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2001 News Archive

This Week's Sneak Peak, David Grindley

David is a 24 year old On-Air Coordinator for the Outdoor Life Network and is the proud owner of the New York Snappleboyz. His favorite team is the New York Mets while Mike Piazza serves as David's superstar of choice. Mr. Grindley has fond memories of his rookie season of fantasy play, as he finished a surprising 3rd ahead of such "...greats as Kwan, Rishi, and Brian." Another highlight to the 2000 season was "...shanking Kwan with that Roger Clemens/Danny Graves for Jermaine Dye deal, proving even he can make bad deals." Well David, you are right that you shanked the veteran Kwan but I don't think the rest of us needed any proof of Kwan's trade saviness :) David believes the keys to the Snappleboyz capturing the league title are "...trades, trades, and more was shown last year I work relentless at making trades to improve my team. If I can have a decent draft, I figure I can make enough trades thru the season to capture first." His goals for the 2001 season: to make a trade with at least every team, show that last year was not a fluke, and of course to capture the league title. The league may be suffering from a lot of internal strife, but David is one the most active members and hopefully the league won't lose this promising young owner. Next week's sneak peak will be Rishi Vohora of the New York Grey Hate.

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