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2003 News Archive

Dead Babies

The Primer is Coming

What the critics are saying about Vohora's "GMDS Primer":

"Outside of maybe Dario Fo, an Italian who few are sure exists, Vohora makes the most consistently perfect and excoriating social commentary we currently have. But will those Nobel bastards honor him too? Only God, our merciless and just God, knows."
- Dave Eggers

"Add Vohora to the list of great English born, African raised Americans of Indian descent."
- The New York Times

"Better than the Bible."
- G. Blanchard

"This publication is tasteless and destructive to our shared values."
- Al Gore

"Better than whatever it is that Jews read."
- J. Mondshein

"Brutal satire that rushes into the far reaches of race, class, sexuality and culture where many publications - and critics - fear to tread."
- Chicago Tribune

"Better than sex with strippers."
- B. Mueller

"Looks like I was wrong about some things."
- God

"Looks like I was wrong about some things."
- G. Schroter

About the author:
Rishi R. Vohora is that short dude with the kick-ass goatee who lives alone in Worcester with his two guitars - Hambone and Slip. He plans on totally kicking ass, becoming a rock star, and changing his name to "F-in".

Other works by this author:

"Rishi Vohora, Not Your Typical Owner" -

"Have you heard the one about the Brit, the Jew, and the Chinaman?" -

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