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by Gail (

Interlude in the Mentor series, after Part 3.

Rating: adult

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. The copyright belongs to me.

Thanks to Tinnean for asking the question that led to me writing this, and for betaing it.


I stare at Tom Stone, sleeping in my bed. He won't sleep long. I won't allow it. I have more that I need to do to him.

He went to Douglas Carr's bed and didn't have the decency to tell me about it.

He shifts in his sleep and whimpers. Yes, Tom, you'll whimper more before I'm through with you. You betrayed me, and no one, not even you, gets away with that.

The sex wasn't a betrayal. I wanted you to have sex with Carr. I wanted you to stand up and be the agent you were trained to be, to make your own decisions and take risks, and you did. I'm proud of you for that. I put an impossible condition on you and you pushed it aside, as you should have.

But you were supposed to come back and tell me everything. I gave you every chance. And you lied to me. You kept secrets from me. You betrayed me. I would have rewarded you, but you didn't let me. I had to make you pay for that instead. What kind of a mentor would I be if I let you get away with betrayal and lies?

I'll make you pay even more. And when I'm through, you'll be mine, as I thought you were, as you should have been all along.

He whimpers again, and I rest my hand on his hair and close my eyes because it hurts too much to look at him.

I wish that you'd trusted me. Why didn't you trust me? Why did you make me do this?

A little more sleep, Tom, then it's back to work, back to showing you that you're mine.


Posted 12/9/03

To part 4 of the Mentor series, Used

Original Fiction
