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2002 News Archive

Ask Kimo #2

I stumbled onto this league in 2001. Right off the bat, I enjoyed being in a league where fellow onwers were friends and foes amongst each other. Anyone of them would give up their left nutt to win the league.
"That's why Kwan only has one nutt, isn't it?"
We enjoyed all of the daily moves in trying to improve our teams. Just waiting for an owner to make a bonehead move and drop the likes of Jorge Julio. Or finding that diamond in the ruff like Aubrey Huff or Raul Ibanez. It was like a race to the computer to get the next player that just became the new closer. Like DeJean, Stewart, Acevedo, Looper, or even Irabu. Only to get your heart broken by a matter of seconds because another owner got to him first. Damn right this is a competitive league!
Unfortunately sometimes the grind of daily moves throughout the season is too much for some owners to overcome. They loose their passion and their drive. This is a league where only the strong survive.

Two criterias that I will use today to find out how competitive this league was in 2002 are...
1) Team Total AB's..
The reason why, to move up in Runs, RBI's, stolen bases, it is to your advantage to get as many AB's as possible. This is a must in a daily moves league.
2) Free agent pick ups and transactions..
When an owner uses this, he is giving his team a better chance to win.


1) Glenn...7,458-1st place in the standings. Simliar to 2001 Champion, Taylor, he had 7,476.
2) Paul...7,450-The league will miss him. Mycroft has a tough act to follow.
3) Josh...7,362-Very solid season from Josh. He was also one of the leaders in 2001 (good job Josh).
4) Kimo...7,304-Glenn finished 1st, Kimo 2nd, Paul 4th in the overall standings. All of these owners also finished very high in total AB's.
5) David...7,244-No surprise here, David is a very active owner.
6) Gary...7,172-Very active owner with free agent pick ups. But needs more AB's next season.
7) Burr...7,149-Same as Gary, will also fight from start to finish.
8) Scarfo...7,097-Started strong. Free agent pick ups...April-22, May-33, June-15, July-21, then faded in the last two months. August-2 and a very slow September.
9) Beerman...7,003-Had 43 free agent pick ups in his first 2 1/2 months. 18 trades with 9 different teams.
10) Rec...6,985-Free agent pick ups. April-7, then faded the rest of the season. Only 12 pick ups for the last 5 months.
11) Rishi...6,978-Off season for Rishi but HEEE'S BACK!
12) Brian...6,936-Started off strong. Free agent pick ups April-13 May-6, June-4. Then something happened. Only 2 pick ups for the last 3 months of the season.
13) Kwan...6,588-Bottom 3 owners in team total AB's are all founding fathers of the league. Kwan, I don't want to hear that MLB pitchers didn't pitch to Bonds as an excuse why it kept your AB's down. Almost 1,000 AB's behind the leader.

Avg. AB's per team for 2002--7,132.
Avg. AB's per team for 2001--7,222.
Overall grade for being competitive for 2002...B

What we need to do to improve for 2003.

1) Up the entry fee to $100. We have to recieve more fruits for our labor. A very time consuming league and we should award teams for doing well (my wager with Gary, for next years entry fee, is looking better and better).

2) WE NEED BRIAN MUELLER BACK!!! He is one of the founding fathers of this league. Brian always brought that stability, that reasoning, that calmness after the storm (debates on the message board). I always looked up to Brian and respected his views. He always gave his time and energy to the league. Remember, he was the auctioneer at last years auction. He wrote numerous acticles for Gammons archives. This league needs Mueller back.
Prediction for 2003 with Mueller back...B+
Prediction for 2003 with Mueller back like 2002's last half effort..C+

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