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2002 News Archive

Kimo's in the House!! Mid-term Report

Kimo's in the house!!!!!!!!!!!
Show you how much this league means to me. This interrupted my backyard-aluminum foil-swimming pool-baseball game. And it is my turn to bat. But a promise is a promise.

Mid-term report:
More than half of the season is behind this first year auction league. It may of started of by losing 2 owners, but we also had our first replacement owner, John (Beerman). He has been a great addition to this league. Adding such players like A'Rod, and a bunch of minor league players headed by the likes of Kevin Mench. Beerman is the team to beat in 2004.


The backbone of this league are 5 veteran east-coast owners. Leading the pack is a surprise is Rishi (Hate). He got off to a slow start, then he got engaged and now his team taken off. Needs Alomar and Williams to have a strong second. Burr, Gary, David, and Kwan, have all seen there teams go on a see-saw first half and the break couldn't have come sooner for these teams. Look for Burr, with the addition of Graves, to make a move. Gary, could be the surprise team with one of the best starting pitching staff in this league. David and Kwan, are just one player away from joining the big boys (a closer with speed and power).


the Rookies. 3 of the top 5 teams are owned by Rookies. Led by 5-time champion, Glenn. Who is off to a great start with a lot of great keepers on his team. Paul, has done a great job with his team but can he keep it up without the likes of Randall Simon? Scarfo, the wheeler dealer of the group, can he match Kimo of last year and draft his whole team away? Rec, do to personal reasons, got off to a slow start. But look for him to turn it on soon to stay out of the 69 position.

Northern Cal owners, September 11th, was a day all American's will remember. But the day Brian and Josh will also remember, is the last day of this season. With Garrett Anderson getting a base hit. It has been all down hill for both owners after that. Both of them have been a little less active on the BB, trades, transitions, and for all we know, haven't even gotten laid yet this season. But who knows maybe these owners can hookup to share their broken hearts and come back to life in the second half.

what to look for in the second half...trades, trades, and then more trades! As we watched our beloved fantasy players getting traded from one team to another, Gammonsonian owners themselves can expect to be very active as well. This can mean only one thing, BURR'S RANKING METER...#44 FOR $57. "This is well within a trade range." We cannot forget about contraction or the strike. Contraction, a word I thought I left behind in my high school English class. Whatever happened to the American past-time. This is when we collected baseball cards, played make believe baseball games, had our dad's take us to the game. Now we have to hear about Labor issues. Gazillionaire owners and multimillionaire ball players striking over money and the intolerable working conditions. I guess it gets us thinking, why do we even play fantasy baseball at all?

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