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2004 News Archive

Doggone Lucky - Ken Zwiebel's Behind the Scenes with James Mycroft

Ever wonder who creates all those nifty lottery games that you have NO chance of winning? I read somewhere that I would have to be AWFULLY lucky to win the lottery and that my odds of winning were 1 in 20 million. Well, look no further and blame no one else than our own, Mr. James Mycroft. Mycroft is a database engineer whose projects include installation of lottery systems -- winning numbers not included.

A day before Grindley's birthday 6 years ago, Mycroft was married to his lovely wife, Tracy. Tracy had no idea what she was getting herself into. Mycroft, a software engineer by day -- pet fanatic by night, is a very passionate guy. Passionate about his pets, passionate about his sports, and passionate about his addictions.

By my last count, Mycroft has something like 3,405 different kinds of pets to care for... none more special than his 2 dogs, Mitsy and Tango. But that is just the beginning. Go to the Mycroft 'stead and you will find cats, fish, chickens and maybe even some ducks. You will also find James' son somewhere around, too. He is the one recently potty-trained. ;-)

James' son is 3-and-a-half and already an accomplished swordsman. He loves to fight daddy -- but daddy has to pretend to be a dragon or a lion, first. No surprise there. As you can imagine, noise-levels are at a feverish pitch at home -- except when James banishes his son to his mother's house so that he can actually do some work (or consummate a trade).

Just the mere mention of fireballing pitchers from Texas, Ryan and Clemens, and James gets excited. Throw in pocket aces in a friendly game of Texas Hold 'em and the euphoric pitch will reach orgasmic levels. James has made it VERY clear that he is better than half of GMDS at Hold 'em and plans to make up league entry fees for the next 2 decades at the card table.

Fixing up the house (real one, dog house, chicken coup, whatever) gives James release from the daily grunge of work. But space is not a problem as the 4 acres of expanse that is his home gives plenty of room to wander and explore. Finding James in front of that computer, stroking his dog, trying hard to calculate the next winning lottery numbers -- you get one overwhelming sense of Mycroft...

This is one lucky guy.

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