me in, so he must have been ready for a break.

"I'm in no hurry to get back to those." He sat next to me, close enough that if I wanted to, I could touch him. I wanted to, but I had to control myself. I had no reason to believe that he was interested in men, although I hoped. "And I'm delighted to have you here. What do you want with me?"

A loaded question, and the gleam in his eyes suggested that he knew that. How much had Michael Barry learned about me?

His smile widened at my silence. "Are you here to tell me you're giving up Kate?"

It took me a moment to remember who Kate was, and another moment to figure out how to answer his question. Being close enough to Michael to kiss him was detrimental to what little was left of my composure.

"I thought you might be lonely and would welcome some company." I was sure that he was, whether he'd admit it: working at home wasn't what I saw Michael Barry doing if he had any other option.

"All right. We can have a drink and talk, or play cards."

I didn't feel like playing cards, especially not with him. He'd make it a competition, and probably want to play for stakes.

"A drink sounds good."

"Coming right up."

He left the room, and I took a deep breath. He was going to let me stay. I wasn't sure what we'd talk about, but we were adults. We'd find some safe topic. Later I'd bring up Kate if things went well. It was possible that there was a way for me to convince him that Kate and I were serious, as Kate wanted me to do, but first I needed to find out more about Michael.

"Here's your drink."

He held out a glass, and I took it. It looked like water, but I couldn't see Michael giving me water when he'd offered a drink. I snuck a look at his glass, but it told me nothing useful.

He was watching me, so I raised the glass to my lips and sipped. Not water after all, but vodka. I was glad that I'd had a good dinner.

"This is awkward." If I didn't acknowledge that, it would stand between us for the rest of whatever time he allowed me.

He smiled at me, and I held in a moan. God, he was gorgeous. "Why? Because of Kate? May the best man win."

If I thought that he was serious, I'd have nothing more to do here, but I was sure that he was misleading me.

"Michael, we don't have to compete for Kate. She'll make up her own mind," and about me, she already had, "and pushing her will only upset her."

He laughed. "So you came to talk about Kate? Please, Brian. I want a relaxing evening. Finish your drink and find something interesting to discuss."

He didn't find Kate an interesting topic? Or was it that he didn't want to discuss her with me? "We could talk about you."

He laughed again and ran his tongue over his lips. "Could we?"

I nodded.

"Why, Brian, are you making a pass at me?"

It was too bad that he was only mocking me, but I wasn't going to let him embarrass me. I had nothing to be embarrassed about.

He expected me to say 'no'. Should I surprise him and say 'yes'? I had the feeling he'd experimented with men as well as women. If I were wrong, I was sure that he'd tell me, in mocking detail.

And I was hard from being near him, and I wanted to find out what would happen to me next in this lion's den.


He laughed, as I'd expected. "I didn't know you were still into guys. You didn't get enough in college?"

So he'd found about that. "No." I kept my eyes on his face. "Did you get enough?"

His face tightened, then he was relaxed and smiling again. "Ah, I get it now. You're hoping to get something on me. No, Brian, sorry, but I'm not interested in helping you."

"At least you're not denying it." I was reaching. I knew it. But why hadn't he, if it wasn't true?

"Why should I? There's nothing to deny. Did you talk to Kate about this delusion of yours?"

"No, I wouldn't do that." He wasn't moving away from me, and his eyes had a gleam in them that suggested that if I played this right, I'd get what I wanted: him. "That's your business."

"You're going to lose her, you know."

I wasn't going to lose this chance with him. I gathered up my courage and put my hand on his thigh. "You think I'm going to lose her anyway." Especially since I wasn't trying to get her away from him. "What do you care?"

"I don't." Michael wasn't looking away from me, and he wasn't trying to move my hand. "Go out to a bar and find yourself some man."

"I'd rather have you."

He laughed, and I didn't like the sound of it. "*You* have me? You wouldn't know what to do with me."

"I know what to do with a man. You've looked into me. You know that." I wasn't upset that he'd looked into me; when I'd heard from friends that someone had been asking questions about me and guessed that it had to be Michael's doing, I'd been happy. He was showing an interest in me, only because I was his perceived rival, but it was still an interest.

"I know you've had sex with men. I don't know anything more than that, but feel free to tell me more, Brian."

"Give me another drink, and I'll consider talking." I didn't want to tell him stories now; I wanted my hands and lips on his skin, but I'd talk if that's what it took to get into his bed.

"Ah, so that's the price? It's an easy one to meet."

"Do you want me drunk? Is that how you like your men?" I hoped that he liked me flirting with him, that he liked me showing how much I wanted him.

He was silent a moment, then stood. "You're a dangerous man, Brian Cameron."

He walked out of the room, and I smiled. Was I? Maybe I was doing better than I thought.

I ran a hand over my crotch and held in a moan. I wanted Michael Barry more than I'd wanted anyone for a long time, certainly more than I'd ever wanted Kate.

Michael Barry brought out the passion in me. He called me dangerous, but he was the one who was dangerous to me. I wished that he'd let go of his control and his concerns and let the two of us enjoy each other.

It was probably a vain hope, but I'd hold to it as long as I could and do what I could to make it happen.

He came back into the room with two flutes filled to the top.

"Champagne? I'm flattered."

His smile was as mocking as his voice. "Don't get ideas. I felt like drinking it."

I took the flute that he held out to me and watched as he sat again, as close to me as he'd been before. Yes, Michael Barry was interested.

"I'm glad to get the drink." I took a small sip, then a larger one. The champagne was excellent.

Michael sipped his. "You're a trusting man, Brian. I could have put a drug in yours."

If he had drugged the drink, he wouldn't have told me about it. "You don't need to drug me to get me into your bed."

I put my hand on his thigh again, but this time he moved it off.

"I don't want you in my bed."

"Then why are you hard?" I got my hand on his crotch and molded it around his erection. "You want a man, and I'm here."

"I want sex." That was an admission that he hadn't wanted to make; his eyes told me that, but he didn't take it back, even as he removed my hand again.

"I'm still here. You can do whatever you want with me." Wait, I'd said that? I hadn't been with a man since graduate school.

He watched me with a smile that excited me as much as his words. "So I could." I kept silent even though I was tempted to take back my offer. This was my chance. I wasn't going to blow it because of a passing fear. "You on your knees for me. On your hands and knees. And begging for it, because that's the only way you'll get anything from me. I think I might like that. Drink your champagne and we'll talk, unless you've changed your mind."

I lifted my flute to my lips. "Here's to me on my knees for you." I would beg if that was what he wanted. I was sure that Michael would want any partner of his to enjoy sex, even me.

We each drank, and I watched him as he watched me.

"Tell me how you like it, Brian." He was the one to shift closer this time, and he slid his free arm around my shoulders. "No, tell me what you've done." He laughed and caressed my shoulder through my shirt, and I wanted the shirt gone. "The information I got was scanty at best."

"It was probably accurate. Hand jobs, blow jobs, and a few fucks."

His eyes gleamed. "So you have been fucked? Of course you have, with an ass like yours."

I liked that he liked my ass, but I wanted him to know the truth before we went to bed. "I did the fucking when there was any."

"You? Well, well, wonders will never cease."

I doubted that Michael had let any man fuck him. I'd have been happy to be the first, but I didn't think that the suggestion would go over well. Maybe I'd be able to persuade him another time, but what guarantee did I have that I'd get one? I'd have to make sure I did well this time and hope for the best.

"Do you like the thought of being the first with me?"

He reached out and ran his finger over my cheek, and I felt my cock jump in my pants. His finger kept going down, to my neck, but harder now and with an edge. He was using his nail, I realized, and moaned.

"Yes. Put down your glass."

I did what he asked, happy that he'd admitted that. Then his finger was inside my shirt as his other hand undid the buttons, and I stopped thinking about anything more than what he was doing to me. His nail scraped over my nipple, and I whimpered. He laughed and did it again, then took my ear lobe in his teeth and bit down gently as he squeezed my nipple, and I whimpered again.

I didn't want him to be the only one making a move, and I turned my head and got my lips on his.

He pulled away after a long moment. "No." But he was breathing harder, and he'd kissed me back.

"Please, Michael." He'd like me pleading with him. I was still close enough to lean forward and lick his lips, so I did. "I want you so much." I licked his lips again, slower this time, wanting to move closer and kiss him so much, but not letting myself.

He was the one to initiate the kiss this time. When he broke it, I reached for him, but he shook his head, and I stopped.

"You said I could do whatever I wanted with you."

"As long as you do something."

He tugged my shirt out of my pants. "You can count on that."

Could I believe him? I wanted to. I was so hard that it hurt.

"Are you good at sucking cock, Brian?"

It had been years, but I nodded. I'd been good, and I'd be good again.

He pushed my shirt off my shoulders, then fingered my nipples again, making me whimper. "Show me."

He wasn't making me beg. Why? But I wasn't going to remind him. I didn't need to beg.

He let go of my nipples after one more squeeze, and I took a breath and slid off the couch onto the carpet and my knees, taking my shirt the rest of the way off and letting it drop on the carpet as I did.

I lifted my head and met his eyes. "Do you want me to make you come?"

He smiled and shifted his hips and crotch toward me. "You will, Brian. But not yet, and not with your mouth."

I'd never been with anyone who'd taken control so completely. It was a revelation to find that I could like being ordered around, but not an unwelcome one. Michael was good at what he did, and it was no wonder I was enjoying it.

I undid his belt and pants, then pulled down the zipper and took out his erection. It looked bigger than it had felt, and I ran my tongue over my lips, then swallowed, getting my throat ready. Michael was in for a surprise. I was going to do my best to make him come whether he wanted me to or not.

He ran his hand through my hair, and my scalp tingled. "Brian."

I heard an impatience in his voice that I liked, and I smiled before opening my mouth to take in the head. I'd start slow, make him think that I was doing what he wanted, then surprise him by sucking hard and using whatever it took. If I could get a finger in his ass, I knew that I could make him come, but Michael had his pants on and wasn't about to take them off at my request. I supposed that I was lucky he hadn't decided to try to direct my every move.

My plan worked - after some gentle sucking followed by fierce sucking I had him on the edge of coming, but Michael had more control over himself than I'd expected. He was thrusting into my mouth but still got out a command for me to stop. I ignored him, but he pulled out of my mouth and snapped, "Brian!"

So much for my plan to suck him off. From the way he was glaring at me, I thought he was going to tell me to get the hell out and never darken his door again. I hadn't thought he'd be so resistant to pleasure. Something to remember about him - Michael Barry made up his mind and once made up, was immovable.

After a moment he sighed and took his hand away from his cock. "I'm going to fuck you now. Take off your pants."

So he got over anger quickly or got control of it. I hoped that it was the former. "Yes, Michael."

I pulled myself up with the help of the couch, since I was less steady than I liked. I'd enjoyed going down on him very much.

I started undoing my belt, but I couldn't seem to get my fingers to work right. I thought about asking him to undo it for me, but his smile was too satisfied as he watched me to make me think that he'd respond with anything more than teasing if I was lucky and sarcasm if I wasn't.

"Don't take too long, or you might have to convince me to fuck you all over again." He looked as though he were laughing at me. I didn't think he'd really go through with his threat, but I didn't want to risk it. I wanted him too much to have to start over now.

"I'm hurrying."

I got my fingers to work, but even so it took too long for me to get my belt undone, my shoes off, and my pants and underwear down and off. My cock sprang up, and I was tempted to stroke it, but he was watching. I was close to blushing as I stood up after taking off my socks.

He stared at me with obvious interest and desire, and I waited for him to do more, but he did nothing more than run his tongue over his lips once. I wanted to kiss him, but I didn't dare. He intended to be in charge, so I'd do it his way.

After too long a silence, I realized that maybe he was waiting for me to beg him for more, and for one thing in particular. "Michael. Please fuck me."

"Problem saying it? You'll have to get over that." He stood. "Come on."

To my surprise and delight, he took hold of my cock, and I moaned, but he let go too soon for my taste, after only one stroke.

He frowned at me. "If you can't do as you're told, you can leave."

"I'll do as I'm told." I hadn't meant to do anything else, but I was almost sure that he knew that and that he was trying to get me to feel insecure in order for him to feel more dominant. Well, if Michael needed that, I wouldn't fight him. "I - I want you so much." Maybe that would help. It was definitely the truth.

He lifted his eyebrows and nodded toward the doorway to the hall, then turned and went toward it. I followed him. He was my height, which I should have noticed before, and he had a fine ass. I held in another moan as I watched him walk. Somehow I'd have to get him to let me fuck him. It would take time, but I could wait.

"Why hasn't anyone fucked you before, Brian?" He sounded amused. Well, it probably was amusing to him.

"I didn't find anyone good enough for me." I hoped that he'd take that as the compliment that I intended.

"I'm flattered." His voice was still amused, but I thought that I heard pleasure there as well. He opened a door and gestured to me to enter, which I did, then came in and shut the door. Before I could do more than start thinking about what I should do next, he had another command. "Face down on the bed, arms over your head, and spread your legs."

I did what he said. I couldn't think well, not with Michael looking at me as though I were everything he'd ever wanted.

"Spread your legs wider." His voice gave me no room to disobey, not that I wanted to. I wanted him even more than I had before, and I wanted him now, but I would wait for him to decide when to take me.

"Yes, Michael." I moved my legs farther apart, feeling exposed and aroused and amazed that I didn't feel embarrassed. Maybe that was the appeal of being dominated: that there was no room for embarrassment, no room for anything but obedience and, of course, excitement.

"Now stay there. Don't move."

But I had to move. My cock pressed against the smooth, cool satin, and I couldn't just lie there when I was so excited - but Michael wanted me to, so I would, no matter how difficult it was to do so.

I heard only his breathing for a while, then the air shifted, bringing his teeth to my neck. The rush of feelings was too much after the wait, and I couldn't help jerking away from them, from Michael.

"Don't move, I said."

The anger in his voice made me whimper. "I'm sorry." What if he stopped? Then I took a breath. He wasn't going to stop just because I'd moved. I was into this role more than I expected, but I'd made up my mind, and I wasn't going to change it now. Michael would not hurt me, would not stop until he'd gotten what he wanted. I wasn't as sure of that as I wanted to be, but I had to trust my own judgement as well as his.

The teeth came back, but this time I didn't move. He wanted me still. He wanted me.

That thought sustained me through all of the bites and licks and kisses that he teased me with as he worked his way down my body. He wanted me. He wanted me enough to tease me. I'd been ready for him to spread me open and slide his cock in, but he didn't. He drove me crazy, made me whimper and moan so much that I would have been embarrassed if I'd been able to think. I didn't know if he wanted me to make noise, but I couldn't help it.

He was between my legs, kissing the inside of my thighs, when I couldn't take it any more. I opened my mouth to plead with him to fuck me now when I felt his teeth nip me, and I moaned. He *had* to fuck me now. Then he used his teeth on me again.

"Please!" He had to know what I wanted.

"Please what?"

"Please fuck me." He'd said something before about me begging, hadn't he? I hoped this was what he wanted, because I was ready to get on my knees and shove myself down on his cock if that's what it took. I was ready to do anything if it would get me him.

I had lost my mind to passion, and I didn't care. I'd been waiting for this for so long without realizing it. How had I let myself keep this lie in my heart?

"Who do you want to fuck you?" His voice was so smooth and in control. How could he still be in control of himself?

"Michael. You. I want you to fuck me. I need it." What did I have to do to make him believe I meant this?

"You need it?"

"Yes. Please, Michael." Was he still there? I couldn't feel him. He wasn't going to leave me like this, was he? He couldn't do that.

"Turn over."

He was still there. I rolled over and saw his face, flushed and tight with passion, and his eyes, focused on me. He still wanted me, and it made me want him even more. He grabbed a pillow and pushed it under me, and I tried to move so that he'd touch me, but he had other plans.

"Hands over your head."

I raised my arms and tried to find something to hold on to. I was sure that I'd need it. Ah, there was something hard, the headboard, and I wedged my hands under it. All the time Michael was looking at me, with passion, desire, need, and so much of all of them. I was sure that my eyes were showing him as much, and I spread my legs as wide as I could to make sure that he got the message.

He moved away and leaned over, but not over me, and I couldn't understand. He wanted me. I wanted him. Why wasn't he doing something about that?

"Please, Michael. Now."

"In a minute."

He bent over me this time, and I moaned as he rubbed something cool on and into me. I couldn't take much more. I had to come, and I had to come with him.

"Do you still want me?" He was between my legs, I could feel his cock against my asshole, and I couldn't believe how much I wanted him inside me. "Do you still want me, Brian?"

He was torturing me with his heat and his smell and his words. I didn't know if I could talk, but finally I got words out. "Yes. Please, Michael."

He laughed and rubbed his cock up and down my crack. "That's not good enough, Brian. Say it."

I whimpered and hoped that he'd take pity on me, but he just laughed again and kept rubbing. I had to answer him. He had even more control over himself than I'd thought possible. "I want you to fuck me."

By the time I'd finished the sentence, his cock was inside me, and I pushed to get more. It hurt me, burned me, stretched me, but I wasn't stopping now, even if he'd let me. I'd begged for this. I was going to have it.

Then he hit a spot inside me that made it all worthwhile. I might have screamed; I couldn't be sure. The world was just Michael and me, and as he hit that spot again and again, that was all the world that I wanted.

I cried out his name when I came. He told me to.


It took me a while to open my eyes. Michael wasn't there in bed with me, but a moment later he was coming through the door.

"Michael." I wasn't sure what else to say. He'd fucked me, made me come, come in me, but had anything changed? Probably not. In his eyes I was still his rival. I wished that I could convince him that I wasn't, but that would take time, time that I needed to find a way to get.

He smiled and put his hand on my cheek. I wondered which was more real: the amusement in his smile or the gentleness of his touch.

"So you like a dick in your ass."

The amusement was real and in his voice, but that was all right. I'd made up my mind and gotten what I wanted, and Michael couldn't take that away from me. "Yes. Thank you." I kissed his fingers and saw the look of surprise on his face before he wiped it away with another smile.

"My pleasure." He pulled a handful of tissues from the box by his bed and offered them to me. I knew that I was blushing as I cleaned myself off, but I couldn't help it. This seemed more intimate and revealing than begging for him to fuck me, and I had a suspicion that he knew that and was enjoying it. "Feel free to use the bathroom."

"Thank you." I rolled over, sat up, then stood, with him watching me. Maybe he hadn't meant to humiliate me. Maybe he'd been trying to be helpful and considerate in his own way. I had to be fair to Michael.

I washed myself off and thought about what to do next. The obvious choice was to leave. Michael wasn't going to put up with me staying. He'd gotten what he wanted from me, and from his viewpoint, that was the end of it. But what if I challenged his assumptions and stayed? Might that tell him that I preferred him to Kate? Since I didn't want to go anyway and I still hadn't carried out Kate's request, that seemed like the best path to me. He might tell me to leave, and then I'd have no choice, but until he did, I was staying.

I hoped that Michael would have gone back to bed so that I could join him, but when I walked into the bedroom, I saw that he was dressed and smiling. Was he going to tell me to get the hell out?

"Want more champagne?"

"Yes, thank you." So he wasn't going to tell me to leave. I was glad of that, but I was confused by his manner. It was relaxed and casual, and I didn't understand. I was sure that having sex with me hadn't changed his mind about me. I was still the man who was trying to get between him and Kate. What was Michael playing at?

He took a step toward the door, and I couldn't help following him with my eyes. He was more attractive than any other man I'd met.

"I'll be in the living room. Want me to bring in your clothes?" His voice was casual, but his eyes had a mockery in them. I was right to be concerned about him. He was still playing games, but I had to expect that. Michael Barry played games with everyone, including himself.

I made myself smile and shake my head. I'd get my own clothes. It was no big deal, and for all I knew, the offer was a test. Maybe he wanted to see if I was going to get clingy and demanding. I wouldn't make that mistake.

He turned away with a shrug and left the room with me behind him. I decided that I'd passed the test since he hadn't dismissed me, and took a few deep breaths as I walked to the living room. My clothes were on the floor and the couch, and I licked my lips, remembering the taste of Michael's cock and the dominance of his manner. It would be so easy to kneel and ask him to take me again, but I didn't think that would be a good idea. I'd wait and see. Michael Barry was a complex and cynical man, and I would have to be careful if I wanted any kind of future with him.

I took a deep breath and picked up my pants. I'd do better dressed. He paid no attention to me, gathering first his glass, then mine, then turning away.

"Could I finish mine first? The champagne's delicious."

"It's flat, Brian. It'll taste like shit."

The cool dismissal in his voice made me sigh. I knew that it would be flat after all this time, but I didn't see how it would hurt to drink it. I'd had flat champagne before and enjoyed it, but there was no use telling Michael that, since he clearly was not going to bend. It was funny that he'd care what I drank, but it probably had nothing to do with me, more with his standards of what was right.

I put away my disappointment. "Oh. May I have another glass? Please?" It wouldn't hurt to ask, and it might amuse him to turn me down, although I hoped he wouldn't.

"Of course." He sounded pleased to get me more champagne, and I wasn't sure why. Another test? Probably.

"Thanks." I did up my pants and put on my shirt, but only did up a few buttons and didn't bother to tuck it in. I hoped that I'd only have to take them off again in a while, and I hoped that Michael would deduce that.

He came back in with full glasses and handed me one.

"Thank you." I raised the glass to my lips and took a sip. "I've never tasted anything so good."

His eyes were amused as he sat, and I wondered if my compliment was the cause, or the situation. "There's more in the bottle, and we might as well finish it."

"I'd like that."

"Good. Now finish yours so we can have more."

"Whatever you say, Michael."

His eyes shone at that, and I took another sip of champagne to hide my pleasure at his reaction. I wanted him, and he wanted me. I'd sit with him, enjoy his company, and see when it seemed best to suggest that we go back to bed.


We were on our second glasses, and I was enjoying the comfortable silence and thinking about leaning over and kissing him when he set down his empty glass and shifted closer to me.

"Come back to bed with me." He slid his warm hand around the back of my neck, and I made myself breathe. "I think we've been social long enough."

"More than long enough. Thank you for the champagne."

"You're welcome. Now get out of those clothes."

I was glad that he wanted me as much as I wanted him, but I didn't see the need to strip yet, especially when he wasn't making any moves to undress. I wanted more from him, and I was going to get it.

"Let me kiss you first." He nodded, and I got my mouth on his and my arms around him. He took charge of the kiss after a moment, but I didn't mind. I had him. He was mine.

Where had that come from? I didn't believe in owning people. But I wanted Michael to be mine.

He pulled back and gave me a stare that made me stop thinking. "Now strip."

"In the bedroom, please."

I thought for a moment that he was going to insist, but instead he said, "All right."

I let go of him, stood up, and left. I wanted to get to his bedroom and have him again, even though I knew that there was no chance he'd let me fuck him. But we'd have sex, and I'd have him that way, and that would be enough for now.


I took my shirt off, folded it loosely, put it on the carpet at the foot of the bed, and wondered when Michael would get there. I hoped that he wasn't playing another game with me, but I was sure he was. That was the way he operated, and I wondered if he knew how much that told me about him. Probably not. He thought that he could fool everyone, but he wasn't fooling me.

He walked in, pulled down the covers, and sat on the bed without a word to me, but his eyes never left me as I took off and folded my pants. He smiled when I was naked, then stood and took off his clothes with a casualness that I envied.

"Like what you see?"

"Yes, Michael." He was all planes and angles, and I wanted to explore every inch of him.

"Good." His eyes were gleaming, and his cock was hard. I licked my lips and thought about sucking it. "I'm going to fuck you again."

I wasn't sure that was a good idea. I'd never had a man's cock in my ass before tonight, and even though it didn't hurt now, I wasn't sure how I'd feel in the morning. Maybe I should tell him that I didn't want him to do that. But he'd shown me that he knew how to do it well, and I'd come harder than I ever had when he did. Also, he didn't look as though he was interested in hearing anything other than agreement, and I was certain that if I displeased him, he'd throw me out. And I liked knowing that I'd gotten to him enough so that he'd go against himself to say out loud that he wanted me. That had to be a victory.

And more than any of those reasons, I wanted his cock in my ass again.

I took a quick breath. "I want you to."

His smile was pleased. "I know."

He turned away and walked over to a tall dresser and opened the top drawer, then beckoned to me. When I was in front of him, he showed me what he had in his hand: a thin black band. Was it for my neck? No, not long enough. I wasn't thinking as well as I wanted to. Being close enough to smell him was not conducive to thought. I could touch him if I wanted to, run my fingers through the fine blond hair on his chest, over his nipples, find out if he'd moan for me.

"You're going to wear this for me."

He took my cock in his hand, then slid the band around it and closed it. It bit into my skin, but not in a bad way. I thought I could like wearing it.

"Looks good." He was smiling as he pumped my cock before letting go. I didn't want him to let go; I wanted him to touch me more.

He stepped back. "On the bed, hands and knees."

He was going to fuck me right away. I knew from his voice, and it froze me in place.


I jumped, then went to the bed and got into position. I wanted to face him, but that wasn't what he wanted, so I faced away.

"Keep your hands off your dick. You'll come when I want you to come."

I moaned. He'd put the band on so tight, I didn't think that I'd be able to come as long as I was wearing it, but if he needed me not to touch myself, I wouldn't. I wanted to kiss and touch him more before he took me again, but I'd take whatever he gave me.

I felt his hand on the middle of my back. "Relax, Brian. You'll like this."

He was right. I would, and it wasn't going to help to be this tense. "I know."

He lifted his hand, and I concentrated on breathing. That got me relaxed enough that when his finger probed into me, I took it easily and wanted more, which I got when he shoved in his cock. That didn't go in so easily, but after the first shock and pain, he eased off, and soon I was back in that begging, needing place he'd taken me to the last time. Everything he did made me want him more.

"Please, Michael. Please!" I couldn't take it any more. He'd worked my nipples until they were aching, and my cock in that band was aching, too. I had to come.

He laughed and took off the band, then fucked me harder and jerked me off as he did until I came as hard as I had before.

It took me a moment to get speech, but when I did, I said his name.

"Shhh. Go to sleep."

His warm hands helped me under the covers, and I thought about thanking him, but I was so tired. I'd do that in the morning, now that I'd survived my trip into the lion's den, I thought, and fell asleep.


Posted 11/17/03

Part 3 of Brian's pov, Not the Last Time

Original Fiction
