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2002 News Archive

A Force to be "Rec"koned with?

We don’t have to travel very far to meet the 2nd out of 4 newest owners in the gmds, Mike Rec, owner of the West Bridgewater Buddah Bellies. Mike prefers to be called Rec, to distinguish himself from the other generic Mikes of the world. It’s a good idea as Rec definitely has a style and character all his own. What other owner can offend the God worshipped by the world’s third most followed religion and then boast of multiple FLB titles. Rec and his Buddah Bellies prove that not even divine intervention can stand in his way of a championship and if he offends a few hundred million people along the way, then so be it. Move over Rishi, your Grey Hate may have intimidated us before but never did you do it on such a spiritual scale.

Rec is a 25 year old Pension Fund Accountant at State Street Bank. He grew up in New Jersey but currently resides in West Bridgewater. He lives with his longtime girlfriend and is frequently pestered with the “ring” question daily. We can’t help you with commitment but an FLB title may help you get that extra carat that will make her swoon, Mike.

Previously Rec worked as general manager at a D’Angelos where he did worked part-time as a training manager and cost analysis. This is a scary set of skills for any competitor in FLB as evaluating the stats acquired per dollar spent is essential in assembling a championship team and may one day become a required degree for FLB owners. But could there be a flaw in his evaluation of talent? We can only hope that Rec managed the D’Angelos in Swansea and hired the employee that last year gained notoriety after infecting 30-40 customers with Hepatitis A.

To say Rec is a sports enthusiast is an understatement. He enjoys bowling, golfing, racquetball, and one of his true loves, coaching Babe Ruth baseball. Playing in the Babe Ruth league in 1993 is actually where he fantasy baseball roots sprouted. The coach of his team put together a rotisserie league amongst other teammates. During college the Buddahs owner joined a short-lived league with friends. The next year he realized that for longevity purposes he needed to take matters into his own hands as he assembled and was the commissioner of a 10 team mixed league, which he consistently finished in the top two spots including one championship. He has also been a participant in other types of fantasy baseball contests. In 1997 he played fantasy challenge games on HQ and captured 1st place out of 25 teams in his league and an impressive 350th overall, but after paying all the transaction fees ended up losing money! Mr. Rec has had poor luck with free leagues. In 1999 the computer continually froze during his selection and with picks in rounds 2-4 had the dubious selections of Larkin, Henderson, and Greg Vaughn…ouch.

I think we all can agree that Rec has the resume to succeed in his inaugural year. His tools and skills are undoubtedly impressive. But whether he can fortify his brash attitude with actual results may be the deciding factor whether his team will be boom or bust, as there is frequently no middle ground in the game of intimidation.

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