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2004 News Archive

Dateline Jerusalem: Slugs to Unveil New Logo?

In an unprecedent move, General Manager of the cellar-dweller Jerusalem Slugs, Ken Zwiebel, re-affirmed his team's commitment to keep its star player, Vladimir Guerrero. Amidst controversy that is raging through the league, Zwiebel admitted that it was time to "put up or shut up".

"This team is his," posited Zwiebel. "We are nothing without him and we are very-much looking forward to all-star production levels from Guerrero."

There was widespread speculation that Zwiebel would deal Guerrero. However, to end any speculation on that, Zwiebel revealed a new possible team logo and nickname -- possibly renaming the franchise to the "Guerreros".

"While not a very pronounce-able name in Israel, this should surely make Vladimir understand that he is here for the next few years".

In what might be an indication of smokescreen-tactics, Zwiebel was spied online chatting with other General Managers around the league into the wee hours of the night and days. Speculation has it that he was either trying to deal Vladimir or determine whether Gary Blanchard had, in fact, been laid during the 2003 campaign. Zwiebel had no comment on the veracity of those rumors but did say that he could confirm that Blanchard, had in fact, NOT been.

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