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How to see into his heart, and live
by Gail

This only works in the middle
of the night, when he is sleeping
next to you, or pretending to sleep,
or sitting at his keyboard trying
to find someone not-you, or
drinking whiskey in his apartment,
or sleeping alone in his bed.
I learned this by doing things wrong,
by smiling too soon into eyes that closed
against me, by tugging on the covers
too hard, by eating too much breakfast,
all the things that we all do wrong.

Breathe your soul into smoke.
If he chokes, leave him.
If he inhales your fumes, stay.
How do you do this?
Ignite yourself. It can be done.
And the best part, is that, if you
learn to do this,
you won't need his love to live,
just your own.

