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by Gail (

Interlude in the Mentor series, after Part 4.

Rating: adult

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. The copyright belongs to me.

First version: Alexandra (aka Isilzha) betaed this, bless her wonderful dark heart, and encouraged me to post it. This is for Kita, who loves when I get dark, and is set during Used.

Thanks to Tinnean, Mandy, and Scarlet, all of whom have been there for me through the whole of this strange trip, and more thanks to Tinnean for betaing the revised version.


I drink black coffee from a thermos as I watch Carr's house from the front seat of my car, even though I know I won't see anything much, even though by all sane standards I should be getting the hell out of there since not too long ago I got shot at and I'm sure Carr would love to put some bullets in me. Good thing he's not as good a shot as he thinks. I'll leave soon enough, but I need to make sure everything goes as planned.

Tom thought his job was to get Douglas Carr in bed and keep him there while I took pictures of them. I would have taken that, but I knew the chances of Carr falling for that trick were pretty slim. He's got a brain under all the CIA shit, under all those standards he carries around. I'm grateful for them; it keeps him from being as good as he could be; but damn, if he'd come to us, he'd be fucking unstoppable. I'd end up working for him unless I was damned careful. Bad thought. I hate coming in second just as much as Tom does. That was one of the things I saw in him right away, that similarity to me. He's not my son, too old for that, more like a younger brother, one who takes orders very well, sucks cock like it's what he needs to survive, and knows how to spread his legs for a fucking and enjoy it.

Tom is very good at what he does, even when he doesn't know that he's doing it. What he's doing now is getting Carr to feel sorry for him, to get angry at me, to lose his control and let down his guard.

Douglas Carr cares about my Tom Stone. It's going to be his downfall. Because Tom, when all the cards are played, belongs to me. I've made damned sure of that. Tom doesn't even know how the games I've played with him have changed him. Hell, he doesn't even remember half of what I did to him. He can't. He wasn't aware enough to have recorded those memories.

I know there's a danger that Carr will find a way to convince Tom that he should try to leave me and the IDD, but I have faith in Tom, and in my conditioning. Tom's body knows what it needs, and I can't see Carr finding it in himself to beat him. No, Douglas Carr is one of the good guys, even when he's fucking someone over. He'll try to redeem Tom, try to get him to believe in himself, try to get him to stop being IDD.

Fat chance. Tom is IDD. He always has been. I saw it in him the first time I watched him stand at attention. He watched everything. It took me a minute to realize that. When I did, I smiled, then tapped him on the shoulder. Our eyes met, and he was mine.

He's still mine.

The lights go out, and Tom's still there. Very good, Carr. I'm sure you think you're in control, but you've just made a huge mistake. That's fine. You'll learn when it's much too late. Tom will always come back where he belongs.

I start the car. No use staying around here. I'll get some sleep and get ready for my meeting with Douglas Carr, the one he doesn't know about yet. The one where I come and take Tom away from him, and he realizes that he's been had, and then, that the only way for him to survive in this shark tank we all live in here in D.C. is for him to deal with me. Carr can get to a lot of secrets, and I want them all. He can even keep Tom around to play with if what he gives me is good enough. I'll make the time to keep Tom properly motivated, and I'm sure that Carr will be able to find things for Tom to do. Tom will enjoy them. Tom enjoys a great many things. Maybe Carr will even find it in himself to explore some of the more interesting ones. I doubt it, but having more on him wouldn't hurt. I have to keep Carr under control. He's too good to be running around on his own. I need him in my pocket.

I drive home, remembering how good it was to train Tom. I like women, but they give in too soon or aren't interesting enough to try anything more than fucking and a few mind games to keep them properly grateful. Tom... ah, Tom took years to get to the point where he was ready for more from me, and it took all of my skill to get him there. He fought it, because he's good. And now he's showing me one more time how good he is.

Good night, Tom. Sleep safe next to your Douglas. Oh, I know Tom has feelings for him. I expected him to. But I'm first with Tom. I know that. And I'll make sure I stay that way.


Posted 11/24/04

Part 5, Intensity, coming at some point, soon, I hope

Original Fiction
