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2003 News Archive

Las Vegas

2004 Las Vegas Draft

As Gary Blanchard takes over the helm, Gammons is going bigtime. Having the draft in Vegas. Lets take a closer look of things to come on auction weekend.

Friday Night...The stars will be arriving. Blanchard, Vohora, Kwan, Grindley, Scarfo, Schroter, Rec, MyCroft, the east coast studs are coming into town. The international wizz, Zwiebel, couldn't resist has decided to join us in the last second. The only one missing is Burr! Thats the talk, where's Burr? Kwan's logic, it's like finding Waldo, we'll find him.

The west coast studs...Kimo, Beerman arrived a week earlier to prepare and make this auction the experience of a lifetime. And lets not forget Josh, hasn't arrived yet, should be arriving anytime, he decided to drive over with Karl.

Saturday, Auction Day...After a hard night of gambling, drinking, no sleep, the day has finally arrived, the day we've all been waiting for, the showdown of baseball wits...Blanchard takes over the mic, LETS GET READY TOOOO RUUUUMMMMBBBLLLE!!!!!!!

But before we start, does anyone have any questions or comments?

Out of nowhere, Glenn Schroter stands up (our 2002 GOOFTY Award winner and league champion) has something to share with us, "This has been hard for me, but I'd like to apologize to the league. I did something unexcusable. I cheated. I should have never started Burkett then take him out after the start of the game. I apologize. Can you please forgive me? This will never happen again."

Unlike his first speech, the only person with tears is Glenn. Blanchard is caught off guard. But he accepts the apology and appreciates Glenn's courage. Okay now, can we get started?

As a few seconds pass, Ken rises from his chair, "I have a few words, Gary. I must also apologize to the league. The Preston Wilson/Santana trade for Bonderman/Lowe was just down right unexcusable on my part. Not to mention how I messed my team up. But I screwed the league as well. To make that trade in March was down right wrong. I apologize. This sort of action will never happen again."

Blanchard looks puzzled but again, he accepts the apology.

Suddenly Rishi says he has something to say. Blanchard says, go ahead and rise. Rishis says, "I am fucking standing! I too must apologize to this league for my Primer articles. It was unexcusable. I should have never"....all of a sudden the door opens up.....

It's Mueller!!! Rishi says, "what in the fuck is he doing here?"

Mueller responds with, "I had enough of your shit."

Rishi jumps on Mueller. Mueller does a Mike Tyson on Rishi's ear. Then it turns into a free for all. The frustration from the 2003 season comes out. It is out of control. Rishi breaks away, stands up on a table and yells, FUCK YOU GUYS!!! I'm going to do another Primer in 2004. Low and behold, the door opens up...everyone stops to look. IT'S BURR!!!! He gives a little smirck to Gary, and he says, "Are you enjoying life as commish of Gammons?"

Like I mentioned earlier in the article, Las Vegas will be a memory of a lifetime.

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