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2002 News Archive

Why did I ever take...LABR Style Post-draft Interviews

This part 2 of my 4 part series of news articles after the draft.

Let me preference this by saying some of the owners responses have been edited for entertainment purposes (I told you guys to be as descriptive as possible).

Needless to say, here it goes:

Brent Powers - Wally Pipps -This season’s strategy: To find good value, get as many of Gary’s Redsox Dolls as I could, and avoid the Pedro-bobble head-curse from Gary. I also wanted to wear down my opponents psychologically with my once – twice – sold thing

Did it work? Yes and No. Dave got Pedro and I had to endure that little plastic head rattling for 4 hours. This clearly didn’t work. The once, twice thing however was golden.

-Bargains: All my players (not being arrogant at all). HA. I like Lidle and Pettitte for single digits and Cameron and Hidalgo for $12 & $10.

-Overpaid: Considering closers were so under priced, I reached for Wickman at $14.

Brian Mueller – The Axis of Evil -This season’s strategy: To spend good money on some top guys, then pretty much try to find value throughout out. Was hoping for about a 65 – 35 or 70 – 30 breakdown of offense to pitching. Also wanted to reconstruct my 01 Mariners Team as much as possible and suddenly announce Ichiro was sold for $1 to my team.

-Did it work? Not really. I was doing ok, but then once Dave began his Starters run, it pretty much forced my hand into taking pitchers early than I wanted. I was really not happy to see those cheap OF go after the ˝ way point and not have enough funds to get those guys. And let’s face it, once Garcia was gone, my hopes of the 01 team were dashed.

-Bargains? I-Rod at $22, Moyer at $1 (he can’t be this bad), Castillo at $17, Brown at $1, Batista at $4, Randa at $1 (he can’t be that bad), and finally Blalock at $5 (since it looks like he’s making the 25 man roster).

-Overpaid? Definitely Durham at $19 was too much, considering the range that went there. Womack at $7 I would also say was a bit much, considering the round he was take (Damn you Blanchard).

Burr Loew - October Fury - This season’s strategy: Basically to get the most value for the buck. There is such a deep supply of quality players in a mixed league that some are bound to fall cheaply. Specifically my goal was to be dynamic and adjust at the auction, buying players who were being undervalued. I also wanted to get at least one stud hitter as these guys can really carry an offense.

-Did it work? I got great value but my team is extremely offensive top heavy as evidenced by my 80-20 offense-pitching split. Starting pitching was going higher than what I valued it at. By drafting 6 of the top 20 pitchers, David really inflated the cost of top of the line starters so I focused on offense. In retrospect I would have drafted a solid closer as many of them were going for $15 to $20 later in the draft which was quite a fair price. I have a good ace for the staff in Vazquez, a decent #2 in Weaver, and if Pavano can avoid the injury bug I will have a solid front line of the starting staff. My closing situation is weak so that obviously needs improvement. I got ARod early on and his #s are so superior to any other SS that I should be able to trade other positions away to improve my weaknesses.

-Bargains: An OF consisting of Dye, Dunn, Andruw Jones, and Preston Wilson for $68 was a real steal. Frank Thomas at $15 is also a nice price. Pavano and Kip Wells could be nice at $1 a piece.

-Ovepaid: I got everyone at or below what I expected them to go at which I am obviously happy with. Some might argue that ARod at $42 is a bit much but I expect the return to be higher…….and besides…………when you have him valued at $60, you can’t miss.

Paul Jarosik - Jarosik Park -This season’s strategy: It was my first auction and I decided that I wanted to find value and not overspend on players...I wanted to be patient and not spend all my money early in the draft. Besides, I’m going to win the league no matter what strategy I choose.

-Did it work? feel I did pretty good for my first auction. Overall, I would say it worked. Time will really tell. Could have maybe used another closer, though.

-Bargains: Radke, Boone , Milton

-Overpaid: Jason Kendall , Mulder, and Urbina Christopher Kwan - Quixotian Windmills -This season’s strategy: My strategy going into the draft was to get players I liked at a reasonable price, without over paying for them. Especially Bary Zito and all previous members from my teams.

-Did it work? Getting the players I wanted caused me to bid higher than I wanted, so I would say no. Damn you Grindley!!!

-Bargains: I expect Hinske at $1, Astacio at $5, and Ochoa at $1, and Martinez at $4, and Sele at $2 to be bargains.

-Overpaid: I think I over paid for Delgado, Ward, and Lawrence. Could have used that extra money to get my main man Zito.

David Grindley – New York SnappleBoyz -This season’s Strategy: My strategy going is to the draft was to get some pitching and corner the market……to prove the power of the Pedro Bobble-head-doll…… and once again prove Snapple is the tastiest drink ever.

-Did it work? Yes on all counts

-Bargains: I think Carlos Lee at 10. Burnitz at 6. And Juan Gone at 22, were all bargains. McGriff and Ventura could be huge bargains if they stay healthy. Dempster if he can turn it around is a steal at 3 bucks. Woody William for a buck is nice too if he pitches like he did second half.

-Overpaid: Julio Lugo at 5 bucks was probably too high. Other than that I'm happy with my selections.

Gary Blanchard – Boston Archangels -This season’s strategy: Well, I was going to bring as many dolls as I could, so that I could end up with Pedro. Simply stated: Don’t be roped into bidding >$35 for Pedro. Also My general draft day m.o. is to draft young studs w/lots of UPside - typically guys who were uber-hyped in their rookie seasons, haven't *quite* delivered the goods so far, but are now ready for a breakout year (JD Drew, Chavez, etc.) I was willing to bid 2-3 bucks more for these guys.

After that, I wanted to draft a slew of guys in the $20 range, but very few >$30 ... as well as looking for bargains, of course - guys who would go for a few bucks below the price I slotted 'em at. Auctions are all about Scouring for the Filene's Basement guys.

-Did it work? This strategy, as you know, was unsuccessful.

-Bargains: Moises Alou ($11) - that run of *quality* $10-15 OFs right after the 49% intermission had the best deals of the draft (Edmonds, Mondesi, etc.) ...

Also: Ensberg ($4), Wells ($3), Lieberthal ($5), Washburn $6), Zimmerman ($7)

-Overpaid: Drew, Damon, Beckett - but, hey, I'm expecting 1984 Doc Gooden here, so why not go the extra buck or three? :)

Glenn Schroter – Bayside Bar Bisons -This season’s Strategy: Buy one or two superstars, and fill the rest of the roster with bargains. To not embarrass myself, after building up the hype with the "legend" of my 6 consecutive championships. I also wanted to pose with Rishi in as many photos as possible (it's an emotional thing).

-Did it work? I thought so on draft day, getting 2 of the top 6 offensive players (Vlad and Chipper) in my rankings. Like most people, I also got some great bargains in the endgame. But then I saw your projections, and my heart sunk. THEN, I looked a little closer, and saw that you had me with 1 save--somehow Benitez, Izzy, Looper and Mecir should get more than I still have hope! :-)

-Bargains: Renteria at $8; Pena at $3; Johnson at $3 (as long as they're on my team, they'll forever be linked in my mind); Juan Cruz at $5, and Person at $2

-Overpaid: definitely Benitez at $23. Wood at $21 was pricey, but I really like him for this year, and another guy I like, Beltran, was probably too much at $25 -- considering what comparable players went for.

Jim Ferrari – Kimo -This season’s Strategy: To get good values in Closers while maintaining the image of being drunk. Also to pull out the painted toes if need be (last resort)

-Did it work? I’ll let you know at the end of the season, but most people did think I was drunk……………so go figure. The Toe thing was unnecessary

-Bargain: closers and my outfield

-Overpaid: Helton for $41

Josh Mondshein - Long Dingers -This season’s strategy: My strategy was to get a balanced team with no glaring weaknesses (by not paying a ton for any one guy). I also wanted to intimidate the other owners with my obvious Porn Name team reference and call Karl for advice on all of my picks.

-Did it work? Overall, I would say it worked very well; my team is very balanced. I couldn’t get a hold of Karl on the phone (bad cell reception), so obviously that part of my strategy didn’t quite work out. He’s going to be very upset with me once I get home, but that is just a different story altogether.

-Bargains: I think Green for 28 is pretty good, a couple of closers for 10 or less is nice. Lee for a few bucks could be good too. Appier for 3 could be good. They're only bargains depending on how the season goes, ya know?……….Heck, my whole team was a bargain compared to what having Karl on my team would have cost.

-Overpaid: I don't think I overpaid badly for anyone, though if Farnsworth doesn't close 10 is a lot, and I guess Morris could have been a few bucks cheaper.

Michael Rec - West Bridgewater Buddah-Bellies -This season’s strategy: But a five category offense and get strong ERA/K pitchers for cheap money. Also to differentiate myself from the other Mike once and for all.

-Did it work? Offensively I could’ve done a little better. I should’ve been more aggressive on a couple of guys, but for a first auction I'm not complaining. On the pitching side I only spent $59 total on pitching. Park and Schmidt and a great 1-2 for only $25. The young kids are going to be the difference, especially Ankiel for $3. Also, never should’ve let Kimo get Young for only $8.

-Bargains: Offense: Giles for $8. If he moves into the #2 hole in the lineup soon, he could be huge. If not he's still a great investment for the future. Pitching: Every starting pitcher I got I had on my projections for $3-4 more than what I got them for. Park could win 20 for Texas with that offense, Schmidt ($9) could be worth that much in the first half. Armas, Amkiel, Marquis, and Pineiro could all double or triple their auction price this season. Out of all, obviously Ankiel could be the biggest steal if he stops drinking a liter of Lack before game time.

-Overpaid: Suzuki ($34), Went against my philosophy right away, even though I did make up for it in the long run. Furcal($18) the run of SS stopped at Furcal and the SS after him I think all went for under $10.

Mike Scarfo - Suicide Kings -This season’s strategy: My draft strategy was to focus on one or two guys I really wanted and then look for value throughout the rest of the draft. I also wanted to prove that I could not only bring 10 different fantasy magazine at the draft, but also use ALL of them in my evaluations. I also wanted to make poker references and say “I raise you 1 penny” after each auction bid.

-Did it work? I think it worked very well....I am quite pleased with my team. Besides………… many magazines can I person really look at, at any given point of the draft. The poker thing just didn’t work out.

Bargains: I think my biggest bargains are no doubt Gonzo at 24, Buerhle and Edgar at 9.

Overpaid: I don't think I overpaid for anyone, except for Randy, and Mannny, and……..

Rishi Vohora - New York Grey Hate -This season’s strategy: Wait for good deals, and stock up on cheap closers, like I always do. I also wanted to use my Goatee as an intimidation against the other owners. Just the sheer sight should induce them to stop bidding.

-Did it work? Obviously not.

-Bargains: Tatis, 3 bucks. Roberto Hernandez, 7 bucks.

-Overpaid: Why do you have to kick a man when he's down?

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