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Would It Matter

by Gail (


Lex Luthor/Clark Kent

Rating: adult, for Lex's thoughts

Lex Luthor contemplates Clark Kent, Helen Bryce, life in Smallville, and immortality.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

Please do not archive this story without asking me first. It's more than likely that I'll agree, but I want to know where my stories are.

Set in season 2 after "Precipice".

For Thamiris, Elizabeth, and Alison, all of whom have gotten me to watch and see more in Smallville than I thought that I would.

Thanks to Tinnean for the beta, and to fajrdrako, acampbell, Celli, noelql, Nomi, and XFreak for their kind comments on the LJ posted version.


Would it matter in a hundred years if he thought about fucking Clark Kent?

Of course not. That was obvious. No one would know about his thoughts but him, and thoughts without action hurt no one. He could think about having Clark Kent in his bed, stripped, those big eyes looking at him, those full lips opening for his cock, that firm, round ass there for his hands, his lips, his cock...

No, those thoughts wouldn't hurt anyone, but they didn't help him keep his cool, and even in his own home, he needed to keep his cool. Never let your guard down, not in bed, not when drinking, never.

After a sip of scotch, he attacked the next thought.

Would it matter in a hundred years if he fucked Clark Kent?

Yes. It would matter to him, since he planned to live forever. To Clark, whom he thought might live forever, if what he had found out and suspected about him was true. To Helen, the woman he'd asked to marry him - if she found out.

This time when he drank, he had more than a sip.

He knew all the reasons he shouldn't do anything to stand out in Smallville, and all the reasons he needed to make sure that Helen stayed close to him - keep your friends close and your enemies closer, advice his father hadn't needed to give him, advice as old as Pericles's Athens and any Caesar's Rome - and all the reasons he shouldn't make a move on Clark, who was too young by law to consent - but Pascal knew. The heart has reasons of which reason knows nothing.

He picked up his glass again, stared at it, then set it down and stood.

He had work he could do. He'd do it. He'd have dinner with Helen, listen to her talk about her day at work, ask the right questions, discuss the wedding plans, and keep the thought of Clark Kent out of his mind.

But someday, Clark would be old enough, and he would make the chance to let Clark know what he wanted, and if he did it right, Clark would give it to him.

It was something to look forward to.

The End

Posted 9/3/03

