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2003 News Archive

Lara Croft

Fantasizing over the Newest Fantasy Owner

One of our proudest new additions to the Gammansonian Diamonds is James Mycroft. Jim, a 33 year software engineer who resides in Canterbury, Connecticut was kind enough to sit down with us to provide an unprecedented interview giving a glimpse into the Newbie Badgers.

Brandon Funston: First of all, just let me say that it’s a honor to be invited back to conduct my second new owner interview. As most of you remember I had the privilege to chat with the 2002 league champion, Glenn Schroter, at this time last year. While Mr. Schroter had a strong roto background, I can’t help but feel some of my backstage tips and pointers allowed him to secure the league title. Anyways, that’s old news. Today I am with James Mycroft or JAM as his friends call him (for James Albert Mycroft). While we’ve never sat down together I feel that we’re virtually family. I have spent hundreds and thousands of hours manipulating your wife, Lara Croft, at my fingertips on the big screen TV.

James Mycroft: While I’m a big fan of the video game star with a larger than life bust, I’m happily married to my wife of 15 years, Tracy. We met in England and married in Kenya and have a 2 1/2 year old son together.

Funston: Kenya, huh? Wasn’t that the setting of Tomb-Raider I? There must have been some real hot sex after the African safari.

Jim: Laura Croft is a fictional video game character. She’s no more real than a fantasy baseball team! Enough with the meaningless questions? Why did you ask me here? Can we get down to business?

Funston: I hardly see questions regarding the #1 pin-up video game model as inconsequentional. But I try to accommodate my guests. I’m sure all GMDS owners are ripe with interest regarding their newest member. As you have discovered, the GMDS owners are a diverse bunch, each owner bringing a unique personality to the league. What do you have to offer?

Jim: I’ve been a league member for 2 months and while this is the off-season I’ve been quite impressed with the level of activity. No owner brings more to the message board than Kimo in my opinion. While I am kept quite busy with my 2 1/2 year old son and do photography in my spare time, I hope to dedicate enough time to become a real force in the league. My goal is to become the Kimo II of the league.

Funston: Kimo is an integral cog in the GMDS machine. That’s quite a lofty goal, but can the league really handle TWO Kimos?

Funston: Most owners have at least 5 years of roto experience. How does your resume stack up?

Jim: My fantasy career began 10 years ago when I purchased a baseball and football franchise. My football tenure has been fairly mediocre and is low-lighted when years ago I selected Stan Humphries and Lorenzo White with my first two picks in the draft. I don’t know how long my fellow owners have been playing fantasy sports but it was quite a disaster. I am only recently been building stronger football teams. I also dabble in basketball and hockey but my true love is baseball. I think you could equate me to the Atlanta Braves; My teams are always competitive but I’ve only been able to bring home the title twice.

Funston (grinning): Two titles in ten years. I win 2-3 leagues a year!

Jim: But don’t you play in 25-30 leagues at a time?

Funston (turning red): Don’t overstep your bounds, Newbie! I’ll be the one asking the questions. Let’s get back to the interview. Did you know I actually perfected pausing Tomb-Raider at such an angle that I could see cleavage?

Jim: You must be quite proud. Getting back to my baseball resume. Did you know I actually applied for a team in the inaugural 2002 season. Unfortunately, all ownerships were filled. This league is nationally renowned and seemed to be a natural next step in my rotisserie career. I placed my name on the GMDS waiting list and kept in contact with the gracious commissioner during the course of the year. Although I hear Paul Jarosik was quite an owner I was overjoyed when he announced his resignation from the team.

Funston: You bring up an excellent point. Other owners have had 1 year to draft, trade, and manage their rosters, for better or worse, in congruency with their respective strategical beliefs. Gary assembled a lineup of Red Sox. David Grindley has his pitching staff of aces. And of course Kimo has his "Kimo" plan. However, you are in the unique position amongst owners of inheriting a roster likely conjured up with ideas and philosophies different from your own. What do you need to do to put the Mycroft stamp on this team?

Jim: Wow, I’d be happy to answer that insightful and intriguing question. First, the franchise needed a new logo and name change to show that ownership would be going in a different direction this year. Without tipping my hand to much I'll say the following. Paul (I believe that was his name) made some good deals during the year to help him finish in the top of the league last year. The problem is the deals were not made looking towards the future. I am going with my Oakland core of Tejada and Mulder but from there I am going to try and make moves to bring in my type of guys. I'll let people try and figure out what my type of guy is on their own but I will say my team does not have many guys that fit the mold. It will be interesting to see how things shape up because I may make one to many moves and keep my self from contention this year. The hope is to challenge for one of the top four but also try and start putting together a young cheap arsenal of keepers.

Funston: I’d like to thank you, Jim, for being with us today. All of us Tomb-Raider fans are certainly rooting for you in the upcoming season. Maybe you should consider allowing Mrs. Croft to present the league trophy at the draft ceremonies this year in her typical Tomb-Raider garb. Anyways, that’s all from here. I will bring you the a breaking interview with the new expansion owner once the league finishes its screening process.

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