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2002 News Archive

Dawning of a new FLB Power?

Welcome back everyone. After a quiet winter of little fantasy baseball we are coming into a new age. Just as with the construction of the Alpha space station marks an age in which human presence will remain in constant inhabitance beyond the confines of the Earth, the 2002 season ushers in a new era in which there shall never be a lull in fantasy baseball. An owner’s job will never be complete as there shall always be lingering deep in the minds’ of the owners in the off-season a trade or two that will put their team over the edge. But with this change there remains a constancy. Many of the same owners still remain for the new challenge. David will continue to try to sucker his opponents into poor trades, Gary’s habit of convincing owners that he is simply agreeing to a trade because he wants to help “their team” out will undoubtedly make him a feared presence, Rishi’s blunt and scornful words will bring many an owner to tears, and Brent Powers....Brent Powers?

First there was ever forgettable Ted Power pitching for 8 teams throughout his 13 years mired in obscurity. Then the infamous Austin Powers foiling the plans of Dr. Evil. Now a new season brings us Brent Powers. Will his legacy be as impressive and noteworthy as Fat Bastard’s advesary causing future inheritants of this league to become awestruck at the very mention of his name? Or will he fade into obscurity like the aformentioned journey pitcher, except of course for records in the Hall of Shame that may persist for eternity. Only time will tell but at this time I would like to introduce you to our newest member, Brent Powers.

Brent is a 37 year old married man hailing from Portland, Maine where he works for an environmental services company. Mr. Powers is a cancer survivor and hence has a great respect for athletes such as Lance Armstrong and Andres Galarraga; perhaps they inspired this tough competitor as he continued to lead his team during the year of the unfortunate diagnosis. I can tell it will be tough to get this man down as when he is down he will get right back up again without hesitating. Brent is a 5 year veteran of FLB and has a 2nd and 3rd place finish to show for his efforts. The thirst for a league championship will be a strong motivating force during his time in the league.

Brent is a big Red Sox fan, and also a member of the ‘Fire Dan Duquette’ club, but also follows the A’s, Blue Jays, Astros, and Marlins as well. His favorite time of the year is when pitchers and catchers report. Baseball is his passion but he wouldn’t mind seeing Bud Selig stepping down unless he can find a way to enact some form of revenue sharing. Brent’s favorite retired players are George Brett and Roberto Clemente. He pledges never to allow Darren Dreifort or Shawn Estes to grace his roster. Are you getting a good picture of Brent Powers? Tough as nails, hard-nosed, all out play no matter the circumstances but yet a man with strong moral convictions.

There’s more to this rookie force than baseball. Brent enjoys landscaping, b&w photography, cooking, and movies. He sadly declares that Adam Sandler movies are one of his guilty secrets. He plans on buying a new receiver should his Wally Pipps win the league title. Who knows, history could repeat itself as Brent seems to have the attitude and intelligence to pull off the once unimaginable feat of winning a title in his rookie year.

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