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2001 News Archive

Taylor Mades, one of FLB's Elite Teams

Chris Taylor of the Taylor Mades has gotten off to a sizzling start. Recently we sat down with Mr. Taylor to find out what makes him tick. Chris lives in Brookville Pa. about 80 miles north of Pittsburgh. He is 23 years old married to his wife Kristie but has no little ones running around yet. He works as a Sports Editor of a Newspaper, and has been playing fantasy baseball for five years. His favorite team is the Pittsburgh Pirates, with Kris Benson being his favorite player. Chris hasn't won the big one yet but has finished second twice and also placed in the middle of the road several times. Chris plans on making this his year as he battles for the prized Gammonsonian Diamond (rumor has it that Gammons sleeps with this prize under his pillow). His secret to winning the title is scoring more points than the second place team:) A great concept but one that few accomplish. Other owners can be seen cowering when this relative unknown but nevertheless dominant force so far is mentioned. "Chris Taylor clearly has the best team. He has the most days in first. He could really benefit from my fire sale and make his team even more formidable," remarked a distraught Christopher Kwan. That's all from the GMDS news room...

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