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2004 News Archive

Prime Cut - Inside Look at Jim Ferrari (Kimo)

5 am comes and goes for most people without even a blink of an eye. Rapid Eye Movement is at a feverish pace and many are dreaming of Janet Jackson's nipple or Madonna and Britney. But not in the Ferrari household (no relation to the sportscar) in San Diego. James Joseph, AKA KIMO, is up and in full throttle by then checking out the GMDS message board and letting the other owners know the score.

By 5:41am, Kimo is late and already on the move. He is out of the house and on the pavement (or sand) for his morning, hour walk. He says that this is his "private time". The time that heals all wounds and re-aligns his karma for the day. SoulTime. The local police force calls this "prowling" and frequently have an assigned tail put on Kimo, but more on that another day.

Another frequent misconception is that Kimo stays out late drinking every night. THis is just absolutely NOT the case. However, one night at the Blue Tatoo, many, many years ago... Kimo was hanging out, minding his own business. Suddenly, a fight starts to erupt on the other side of the bar. He notices a damsel in distress. She is debating heavily the subject of who has the best ass in the NBA -- is it Jeff Hornacek or Charles Barkley? Kimo knew it was love at first sight. Her name is Lisa and Kimo knew then and there that any woman that could love Horny's ass could love him, too. He immediately intervened and the rest is history.

Lisa is the do-good side of the family. She is a soon-to-be lawyer, works at the Children's Hospital, and raises 3 kids. We are still trying to get confirmation that Kimo has retained Lisa to be his official legal representation and agent for when he goes pro. We do know that all trades with Kimo have to go through a Lisa-review-session in which she reviews contracts, makes sure that there are no loopholes, and makes certain that all signatures are valid.

The kids.

Apparently, Jim and Lisa like prime numbers -- as their children are now 5, 3, and 1. And they all love sports as much as their daddy. They range in talent from Martina Navratilova to the goalie in that movie, The Mighty Ducks. If it were up to Kimo, Lisa would be giving birth 7 more times (another prime number).

Kimo's return from his morning jaunt takes him to the tennis courts where he beats bad habits out of children and adults alike. Kimo is a true sportsman. He loves to play hard and work hard. Everything he does he makes challenging. He likes to take batting practice, but turns the pitching machine into a mechanical Randy Johnson spitting out 97mph (prime#) sliders that are aimed anywhere from your head to your toes. His swinging motion has been likened to the swift "uppercut" of some of the great power hitters. Unfortunately, they are referring to boxers and not baseball players.

When he plays over-the-line variations, he makes the base not the standard 90-feet away, rather 179 feet (prime#) away and makes poor Beerman leg out the bunts.

Kimo still has not reached his hitting goal yet -- a 401-ft. (prime#) shot off the evil pitching-machine, but I have promised that when I am in San Diego next week, I will show him how to do this. ;-)

One thing that we know for sure is that Kimo is in the prime of his life and loving every minute of it.

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