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College Kid

by Gail (

from Michael's pov, part ?, set in their future, so will have to specify later - same events as in Bedtime Story

Rating: adult

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. The copyright belongs to me.

Thanks to Tinnean and Elizabeth for support and beta.


I patted Brian on the shoulder and pulled out of him. I'd fucked him, and he'd loved it, as always.

Now he'd settle into bed - my bed - where he'd sleep peacefully until my alarm went off in the morning. I'd wake up before the alarm and take the time to run through my schedule and, I knew, see if Brian turned to me.

I pulled off the condom and discarded it. I liked having him there. I liked having him in my bed. I wasn't sure if I liked that I liked that, but I wasn't going to do something stupid and make him leave to resolve my cognitive dissonance. I could do that myself.

I wanted Brian. I had Brian. It was that simple.

I took a long breath. That was better, but I wasn't ready to go to sleep yet. A bedtime story sounded like a good idea. I wanted to know more about him, and not from some damned private detective. I wanted Brian to tell me. Facts were cold; I wanted to see Brian's life through Brian's eyes.

I'd ask him about his first lover. He wouldn't refuse me.

I turned my head. He had settled into my bed as expected, looking over at me with happiness in his eyes. Well, no surprise there - Brian liked being with me. I gave him what he needed.

"Brian, tell me about one of your lovers." I shoved my pillow behind my back and leaned against it and the headboard. "The first."

He looked down at the covers, and I wondered if he was going to tell me he was too tired.

"The first woman or the first man?"

Good. He wasn't going to beg out of it.

I laughed at the thought of hearing about anything but his first man. "The first man."

He turned his head toward me and smiled, and I smiled back. "The first man. All right."

He sat up, moving closer to me in the process - not that I was surprised by that, Brian took every chance to get next to me - and pulled the covers over both his and my legs, running his finger over my thigh as he did. He couldn't get enough of me.

"I was a sophomore in college." So he'd started later with men than I had. "And a friend of mine had his girlfriend back home break up with him because he hadn't remembered to send her a birthday card."

I made a rude sound. "She had someone already. Count on it." That was how women were - finding the smallest excuse to do what they wanted. I'd never let a woman get to the point of thinking she could get away with that with me.

"Maybe." Brian didn't agree with me; I could tell from his tone. "Well, he was broken up about it, and he wanted to go drinking, and I didn't have a girlfriend then - "

"Oh?" That was interesting. Why didn't he? Because he didn't want one or because he couldn't get one? I had a hard time believing that he couldn't get one.

"I dated women, Michael."

I knew that, but it was interesting that he'd jumped to the conclusion that I didn't think he could get a girlfriend. I controlled the impulse to smile at the annoyance in his voice. I was learning more about Brian with every word he said.

"Yes, well, the story."

He gave me a look with more annoyance in it, then continued with his story.

"We went to a bar and had a couple of pitchers. I tried not to drink too much at first," yes, I could easily see Brian being the responsible one, "but he kept refilling my glass and his own, and he'd cheered up by his third glass - my second - and was fun to be with, so I relaxed and drank." So Brian had given up on being the responsible one and gotten drunk and had sex with his friend. Not an uncommon way to do it for the first time. I hadn't been drunk, but then I'd been sixteen and in prep school.

"By the time we'd finished the second pitcher," my, my, "we were both drunk," what a surprise, "and Dave was ready to go home. So we staggered outside and I was glad that it was spring because we'd walked there and were going to walk home, and the fresh air helped me feel better." He laughed, and I waited to find out at what - himself, his friend? "It didn't help Dave." Ah, his friend then. "He threw up twice on the way."

"And you went back to his room and he wanted to have sex, right?" I'd hoped for a better story, but it wasn't Brian's fault that his first time wasn't as exciting as it might have been.

"No. That's not what happened." He was smiling, and I suppressed my urge to tell him to tell me and be done with it. I was tired of him teasing me with his slow telling of the story. Either he was making it up as he went, or there was a twist coming. Maybe he'd run into another friend on his way home. "We did go back to his room, and he asked me if I wanted to sleep on his floor because it was late and he didn't want me to walk halfway across campus." How considerate of him to give Brian a bed on his floor. I'd have turned it down. I did not sleep on anyone's floor. "He said his roommate wouldn't mind. I was tired and still pretty drunk, so I agreed. He told where to find a sleeping bag and was asleep on top of his bed before I had it unrolled between the two beds - the only space it would fit. I drank some water, struggled out of my shirt," the thought of Brian drunk enough to struggle out of his clothes made my dick stir; I'd get him drunk and make him undress for me, "got into the sleeping bag, and fell asleep."

A good story, but not what I'd asked him for. "Are you sure there's sex in this story?"

I could see him smile in the faint light. "I'm sure."


He laughed. "I'm getting to it. You'll see."

I intended to. "Before the sun comes up?" I'd need sleep at some point, and so would he.

"The next morning I woke up. Dave was gone, but his roommate was there - Jack." Ah. So it would seem that Jack had been Brian's first, unless this story was going to be a very long one. "I didn't know Jack well at all, and I was concerned that he'd be pissed off that I slept over, but he didn't seem pissed off." Ah. Yes, this would be the one.

I wasn't sure that I liked the happiness I saw in Brian's eyes as he thought of this Jack. Maybe I'd made a mistake waking old ghosts. Brian had damned well better not get any stupid ideas about finding this Jack and reliving old times. I'd have to make sure that didn't happen.

"'Where's Dave?' I asked.

"'He said he was going to drink a lot of black coffee: his cure for a hangover. Me, I'd rather drink more.'"

So Brian's first was a wild one.

"He was sitting on his bed, and he was smiling at me." I definitely did not like the look in Brian's eyes. As soon as he was through with his story, I was going to show him what he had here, in this bed, with me. "I sat up and reached to unzip the sleeping bag, and he never took his eyes off me. I could feel myself getting hard, and I was glad I'd left my jeans on the night before. I figured I'd get up and go for some coffee too, and food, since I was hungry," it sounded as though he hadn't been hungover, interesting, "then head back to my room and shower and do some studying or go to the library."

He sounded like such a good boy. It was too bad I hadn't known him in college - but right, I'd sworn off men at that point. I might have noticed him, but I wouldn't have done anything about it.

"Then Jack said, 'Too bad you didn't sleep in my bed. Would have been nice to find you there, all warm.'" What a flirt. "'Why don't you come up here and I'll show you what I would have done?'"

Brian shifted and ran his tongue over his lips, and I wanted to stop the story right there and kiss him until he forgot all about this Jack. But I made myself sit still. I'd have my chance at him when the story was over.

"I couldn't believe he'd said all that, and I couldn't take my eyes off his. He - he meant it. I'd wanted to touch other guys, but I'd never met anyone who seemed approachable, so I hadn't done anything about it." Ah, so that had been the problem. Poor shy Brian. "But Jack was cute and right there, and he wanted me."

"'If you're not interested, no problem. But I hate not going after what I want.'"

Even in the faint light I could see the flush on Brian's face, and that and his story had me hard. Was there much more story? I hoped not.

Brian sighed and took a moment to breathe, then resumed. "I was definitely interested, so I threw back the sleeping bag cover, got up, and sat down next to Jack. He pounced on me," yes, I would have too if he'd looked half as turned on as he did now, "had his hands all over me and my jeans undone before I could take a good breath." Fast mover, this Jack. "I got my hands on his upper arms and held on while he squeezed my cock. It took me a while to let go, but I did, and ran a hand over his chest. He grabbed my hand and put it around his cock, and I got to touch another man's cock at last."

I wanted to take his hand and put it on my hard dick and have him show me what he was telling me. Wanted to so much. But I also wanted to hear the rest of the story, tonight, not another time.

"We jerked each other off, and Jack even sucked on my cock, but he stopped before I came." I would have made him finish, but Brian wasn't me. "I think he expected me to reciprocate," well, yes, I imagined that he had, "but I didn't. I don't know why." Hm. That was curious, but Brian was a happy cocksucker now - but hm. Was this his way of telling me that he expected me to suck his dick? Maybe. I'd never done that, but the book on gay sex I'd bought had talked about it and made it seem appealing, and Brian certainly sounded interested.

"Then Jack gave me a towel and soap and shampoo and shoved me into the shower."

"And is that it?"

Brian just smiled for a moment, and I waited. Then he sighed and looked at me. "I took my shower, and when I came out, Dave was there. He said he was going to the library and did I want to come with him? Before I could answer, Jack said, 'You got coffee. Give him a chance to get some,' and Dave agreed and took off." So Jack made sure to get more time with Brian. "Almost before the door closed Jack had grabbed off my towel and pushed me back on the bed.

"That time I did suck on him, and I found that I loved it."

I swallowed. This Jack had been the first man to get the benefit of Brian's mouth. But what did I care? He wasn't here now. I was, and Brian was in bed with me.

"We saw each other a few more times. Dave never found out." Good thing probably - most straight men, and I assumed this Dave was straight - wouldn't be too comfortable having their roommate and friend having an affair. "He started dating a woman he met that morning in the library and was at her place most nights." Nice break for Brian and Jack. "It was easy for us. Then Jack found another guy to play with."

And Brian was left out in the cold. "And you?"


"How did you like that?" I didn't want him to smile and pretend it had been fine with him. It was clear that it hadn't.

"I didn't. I thanked him and let him go."

Yes, I could see him doing that. "He was an idiot."

Brian smiled, and I was glad. He deserved to know that I appreciated him and that I despised Jack for not having done so. With any luck Jack was penniless and alone.

"Thank you. After that I joined the Lambda Alliance. I wanted to be with people who I could talk to about this. Funny thing, I never dated another guy in college. Not until graduate school did I find a man to have sex with."

He was lying to me. He'd had other men. I knew he had. Why the hell was he lying to me? I found myself up against his body, ready to pin him to the bed and tease and torture him until he told me the truth.

"You're lying." The fury in my voice surprised me. "I saw pictures of you with men, and you damned well were sleeping with them."

"No. They were friends."

I could almost believe him when he replied in that simple and honest a voice, but almost wasn't good enough.

"Friends you put your arm around?" I put all the scorn I felt into my words, but it didn't seem to reach him at all. He was still looking at me with those big brown eyes. Why did that make it so hard to stay focused?

"Yes. Are you talking about the pictures from the Lambda picnic?" Hell, yes. "Because if so, those were in fun. The photographers posed us. There's one of me with my friend Joe on his knees in front of me," I remembered that one, "and he didn't suck cock."

He was smiling and happy, remembering. I'd had enough of that. Fine, maybe the pictures I'd seen had been posed. But Jack had sucked his dick, and I was damned if I was going to be outdone by some fucking college kid. *I* was the one who Brian should be thinking about when he smiled that smile, and if it took me going down on him to make it so, I would. That gay sex book had waxed rhapsodic about cocksucking, how it made the one sucking powerful and in control. I'd give it a try and make Brian forget about any other mouth but mine.

I held his eyes with mine. "You like men who suck cock." Not a question, I knew that he did. His face went slack, and he let out a soft cry that made me even harder. He wanted my mouth on his dick. He wanted no one but me.

I pushed the covers down and shifted until my head was at his crotch. He didn't move. I liked him mesmerized by me, and his stillness gave me the moment and the rest of the motivation I needed to open my mouth and take in some of his dick.

Thick and strange, and not something I really wanted in my mouth, but I could handle it. He was trembling and I was doing that to him, and I wanted him like that.

I slid my mouth down his shaft until I could feel myself gag, then, remembering what I liked, started an up-and-down motion, making sure not to go so far again.

I could feel Brian's trembling turn to shaking as I kept the motion up, and the sounds he made got louder and desperate.

Yes, this was power. This was control. I understood that now.

I pulled my mouth off him to get a good breath and to get a good look at him - flushed, desperate, mine.

He started jerking himself off with a franticness that I enjoyed - he was frantic because of me, my mouth, my work. But I didn't want him to come in his hand. He was going to come in my mouth, dammit, even though the thought of that made me want a shot of scotch with a couple to follow. First I'd get him off, then I'd see if I still needed a drink. He'd swallowed my come, and I was sure Jack had swallowed his.


He whimpered. Poor Brian. But he'd get what he needed soon. I'd see to that.

I shoved my mouth down on his dick again and this time, sucked. He'd talked about Jack sucking his dick. Now he'd see that I could do it too.

It wasn't as bad this time, but I still didn't like it. But that didn't matter. I was doing it, and his whimpers and moans showed me that I was doing it well.

He thrust up and I nearly gagged, then I had thick fluid in my mouth. He'd come, and now I could stop.

I pulled away, sat up, and grabbed for a tissue from the box on the bedstand. I had to get that fluid out of my mouth, now, and get rid of that taste. I spat into the tissue and spat again, then swallowed.

Definitely time for that drink.

I crushed the tissue in my hand and tossed it into the wastebasket, then reached for my glass and had a long swallow. Yes. I could deal with the taste of too-weak scotch much better than the taste of come. "Go to sleep."

"What about you?" He didn't have that desperate look I liked so much, but he was definitely willing to do whatever I'd want. I was partly hard and liked the thought of his mouth on my dick, but it was late and I needed my sleep, not more sex.

I set the glass down and laid on my side, facing away from him. "Goodnight, Brian." I hoped the finality in my voice would tell him to stop. He'd get more, but not now.

I heard rustling, then: "Goodnight, Michael. Sleep well."

He sounded happy. I would.


Posted 4/25/04

Original Fiction
