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2003 News Archive

GMDS Trophy

Draft Rankings by Brian Mueller

Here are my projected rankings. I'm including both the rankings of the overall draft value and what the projected league standings would be. Keep in mind this is just for the players drafted and does not include the reserve round picks. I'm also going to include a briefly commentary for each person in the overall draft value rankings.

Draft Value Ranking

1. Axis of Evil - I'm the one using this model for drafting decisions, so I guess it's maybe not a surprise I'm near the top. Overall, very pleased with my draft. Not getting Suzuki or Preston may very well end being my undoing later on.
2. Bayside Bar Bisons - What else can I say...factoring in the pre-built value from his freeze players, I'm willing to say the best overall draft in the last 2 years
3. Boston Archangels - Overall had a great draft. Only thing holding him back from jumping the Bisons or Axis of Evil are the over-spending on Brown and Suzuki and subsequent # of $1 type keepers that results from the overspending
4. Long Dingers - Overall had a very solid draft. For some owners who have questioned whether he belonged in this league, I believe this draft should lay those doubts to rest!
5. West Bridgewater Buddah - Another solid draft. I think he would agree that leaving $41 (i.e. price of Suzuki) on the table might really hamper his ability to finish in the money this year.
6. October Fury - Lawton and Sanders could very well end up being steals of the draft. Had the feeling he wasn't quit prepared for the draft. The closer situation might end up being his undoing this year.
7. New York Greyhate - Tino and Wakefield are 2 of the better picks. Based off his freeze list, he might very well have hurt himself more than helped himself in the draft.
8. Quixotian Windmills - His team had a lot of potential based off the keeper list. You could tell losing out on Preston Wilson clearly had an impact on the rest of his draft decisions
9. Kimo - Having a 217/43 Hitting / Pitching split is really mind-boggling! 83% of all draft $$ put into offense and having pitchers that would be #3 SP on most FLB teams is without question the highest risk taken in the entire draft! I this draft will demonstrate just how successful the LIMA...I mean KIMO plan....can be as a draft strategy going forward.
10. Suicide Kings - Has the mentality that he is willing to role the dice on certain guys. I think that showed in both his keeper decisions and in the draft itself. Carlos Lee probably makes the 10 top over-inflated salary list, but that pick had more to do with amount of $$ to spend versus what he was probably worth in that case
11. Newbie Badgers - The effects of Paul may have been too much to overcome
12. New York Snappleboys - Has the potential to make the money, however needs a lot of things to go right. We all know trading is what he is all about...
13. Jerusalem Slugs - I think we all agree Ken's freeze list decisions were 1 of the most talked about events in the pre-draft festivities! Now that the draft has taken place, I think Ken would agree with the conventional thinking that perhaps he should have done some things differently. Hey, we all make mistakes (i.e. Sosa being dealt for basically Ryan Anderson), so hopefully this 2003 FLB season leads to a league championship run for him in 2004!
14. Beerman - Followed the KIMO plan to a certain degree (i.e. take a bunch of cheap closers). Hopefully they help him to build a great group of keepers for 2004, as 2003 is a rebuilding year!

Projected League Standings

1. Axis of Evil
2. Bayside Bar Bisons
3. Boston Archangels
4. Long Dingers
5. October Fury
6. New York Grey Hate
7. Kimo
8. Quixotian Windmills
9. West Bridgewater Buddah
10. Suicide Kings
11. New York Snappleboys
12. Newbie Badgers
13. Jerusalem Slugs
14. Beerman

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