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'A Perfect Murder' Stories

I went to see this movie one horrible, terrible, miserable day, and it was one of the smartest things I've ever done, right up there with talking to Greg when he was playing his guitar that first time, giving feedback to Mareen, and letting myself really write to Katja and Alex and Tinnean when they sent me feedback. I slash Steven Taylor (Michael Douglas) and David Shaw (Viggo Mortensen), and my stories are AUs. About my stories: you really should see the movie before reading them. It's a great movie. It'll be worth your time. All right, I'm incredibly biased, but it is at the least a good movie. :-)

Knee-deep in bohemian cachet Steven Taylor/David Shaw
That lovely money, sequel to Knee-deep in bohemian cachet Steven Taylor/David Shaw
Free, sequel to That Lovely Money and companion piece to A Perfectly Good Dream gen
A Perfectly Good Dream, sequel to That Lovely Money and companion piece to Free Steven Taylor/David Shaw
Legitimately sublime Steven Taylor/David Shaw

