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Velvet Goldmine Slash Stories

Ewan McGregor. In (and out of) leather pants. Kissing a guy who's about as cute as he is. Oh, wow. The movie is so incredibly slashy, and still it took Alex's frown to get me to watch it. I plead Palmer. *g* But I did watch it, and then Palmer wanted Curt, and gee, who am I to argue with him? Plus, Alex wanted it, and Elizabeth, and they're wonderful people. So I wrote it and had a blast doing so.

I've got ideas for more JAG/Velvet Goldmine crossovers. Maybe I'll even one day write Curt/Brian, if I can get over this feeling of 'Alex and kimberlite have written all the good stories in this fandom.' Go read their VG stuff, or anything else on their sites. You won't be sorry. Here's Alex's slash, and here's kimberlite's.

Velvet Glove
Clark Palmer/Curt Wild

