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The Way to Shut Him Up

by Gail (

from Michael's pov, part 3

Rating: adult

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. The copyright belongs to me.

Thanks to Tinnean and Elizabeth for their betas and support.


It wasn't until I woke up and found Brian snuggled against me like a puppy, and licking me like a puppy too that I realized what I hadn't taken into account. I had to struggle to keep from groaning. What the hell had gotten into me last night? I'd had sex with a man, and a man who had reason to want my reputation tarnished. I had to find a way to shut him up.

What was he still doing here? Any sane man would have woken, dressed, and gotten the hell out. But right, Brian had been with men before. Probably even stayed over with them and had coffee the next morning.

Well, he was not getting coffee from me.

He licked his way down my chest and started sucking my nipple.

He might get me to fuck him again if he kept up with that sucking.

"What the hell are you doing?" It came out harder than I wanted, but he could think what he liked about that.

He looked up at me with big brown eyes full of longing and a touch of that desperation I'd liked last night. "Trying to get you hard."

I couldn't argue against that, so I nodded and let myself relax. "Ah. Well, go on." There were worse ways to wake up.

He leaned over and started that dedicated sucking again, and I decided to encourage him by putting my hand on his head to keep him there. When my dick was hard enough to get me to consider slipping my hand down to stroke it, I let go of his head and hoped he'd get the idea that I wanted his mouth there next.

He did. I'd never known anyone to suck this well. He hadn't lied about his abilities. I couldn't bring myself to stop him before I thrust up into his mouth and came.

I blinked a few times, then saw him looking up at me as he ran his tongue over his lips. Yes, of course, he wanted to come too. I'd see to that.

"Get up here."

I wanted to see his face change as he got close to coming, and then I wanted to hear him when he came. I wanted him to be as much mine as he'd been last night.

He scooted up beside me, and I wrapped my fingers around his dick, which was impressively hard, and squeezed. He whimpered and shivered, and I smiled. Yes, Brian Cameron was mine again.

I started stroking him. No matter what I did, he shook and shivered and moaned, and after not as much time as I'd thought he'd need, he came.

I wiped my fingers off on the sheet and took a deep breath. It was time to get him out of here, but before I could let him leave, I had to make sure he'd keep quiet about this - although really, who could he tell who'd matter? No one would believe him, not even Kate. I had no need to worry about him talking, but I didn't want him to talk. My life was my business, no one else's.

He was staring at me out of those big brown eyes that made me wonder if he'd been a deer in another life.

"Thank you."

He was thanking me for getting him off. Good manners. But if he expected me to do the same, he needed to think again. He'd started this. "Yes."

Why didn't I know what to do next? Those damned brown eyes left me no room to think of anything but how I wanted to keep him there, wanted to see him come again, hear him cry out as I fucked him.

He was just some guy, nothing special.

He was sitting up without the help of the headboard now. "Thank you for letting me stay the night. I'd like to do this again."

"Would you really?" Of course he would. I'd given him probably the best night in his life.


Well, that showed he had both taste and persistence. I looked away from him. I liked the thought of having him again, but there was the issue of Kate. I intended to have her, and he was in the way. But was he? He wanted me. I could use that.

"What about Kate?"

"Why would I want Kate when I can have you?"

Yes, I could use that. He wanted me badly.

"I can't argue with that. But I want her, and I'm going to have her, as I told you."

"I had more than one reason for coming here last night. I came here at Kate's request to get you to stop chasing her. She doesn't want either of us."

At Kate's request. I didn't like that, but his 'more than one reason' showed he'd come for himself too.

"What? She wants me." I'd seen it in her eyes, in her mouth, in her body's tension. But I could tell from Brian's silence and his eyes that he believed her load of crap.

"She does. But I can see she's told you she's not interested and you believe her." Or he could be lying, trying to get me to believe this so that he'd have a clear chance at her. If he was lying, he'd pay, because I'd know. He wasn't good enough to lie to me and get away with it.

His eyes didn't waver from mine. "Call her if you like, or listen to her sometime. She doesn't want a relationship. She wants - I'm not sure what she wants, but maybe that's the problem."

She'd told me all that, but I'd thought it was the lady protesting too much. It probably was, but how could anyone expect Brian, the gentleman, to get that? Kate, however, had fucked with me, by leading me on, denying it, and sending Brian to perpetuate her lie. She was going to pay for that. She wanted to claim she didn't want me? Fine. She wouldn't have me. But she wouldn't have Brian either. She could enjoy sitting at home alone or work to get another boyfriend to play with and lie to. I'd take him away from her, and I'd have him.

I could enjoy having Brian around. I'd keep him happy and give him what he needed, and he'd give me what I wanted. I'd win, and Kate would lose.

He was looking at me, anxiously, and I smiled at him. Time to lure him into my net. "So Kate doesn't want me."

He nodded, and I leaned forward and ran the tip of my tongue over his lips. He was shuddering by the time I drew away.

"But you want me."

He nodded.

"And you want me more than you want Kate."

He didn't even nod this time, he was so intent on me. I liked that.

I wet my own lips, slowly, and his eyes got bigger as he leaned toward me. I pulled back to keep the distance between us the same. Making out was not the objective.

"So there's no use in you hanging around Kate, is there?" He'd think the obvious, that I was trying to get Kate for myself, but that was fine. I didn't want him to get what I was really doing.

He didn't answer for a few breaths, then he nodded. Before I could decide if that was his answer or not, he spoke.

"If I do, what do I get, Michael? You?"

Certainly, for as long as I wanted him. I brushed my lips against his. "If you'll do as you're told," and he would, I'd see to that, I thought and kissed him again, this time with more promise and more action, "you'll find that you get what you need."

There was no way he could turn down my offer. He wanted me too much.

"I'll do what I'm told."

It was a pleasure to be right.

"Then you'll get what you need." And I'd get him.

"When does this arrangement of ours start?"

Ah, Brian, you're showing how very much you want me. How kind. "Tonight soon enough for you?" I had a morning meeting. Too bad. It would be more fun to spend the morning in bed with him. But that was life, and he'd have to accept it, as I would.

"I'll look forward to it." He was giving me an intent look, and I wondered what he was thinking. Probably of what I'd do with him tonight.

"Eight o'clock. Don't be late." That would give me enough time to eat and relax before he arrived. I was willing to change my life to some extent to carry out my plan, but not entirely.

His smile lit up his face. "I won't be."

We had one more thing to cover before he left. I took his chin in my hand. "One word about this to anyone, and it's over. Do you understand?"

"I understand. You don't have to worry. I have no desire to tell anyone. I like my privacy."

If I could believe him - but only time would tell that. "And I like mine, so we understand each other." I let go of his chin, and he nodded. "I'll see you tonight." I stood, went over to the closet, took out my robe, put it on, and tied the sash. I didn't want Brian looking at me with that desperate longing again, not when I didn't have time to fuck him.

Even with the robe, he was looking at me as though as I was... I didn't know, but I liked it. I saw his pants and reached for them. I needed time to get ready for work, and he didn't look as though he was going to move any time soon.

I held out his pants to him, and he took them from me. I smiled. It was going to be interesting having him around.

Then I turned away. I wasn't going to hang around and watch him dress. He might get the wrong idea. I'd start the coffee and shower, and when I was finished, he'd be gone.


Posted 2/22/04

Original Fiction
