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2001 News Archive

Long DingersTaylor Mades Captures 2001 League Title

Reminiscent of the premature calling of the 1948 election in favor of Thomas Dewey over incumbent Harry S. Truman, league members thought overwhelmingly that Josh and his Long Dingers had secured the league title in mid afternoon. Josh had 10 pts. and Taylor 6 pts. in the tightly contested batting average category in which a mere few one thousandths of a point separated the 3rd from the 8th place spots. Taylor in the midst of a .250 batting average for the day went on a hitting binge late and was able to grab 7 pts. in the category while Josh faltered to 6 points. Taylor was also able to tie Brian's Field of Beans in runs and rbis securing the league title. Essentially the season came down to Garret Anderson's 2-4, 1 r, 1 rbi performance giving Taylor an additional 2 pts. and dropping Josh 1 pt. Again congratulations goes out to Chris Taylor who won the title in his inagural year but also to Josh who fought a tough battle right to the very end.

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